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Flash fiction is a fictional short story. If you are willing to write flash fiction on your own, here are some tips.

Select a genre(体裁)for your writing.

To begin with, decide your genre first.【小题1】Your genre can be science fiction, horror,thriller(惊险小说), or romance, depending on what you like and on readers’demand.

Choose an interesting name for your title.

A title is something that attracts readers.【小题2】Therefore, as a writer, you should know how to play with words and create unique titles. The title should hold the attention of a more significant number of people.


With flash fiction, you don’t have time for lengthy explanations, character introductions, and setting descriptions. You need to go straight into what is happening in order to get everything you want in the story.

Be closely related.

When writing flash fiction, you should know what you’re writing about. Understand what your characters are feeling and experiencing. Pretend you’re a director and see each of your scenes slowly.

Focus on one moment at a time.

Describing one moment at a time. Don’t rush into a new character or scene.【小题4】This way, with the limited word count, you get to bring light to every aspect of flash fiction.

Use strong imagery.

Using strong imagery can help readers better form a picture in their minds. It’ll bring alive the scenes and the characters.【小题5】Good flash fiction has vivid(逼真的)imagery described in every part of the story

Create a surprise.

Ending the story with a surprise leaves readers thinking about the story. Your purpose for writing is halfway done when you leave readers guessing what else could have happened.

A.Jump into the action.
B.Explore the scenes fully.
C.Concentrate on a particular part of the story.
D.A wide variety of genres are quite popular these days.
E.It should increase curiosity and make more readers want to read.
F.Through the actions, readers can pull some ideas about the characters.
G.Therefore,having a picturesque description makes the writing feel realistic.
知识点:方法/策略小说 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Primary school textbooks say a personal letter normally consists of a greeting, an introduction, a body and a conclusion.【小题1】. So if you’ve been dying to send a perfect letter but still haven’t found your way, read on for some tips.

【小题2】. Instead of just telling the facts, you might ask the receivers if they’ve had a similar experience, or if they could offer you advice. By asking such open- ended questions, you’re also inviting them to offer you a window into their personal experiences.

Aim for “universal specifics”. Being specific in your personal writing will help create a fuller picture that better reflects your story and your relationship with the readers.【小题3】 .

Be true to yourself, regardless of the readers. When you are writing to loved ones, it might be easier to be yourself. However, when you are writing to co-workers or strangers, it’s very natural that you will try to show the best version of yourself.【小题4】. So, even if you are writing a professional letter, you still need to be true to yourself, since your intent is to let your receiver know who you are.

Of course, that’s not a blank check to say whatever you please, though.【小题5】. What I really mean is that you should not be too scared to put some personality in your writing.

A.The most important thing is to just start writing
B.Yet writing a good letter can be much more difficult than that
C.A very good personal writing can be an invitation to a conversation
D.But that sometimes results in being kind of a false version of yourself
E.Of course, you should just focus on the experiences that the readers can relate to
F.Ask open-ended questions and let your personal experience inform your curiosity
G.Instead, you should always make sure that whatever you share is proper for the setting

How to Get a Teacher to Like You

Are you looking to get a teacher on your good side? Look for some extra points in participation. You don’t have to be a teacher’s pet, either.

Do work hard.

【小题1】 It suggests that you care about the class. If you don’t do your homework, don’t lie to your teacher: offer to do extra assignments instead and then hand everything in on or ahead of time.


Some teachers like for students to be quiet, and ask questions only when it is necessary, while others want you to always report back to them to show interest in the lesson. 【小题3】 You watch teacher’s reactions to other students. Only you know what they like, do it as much as possible.

Be friendly.

Make conversations with your teachers, either after or before class. If they say something about their family, ask how it is going, especially if it is something difficult. 【小题4】 Also, if the teacher has a good sense of humor, joke with him / her sometimes.

Be respectful.

At the very least this means that you don’t backtalk or insult (侮辱)the teacher. This might be difficult. But if you are polite to them, they will look stupid being rude to you. Just following directions can go a long way. 【小题5】 Find out their birthday and congratulate them. Respect your teacher. Make sure that you are always on time.

A.Know what your teacher likes.
B.Know how to get to your teacher’s office.
C.The teacher feels like you care about him / her.
D.Learn what your teacher likes by watching.
E.Always have a positive attitude and praise others’ work.
F.When you can, complete and hand in your homework in advance.
G.It is always a good idea to greet your teacher when you see him/her.

Many people with a combined love of reading and writing want to become book reviewers. 【小题1】 But most have at least a high school diploma, or often a college degree in literature or a related field. An English degree and a writing degree are also popular choices for professional book reviewers.

It generally takes much patience to become a book reviewer. It’s important to learn much about book reviewing beforehand. Read as many book reviews as possible to get a sense for the tone and content found in the reviews. And remember book reviews are a little different from book critics. 【小题2】

If you want to become a book reviewer, it’s important to determine what type of book you wish to review. Most book reviewers focus on one specific type. 【小题3】 Whichever type you want to review, you should truly enjoy reading it, and be relatively knowledgeable about common themes and plot methods.

【小题4】 Even if the reviews are never published, it’s important to have samples. Most editors won’t hire a reviewer without any sample pieces. It may be easier to start writing for a university newspaper while still in college, or for a local newspaper. Another option is to write reviews and post them on a blog. Thus, you prepare yourself for becoming a book reviewer,

Most book reviewers are freelance writers who are paid per piece, if they are paid at all. 【小题5】 In exchange, they will receive free books to review, sometimes ahead of their publication dates. Like any other freelance writing career, it can be difficult to get started, but it won’t be long for someone who really enjoys doing that.

A.And the salary can be high.
B.It can be historical fiction, or anything else.
C.Some simply write book reviews on a volunteer basis.
D.Interestingly, there are different types of book reviewers.
E.It’s impossible to become a reviewer without writing some reviews.
F.Book reviews are traditionally less formal compared with book critics.
G.There are no specific educational requirements for becoming book reviewers.
