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Ever since I was little, I’ve been larger than other 【小题1】 (girl). For a long time, this really 【小题2】 (bother) me. People would stare at me because I was “big” and I hated the way I looked. My anxiety drove me 【小题3】 (try) every means possible to lose weight, 【小题4】 (include) dieting and weight-loss pills, but this brought me nothing but pain and poor health. Everything changed 【小题5】 one day I came across the success story of a plus-size model, Tess Holliday. Although she’s larger than most other models, she’s really attractive and has the 【小题6】 (confident) to be herself—even in an industry full of beauty stereotypes. Her story changed 【小题7】 (me) ideas about what it means to be 【小题8】 (beauty). I realised that my health, mental and physical, is 【小题9】 most important thing. Now I exercise a couple 【小题10】 times a week but just to keep fit. I mean, isn’t it better that I’m large and happy, instead of skinny and unhealthy?

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We’ve long known that the ability   【小题1】 (laugh) is helpful to those dealing withmaj or illnesses and the stress of life’s problems. But researchers are now saying laughter can do a lot more — it can basically bring balance to all the   【小题2】 (component) of the immune system (免疫系统), which helps us fight off diseases.

Laughter reduces levels of certain stress hormones (荷尔蒙). In this way, laughter provides a(n) 【小题3】 (safe) control that shuts off the flow of stress hormones and the fight-or-flight chemicals that act 【小题4】 (immediate) in our bodies when we experience stress, anger, or any other bad feeling. These stress hormones prevent the immune system from working, increase   【小题5】 number of platelets (血小板), and raise blood pressure. When we’re laughing, the   【小题6】 (nature) cells in our body that destroy viruses increase.

What may surprise you even more is the fact   【小题7】 researchers assume that laughing 100 times is equal to 10 minutes on a(n)   【小题8】 (row) machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike. Laughing can be a total body workout! Blood pressure   【小题9】 (reduce), and there is an increase in blood flow and the amount of oxygen in the blood, which helps you become even healthier. Laughter also gives your facial, leg and back muscles a workout. That’s why you often feel exhausted after a long burst 【小题10】 laughter — you’ve just had an energetic workout!
