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Two things changed my life: my mother and a bike basket. It’s true. I would be a different person if my mom hadn’t turned a bike basket into a life lesson I carry with me today—a lesson about the value of efforts.

My mother and father were united in their way of raising children, but it mostly fell to my mother to actually carry it out. Looking back, I honestly don’t know how she did it. Managing the family budget must have been a very hard task, but she made it look effortless. If we complained about not having what other kids owned, we’d hear something like, “I don’t care what so-and-so got for his birthday. You are not getting a TV in your room or a big party.” We had to earn our allowance (零用钱) by doing chores (家庭杂务) around the house. I can still remember how long it took to polish the legs of our coffee table. My brothers can no doubt remember hours spent cleaning the house. We had to keep track of our belongings, and if something was lost, it was not replaced.

It was one summer day. My mother drove me to the bike shop to get a tire fixed—and there it was in the window—white, shiny, plastic and decorated with flowers: The basket winked at me and I knew—I had to have it.

“It’s beautiful,” my mother said when I pointed it out to her. “What a neat basket.”

I tried to hold off at first, but then I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Mom, please can I get it? I’ll do anything, please, Mom, please?” I was desperate.

“You know,” she said, gently rubbing my back while we both stared at what I believed was the coolest thing ever, “if you save up, you could buy this yourself.”

“By the time I have earned enough, it’ll have gone! Someone else will buy it. Please, Mom, please?”

“There might be another way,” she said.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

“I’ll buy it now but you only get it after 3 weeks of double chores,” Mom explained.


Finally, I got my dream basket, but soon I sadly found the same basket on others’ bikes!

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At noon that day, I drove back to my house after the performance. Just as I entered the living room, I heard a gentle sound coming from the bedroom upstairs — it was the sound of my favorite violin.


I rushed upstairs. Sure enough, as expected, a boy of about 11 years old was petting my violin. The boy had messy hair and a thin face, his over-sized coat seemingly filled with something. At first glance, I found a new pair of shoes missing. It seemed that he was surely a thief.

Then, I saw his eyes full of fear and despair. My anger was immediately replaced by a smile. I asked, “Are you Mr. Tom’s nephew, Michael? I’m his housekeeper. Two days ago, I heard his nephew living in the countryside will come. It must be you. You’re really like him!”

On hearing my words, the boy was first astonished, but then quickly said, “Has my uncle gone out? I think I’d better first go out for a walk and visit him again in a little while.”

I nodded and asked the boy who was preparing to put down the violin, “Do you like to play the violin so much?”

“Yes, but I’m so poor that I can’t afford it.” the boy replied.

“Then, I can give this violin to you.” The boy looked at me questioningly, but he picked up the violin.

Going out to the living room, he suddenly saw on the wall my huge color photo in which I performed in the Sydney Opera House. He involuntarily trembled for a moment and ran out without looking back.

I was sure that the boy had understood what happened, because no one would decorate the living room with the housekeeper’s photo.

A few years later, I was invited to be a judge at a music competition of senior high school students. Fascinated by the gentle sound of one participant, I was wholeheartedly impressed by his wonderful performance and solid strength. As I flicked my eyes up to glance at the performer, I was so astonished to see a thin face, so familiar, yet now lit up with joy and confidence. The “thief”! For an instant, I was amazed that the kindness I offered to cover the boy’s misconduct would make such a big difference!

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After the competition, “Michael” ran to me, holding a violin box.


It was Christmas Eve morning, and I awoke with a mission: to find my lost cat, Baby-Girl. As I got ready, I could hear icy rain pelting the windows. Baby-Girl was out there somewhere in the storm; I could just feel it. Sure, it had been a couple of weeks since she’d gone missing, but I still had faith. This was the season for miracles, after all.

About two weeks ago, my sweet kitty disappeared from my parents’ house in my hometown. Baby-Gil had been staying with them while I was between apartments. At the time, I lived and worked in another city. I was staying with friends until I rented my own house. Baby-Girl had gotten out of my parents’ house the day before I was set to drive back home to pick her up.

My dad and I had spent that entire visit searching for her. Dad was a “realist”, which meant he spent a whole lot of time trying to prepare me for the worst. “She’s either been hit by a car or been taken in by someone who found her,” he said. I rolled my eyes. He could do with a little more faith!

Besides, though I couldn’t explain it, I knew I’d see Baby-Girl again. She could survive all on her own. If any cat could do the impossible, it was my Baby-Girl. Even after I returned to my house without her, deep down I had this undeniable feeling that we would be reunited one day.

Now, home again for the holidays, I was determined to pick up my search right where I’d left off. I grabbed Baby-Girl’s cat carrier and loaded it into the car, and then asked my dad to drive me to the shelter.

At the shelter, a staff member took us to see the cats. We walked through rows of cages. My eyes scanned cats of all colors and sizes. None of them was my Baby-Girl. Then I noticed a room farther back. I pushed ahead. “Sweetheart, that’s where they keep the cats that just came in,” Dad said. “Your cat wouldn’t be in there.”

I insisted it didn’t hurt to look and stepped into the room.
Sensing their doubts, I was ready to prove she was my cat.
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Shanti wanted the wooden doll in Ramu’s toy shop. “The one with the red dress, ” she told her best friend, Jodi.

“How will you afford it?” Jodi asked.

Shanti smiled, “I asked my mom if I could make jasmine garlands (茉莉花环) and sell them at my aunt’s market stall (摊位). Want to do that, too?”

“Good idea!” said Jodi.

Early the next morning, the girls met at the jasmine bushes outside of Shanti’s house. Beautiful white flowers surrounded them with fresh scent. They picked the flowers and dropped them into a basket. Then the girls sat under a tree and knotted(捆扎)the flowers into garlands. Shanti could already see herself hugging that beautiful doll.

“If we sell enough garlands, we can each get a doll, ” said Shanti.

Jodi shook her head. “My family is low on money this week. I’ll use my money to pay for Kiran’s medicine. ” Kiran was Jodi’s little brother. “Is he sick?”

Shanti asked. “He is. But when he gets his medicine, he’ll be fine. ” Jodi picked up her garlands.

“My mother is expecting me. I’ll meet you at the market. ”

Shanti spent the afternoon selling garlands at her aunt’s market stall. But where was Jodi?By early evening Shanti had sold all her flowers.

Shanti was on her way home when she saw Jodi heading to the market with her garlands. “Why are you so late?” Shanti asked.

“I had to watch Kiran while my mother did her work, ” Jodi said.

“Why didn’t you take him with you?” Shanti said.

Jodi shook her head. “He’s too sick to go out. He coughs and coughs. ”

Shanti knew Jodi wouldn’t make enough money for the medicine now. The market would be closing soon, Shanti looked at the money in her hand. It was supposed to be for. the beautiful doll she’d been dreaming of for so long. Then she looked at her friend’s tired face. “Here, keep this for the medicine. ”

Shanti put her money into Jodi’s hands.

That night, Shanti cried, thinking about the doll. What if someone bought it before she’d saved up enough again?

The next week, while Shanti and Jodi gathered blossoms, Kiran came, too. The medicine had cured his cough, and he helped them sell out all the garlands. When parting, Jodi said, “Shanti, we have prepared something for you. ” But Shanti was so anxious that she didn’t seem to have time to hear them out. She quickly ran to Ramu’s shop, only to find the doll had been sold. Broken﹣hearted, she ran back home and told Mom everything, tears flowing down in flood.

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2. 请按如下格式作答。

Unfortunately, Ramu told Shanti someone had bought the doll.

