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According to the World Health Organization, a global group that studies public health, 1.1 billion young adults are at risk of developing hearing loss. Smartphones are largely to blame. Can some headphones really damage your hearing?

Nerves carry messages to each other, such as sounds or sensations. Most hearing loss is the result of nerve wreck. Scientists use decibels to measure volume. You can listen to 85 decibels pretty much all day without causing any damage. That is about the noise level of busy city traffic. Things quickly become dangerous once you get louder than that. The noise level produced at a rock concert or by a chain saw is about 115 decibels. At this level, damage can happen in less than a minute. You might not immediately notice large hearing loss. It will add up over time. Some smartphones can crank (调高) music to 120 decibels. Say: you listen to 10 songs in a row at that volume. You might notice hearing loss by the time you take off your headphones.

What kind of headphones should people use? All of them have different benefits and downsides. Ear buds have a bad reputation because they sit in your ear canal. This allows them to release the sound closer to your ear. That means what you hear is almost the full force of the sound. Big, padded over-ear headphones do not sit as close to your eardrum. They still trap in sound, though. Sound from these headphones also reaches your eardrum at nearly full force. Then there are some special over-ear headphones, the kind with foam (泡沫) earphone covers which are better at blocking noise. They deliver sound around your ear instead of straight into it. It might not sound as good, but it’s healthier for your ears. Solid-plastic in-ear headphones are not very good at blocking out background noise. This might make you want to pump up the volume.

Doctors recommend that their patients get fitted for headphones which will help block background noise. In theory, this should encourage people to listen at lower volumes. But they are not sure it works that way because they think people just have a habit of turning it all the way up.

【小题1】What does the word “wreck” in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】Which activity will probably damage your hearing?
A.Driving at the city center.B.Enjoying ten songs.
C.Using a chain saw.D.Watching an action movie.
【小题3】What can you infer from paragraph 3?
A.It is the volume that really damages people’s hearing
B.It’s unnecessary to turn down the volume for people with normal hearing
C.Picking right headphones has nothing to do with people’s hearing.
D.A good pair of headphones can adjust the volume of the smartphone.
【小题4】What kind of headphone do doctors probably recommend people to use?
A.Solid-plastic in-ear headphones.B.Tiny in-ear headphones.
C.Big padded over-ear headphones.D.Special over-ear headphones.
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Does the Body Burn Fat When You Are Hungry?

Your body stores fat as a way to help protect you against starvation if you can’t take in enough food. However, your fat reserve isn’t the first place your body goes for food. Instead, it reaches out for sugar for energy. 【小题1】

Hunger is normally a reflection that your body has used up energy from recent food you ate and has moved onto getting energy from sugar in your blood. 【小题2】 The more sugar you take in, the more fuel your body has to use before it reaches out to the fat stores. If your body doesn’t have enough sugar to supply the energy it needs, it begins to burn fat when you’re hungry instead.

Missing meals and going hungry can change your metabolism (新陈代谢) so it stores fat instead of burning it. 【小题3】 However, if you skip meals for several days and severely lower your calorie (卡路里) intake, your body begins to store as much fat as possible.

【小题4】 Your body burns up sugar stored in your system and begins to burn fat as you continue to exercise. However, exercising when you’re hungry won’t help you burn fat faster. A recent study shows that the body burns the same amount of fat regardless of whether you are hungry when you exercise.

Staying hungry all day won’t necessarily help you burn fat, but cutting calories is key to losing weight. 【小题5】 Snack (吃点心) in between meals to keep your metabolism working all day, which helps it burn more fat than if it’s allowed to slow down when it’s not meal time. Snacking in between meals can help you control your meal sizes at meal time.

A.Exercise is key to burning fat.
B.You shouldn’t cut out food to cut calories.
C.This doesn’t happen in a day of missing meals.
D.Just being hungry doesn’t mean your body is burning fat.
E.If you take in less food than your body burns, you’ll lose weight.
F.Your body stores sugar in case you need it when you feel hungry.
G.Eat five or six small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones.

A study from the University of California, Davis is the first to document personality in golden-mantled ground squirrels, which are common across the western US and parts of Canada, The study found the squirrels show personality for four main aspects: boldness(大胆), aggressiveness, activity level, and sociability. The findings suggest that understanding how an animal’s personality influences the use of space is important for wildlife conservation.

The fact that ground squirrels have personalities may not seem surprising. But the scientific field of animal personality is relatively young, as is the recognition that there are ecological consequences of animal personalities. For instance, bolder, more aggressive squirrels may find more food or defend a larger area, but their risky behavior may also make them easily hurt by predators(捕食者)or accidents. Lead author Jaclyn Aliperti conducted the study while earning her PhD in ecology at UC Davis.

Scientists have been studying golden-mantled ground squirrels at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Gothic, Colorado for decades. It was established as a long-term study site more than 30 years ago by Aliperti’s advisor, Dirk Van Vuren. Aliperti drew from this powerful data set for her study, while also starting a series of experiments there over the course of three summers to observe and quantify the squirrels’ personalities. Overall, the study, published in the journal Animal Behaviour, found that bolder squirrels had larger core areas where they concentrated their activities. Bold, active squirrels moved faster. Also, squirrels that were bolder, more aggressive and more active had greater access to habitats, such as rocks. The location of the habitat is important because it can provide a belter point for observing and evading predators. Interestingly, habitat is also associated with sociability.

“Animal personality is a hard science, but if it makes you relate to animals more, maybe people will be more interested in conserving them,” said Alipcrti.

【小题1】What’s the significance of the findings in paragraph 1?
A.To better protect wildlife.
B.To know more about space.
C.To observe squirrels’ behavior.
D.To explore squirrels’ personalities.
【小题2】What do bolder squirrels tend to do in paragraph 2?
A.Hunt for more food.B.Work against each other.
C.Show their personalities.D.Attract less predators.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “evading” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题4】What’s Aliperti’s attitude towards doing research on animal personality?

Seven out of the eight planets in our solar system were named after Greek or Roman Gods. You’re living on the only exception to that rule.

The word “earth” has roots in the Old English term “eorþe”. Eorþe had multiple meanings like “soil”, “dirt”, “ground”, “dry land” and “country”. Yet the story didn’t begin there. Old English is the earliest known stage of what became our modern English tongue. Used until about 1150 C.E., it evolved from a parent language that scholars call “Proto-Germanic”. The German that’s spoken today is part of the same linguistic family. “Earth” and “eorþe” are therefore related to the modern German word “Erde”. Not only is this the German language’s name fox our home planet, but it can also be used to refer to dirt and soil.

Our dear Each has relatives in some other languages, too, For example, there’s the Old Saxon “ertha”, the Old Frisian “erthre” and the Dutch word “aarde”. All these likely originate from a Proto-Germanic term that was never recorded. Nevertheless, linguists have been able to go back and reconstruct this mystery word. Spelled “ertho” in scholarly texts, it’s always marked by an asterisk (星号). This asterisk acknowledges the lack of written confirmation that the word was really used.

Nobody knows when people started using words like “Earth” or “Erde” to refer to the planet as a whole and not just the ground they walked on. Back in 1783, German astronomer Johann Elert Bode named the seventh planet from our sun “Uranus” (after a Greek god). And though Pluto is no longer considered a planet, we know that 11-year-old Venetia Burney named it in 1930. But if a single person gave planet Earth its English name, his or her identity has been lost to the sands of time.

Still, it’s clear that while Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all started out as the proper names of ancient gods, “Earth” did not. That’s why our planet is sometimes called “the earth” with a lowercase (小写字母) “e”.

【小题1】Which language does the word “Erde” belong to?
A.Old English.B.Old Saxon.
C.Modern German.D.Proto-Germanic.
【小题2】Why is the word “ertho” usually seen with an asterisk?
A.To stress its importance.B.To indicate its unconfirmed source.
C.To remind readers of its spelling.D.To challenge its academic value.
【小题3】Who named our planet “Earth”?
A.Johann Elert Bode.B.Venetia Burney.
C.A Greek god.D.Nobody knows.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The ways of naming the “earth”.B.The origin of the name “earth”.
C.The meanings of the word “Earth”.D.The uniqueness of the name “Earth”.
