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When cultural heritage sites disappear, they’re gone forever. However, they are being endangered at an alarming rate by rising seas (Venice), pollution (the Taj Mahal) and overtourism (Angkor Wat). Just to name a few.

But when we try to protect these heritage sites, we also have to face such thorny questions as “What part of the past is worth preserving and passing on to the next generations? What duty do we owe to the creations of our ancestors? What strength do we draw from their presence — and when, on the contrary, do they become a lead weight, preventing us from projecting ourselves into the future?”

Humankind has answered these difficult questions differently in different places. In Dresden, Germany, the Frauenkirche was an 18th-century church whose bell-shaped top was a landmark. In February, 1945, one of the most destructive bombing attacks of World War II killed more than 25,000 people and reduced the city to ruins. With Dresden slowly rebuilt after the war, the Frauenkirche was left in ruins. But after German reunification, the church was reconstructed using many of its original materials, as a statement of peace and harmony.

Like the Frauenkirche, Notre Dame, a landmark in Paris, which was destroyed by fire in 2019, is being rebuilt as close as possible to how it was before, including using the original and poisonous metal-lead-for the roof. That choice was controversial, as future choices are bound to be in the debate about how to restore and preserve historic buildings.

Perhaps, no one can claim to have the right answers on preservation. There may not even be right answers. What we will do is to continue to take care of important cultural heritage sites, as a matter of significance to humanity’s past, present and future.

【小题1】Which heritage site is overcrowded?
A.Venice.B.Dresden.C.The Taj Mahal.D.Angkor Wat.
【小题2】Which of the following can replace the underlined word “thorny” in paragraph 2?
【小题3】What does the author dislike about the rebuilding of Notre Dame?
A.The high rebuilding costs.B.The timing of reconstruction.
C.The choice of certain material.D.The significance of preservation
【小题4】What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.We should protect as many heritage sites as possible.
B.It is better to leave the damaged historic buildings alone.
C.Historic buildings should be rebuilt with the same materials.
D.Heritage sites serve as an important link among human beings.
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Tens of thousands of ancient pictures carved into the rocks at one of France's most important tourist sites are being gradually destroyed. Scientists and researchers fear that the 36,000 drawings on rocks in Mont Bego in the French Alps are being damaged so rapidly that they will not survive for future generations.

The mountain is scattered (散布) with 4, 000-year-old drawings cut into bare rock. But as the popularity of the site increases ,the pictures are being ruined by thoughtless graffiti (涂鸦). .

Jean Clottes is the chairman of the International Committee on Rock Art. He says, “People think that because the pictures have been there so long they will always continue to be there. But if the damage continues at this rate there will be nothing left in 50 years.”

But experts are divided over the best way to preserve the drawings. Henry de Lumley, director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, believes that the only way to save the site is to turn the whole mountain into a “no-go” area, preventing the public from going there except on guided tours.

Clottes disagrees. “The measure suggested by Henry de Lumley is the most severe, and while it is the most effective, it is also certain to bring about disagreements from people who live there,” he said. “The site was classified as a historic monument years ago by the Ministry of Culture, and we must do as much as possible to save what is there.

Annie Echassoux, who also worked on researching the site, is alarmed that as the mountain becomes easier to reach — tourists can now avoid the three-and-a-half-hour walk by hiring vehicles - the damage will increase rapidly. She thinks that the only solution is to rope off the area and provide guides. “Money must be provided because the Ministry of Culture has classified this area as a historic site. If we don't take steps, we will be responsible for losing the drawings for the next generation.

【小题1】Jean Clottes says that people who visit the mountain ________.
A.do not believe the drawings are old
B.believe they are allowed to paint there
C.think the drawings should be left alone
D.assume the drawings will not disappear
【小题2】What does Henry de Lumley suggest do in order to preserve the drawings of Mont Bego?
A.Set up research projects.
B.Protect public rights.
C.Close its door: to individual visitors.
D.Ban traffic in the area.
【小题3】What is Annie Echassoux's attitude toward visitors' reaching the mountain by hiring vehicles?
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To advertise the closing of the site.
B.To warn visitors about the dangers of the site.
C.To encourage scientists to visit the site.
D.To show fears for the future of the site.

The remains of a gold mask were found at an archaeological site in China's Sichuan province in March 2021. Weighing about 280 grams and estimated to be made from 84% gold, the mask was one of over 500 items unearthed from six newly discovered sacrificial pits(坑), according to the country's National Cultural Heritage Administration.

The finds were made at Sanxingdui, a 4.6-square-mile area outside the provincial capital of Chengdu. Some experts say the items may shine further light on the ancient Shu state, a kingdom that ruled in the western Sichuan basin until it was conquered in 316 BC.

In addition to the gold mask, archaeologists uncovered golds and artifacts(手工艺品)made from ivory and bone. The six pits, of which the largest has a footprint of 19 square meters, also yielded an as-yet-unopened wooden box.

More than 50,000 ancient artifacts have been found at Sanxingdui since the 1920s, when a local farmer accidentally came upon a number of relics at the site. A major breakthrough occurred in 1986, with the discovery of two pits containing over 1,000 items.

A third pit was then found in late 2019, which led to the discovery of a further five last year. Experts believe the pits were used for sacrificial purposes, explaining why many of the items contained were burned as they were dropped in and buried.

Sanxingdui is believed to have sat at the heart of the Shu state, which historians know relatively little about due to a shortage of written records. The site has revolutionized experts' understanding of how civilization developed in ancient China. In particular, evidence of a unique Shu culture suggests that the kingdom developed independently of neighboring societies in the Yellow River Valley, which was traditionally considered to be the cradle(摇篮)of Chinese civilization.

【小题1】Why are the remains of a gold mask mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To lead in the topic of the text.
B.To stress the importance of gold.
C.To show the symbolic meaning of gold.
D.To praise the skills of ancient Shu state.
【小题2】How many pits have been unearthed since 1986?
【小题3】Which can replace the underlined word "revolutionized" in paragraph 6?
【小题4】Which can be the best title for the text?
A.A Complete Gold Mask Unearthed in Sichuan
B.The History of China's Ancient Shu State
C.Another Great Discovery in Sanxingdui
D.Mystery of Sanxingdui Solved in 2021

During the "golden week" national holiday that began on October 1st, hundreds of thousands of sightseers flocked to Lijiang, a picturesque historic town in the south-western province of Yunnan. Among its attractions are the symbols printed beneath the Chinese characters on road signs and shop fronts (Starbucks included). They are Dongba pictographs, an ancient form of script(文字)that originated among the Naxi, a local ethnic group. It almost died until about a decade ago, when local officials began to realize its value and covered the town with it.

Dongba was never widely used by the Naxi, of whom there are about 300,000 living in the Himalayan foothills near Lijiang, as well as in Tibet and Sichuan province. The pictographs, which evolved as early as the seventh century, were developed by shamans (巫 师)of the Dongba faith, which has roots in Tibet.

Over 20,000 of these religious records survive. They provide rich insight into how Naxi people thought about war, geography, astronomy and agriculture. But they are extremely hard to read. Linguists are helped by the area's Dongba priests(神职人员). There are about 600, most of them very old, including Yang Guoxing, who ran a school from 2010 to 2015 to teach Dongba to children living in the mountains. When Mr Yang was growing up, “everyone was too busy farming” to learn it. Now they are all busy soaking up the pop culture, he says.

Signs at bus stations in rural Yunnan encourage locals to use written and spoken Chinese. But the Naxi get off lightly compared with other ethnic minorities. Primary schools in Lijiang teach the Dongba script twice a week, as well as Naxi nursery rhymes. Li Dejing, head of the Dongba Culture Research Institute, says this is not just about keeping alive the pictographs, but letting children grasp “the very spirit of their own culture”. And this will also help tourism to develop in Lijiang.

【小题1】What do we know about the Dongba script?
A.It is widely used by local people.
B.It was a tool used by certain people.
C.It was quite popular at certain periods.
D.It has a history of more than 3000 years.
【小题2】According to Yang Guoxing, what makes it difficult to spread the Dongba script?
A.Only priests can read it.
B.It's extremely hard to read.
C.Its value hasn't been fully recognized.
D.People are too busy to learn a new language.
【小题3】What has been done to keep the Dongba script alive?
A.New schools are opened to teach it.
B.Some tourists are invited to preserve it.
C.Only the Dongba script can be used in schools.
D.People are more exposed to this language than before.
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.The Dongba Script Is DyingB.The History of the Dongba Script
C.The Dongba Script Survives in LijiangD.The Influence of the Dongba Script
