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Scientists have invented ways to ”read“ words directly from brains. Brain implants(植入物)can translate internal speech into external signals, permitting communication from people with diseases that steal their ability to talk or type. New results from studies provide additional evidence of the extraordinary potential that brain implants have for restoring lost communication.

Some people who need help communicating can currently use devices that require small movements, such as eye gaze changes. Those tasks aren’t possible for everyone. So the new studies targeted internal speech, which requires a person to do nothing more than think. ”Our device predicts internal speech directly, allowing the patient to just focus on saying a word inside their head and transform it into text,“ says neuroscientist Sarah Wandelt. ”Internal speech could be simpler than requiring the patient to spell out words or mouth them.“

Neural(神经系统的)signals associated with words are detected by electrodes(电极)implanted in the brain. The signals can then be translated into text, which can be made audible(听得见的)by computer programs that generate speech. Electrodes picked up nerve cell signals in the posterior parietal cortex, a brain area involved in speech and hand movements. A brain implant there might eventually be used to control devices that can perform tasks usually done by a hand too, Wandelt says.

The system allowed Pancho, who hadn’t been able to speak for more than 15 years after a car accident, to produce around seven words per minute. That’s faster than the roughly five words per minute his current communication device can make, but much slower than normal speech, typically about 150 words a minute.

To be useful, the current techniques will need to get faster and more accurate. “ These are still early days for the technologies, ” Wandelt says. “Progress will be possible only with the help of people who volunteer for the studies. The field will continue to benefit from the incredible people who participate in clinical trials.”

【小题1】What function is expected of the brain implants?
A.To control body movements.B.To detect certain brain diseases.
C.To assist communication.D.To translate foreign languages.
【小题2】What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the system?
A.Its working principle.B.Its technical limitation.
C.Its clinical significance.D.Its potential application.
【小题3】What can we infer about the system from the last paragraph?
A.It has got as fast as normal speech.
B.It has not been put in clinical trials.
C.It is more accurate than current techniques.
D.It is not of much practical use at present.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To describe a trial.B.To introduce a device.
C.To advertise a product.D.To explain a concept.
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We are in the middle of another technology revolution. The digital economy will contribute 48% of GDP in China in 2035, up from 23% in 2020.

With the implementation(实施) of 5G and consumer AI, smart cities are no longer just a concept. Indeed, in a surprising silver lining to the Covid-19 pandemic, smart city apps have shown they can help China contain the spread of the virus, helping to recover the economy. Other successful examples include applications for better traffic management, flood control and crime reduction.

The number of smart street lights required in China is estimated at 13million assuming a 30% penetration rate(安装率) of all street lights in 2025. When the network of smart street lights increases further, it will also likely expand to cover more functions. In addition to basic lighting, it could include monitoring cameras, auto-police calling when the data shows abnormalities, weather information collection, WI-Fi hotspots converting telecommunication signals, e-vehicle chargers, and so on.

In order to deal with the difficulty of parking, Shenzhen has combined 5G and AI to enhance the efficiency of car park usage. For example, drivers can seamlessly book a parking space at a hospital at the same time as scheduling a doctor’s appointment. Drivers also know whether all of the parking spaces are occupied at the time of the doctor’s appointment and can choose other transportation. Besides, Robots and sensors installed in the auto-valet parking lots work together to find a space and park the car for drivers, which provide much convenience for drivers.

With more technology applications,there is bound to be disruption(扰乱) to existing activities and the labour they require. If smart cities help driverless cars to take off, the thousands of drivers of taxis or delivery drivers that find low skilled employment in China’s cities could be displaced and struggle to find alternative employment. New jobs will certainly arise from the implementation of smart city technology, but will likely require different skills and knowledge to those being displaced. The government will need to assist those whose employment is disrupted to find alternatives.

【小题1】The underlined expression “a surprising silver lining”in paragraph 2 most probably means________.
A.an unexpected disaster that may damage smart cities.
B.a good thing that happened in the gloomy pandemic.
C.a string of silver objects related to the disease.
D.apps offering us surprising chances to improve ourselves.
【小题2】Smart street lights may have functions EXCEPT that________.
A.they will provide power for e-vehicle cars.
B.they will offer video record if accidents happen.
C.they show us the weather forecast on the screens of pillar.
D.they can give emergency calls when they sense potential danger.
【小题3】What can be implied according to paragraph 4?
A.The cars can be parked by themselves without any help.
B.The use of 5G and AI helps drivers choose a better way of transportation.
C.Drivers can change a booked parking space when they reach the destination.
D.Shenzhen has enough parking spaces with the development of smart city.
【小题4】If the writer continues this passage, what might be informed in the next paragraph?
A.Examples of advanced technology contributing to development of smart cities.
B.Assistance from government to promote application of new technology.
C.Measures taken to provide alternatives of employment.
D.Factors limiting the further development of smart cities.

For Deaf People, Face Masks with Windows Mean More Than Smiles

For the last few months, Michael Conley has felt very alone. Conley is a deaf man, and he reads lips to understand what people are saying to him. However, people have been wearing masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19, a new virus that spreads from person to person when infected people breathe out virus particles (颗粒).

People who are deaf and hard of hearing communicate in many different ways. Some might learn to read lips. Many people also use American Sign Language (ASL). It is a way to communicate using gestures and signs for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

For both reading lips and ASL, being able to see someone's face and facial expressions is critically important. Particularly for ASL, facial expressions play a role in grammar and wording.

Helping Lip Readers See Mouths Move

Conley told his co-worker, Chris LaZich, about his situation. LaZich asked her friend, Helton, for help. Ingrid Helton is a costume designer with the San Diego Opera. She makes masks with plastic windows for hearing people to wear, making it possible for lip readers to see mouths move.

For a long time, lip readers have struggled to understand hospital workers who wear masks. The problem has only gotten worse during COVID- 19. Many interpreters for the deaf have not been able to enter hospitals because they could catch the virus.

More Challenges For Deaf People

Now, more people are wearing masks outside of hospitals, too. This creates even more challenges for deaf people.

When people began wearing masks, Conley felt cut off from the world. Since he could not read lips, he did not know when people were speaking to him or what they were saying.

Conley was nervous to go to the pharmacy or the grocery store. Once, he felt so nervous to enter his favorite restaurant that he waited outside for 45 minutes. He did not know what he would do if a masked worker asked him questions about his order. Luckily, the employee recognized him and pulled down her mask to talk to Conley. Conley was grateful for her action.

Not everyone knows Conley, though, and would not know he is deaf. He carries pieces of paper with him so he can ask people to write what they are saying. This way, other people don't have to remove their mask. However, it also means touching the same paper, Touching common surfaces can spread germs. Spreading germs risks contracting COVID-19. Because of that, Conley was refused service many times.

“It makes you lose your confidence,” said Conley, who has been deaf his entire life. However, Helton's windowed masks helped him get his independence back. Conley and his co-worker, Chris LaZich, tried out the masks and he had no trouble reading LaZich's lips.

【小题1】Where can you probably read the passage?
A.In a newspaper.B.In a diary.
C.In a guidebook.D.In a medical report.
【小题2】How did Conley feel when people began to wear masks?
A.He felt the situation couldn't be changed.B.He felt it difficult to recognize people.
C.He felt cut off from the world.D.He felt lonely and angry.
【小题3】What is the special value of windowed masks for deaf people?
A.To help them meet other deaf people.B.To keep them safe from COVID-19.
C.To comfort them emotionally.D.To satisfy their social needs.
【小题4】Which of the following could be the best ending of the passage?
A.Soon she started her company called Happy Laugh Masks.
B.The windowed masks helped slow the spread of the virus.
C.Through her mask's window, LaZich smiled at him.
D.Helton said store owners liked the masks as well.

Most autonomous vehicles test-driving in cities navigate (导航) by using 3-D maps marking every edge of roadside with almost centimeter-level accuracy. But few places have been mapped in such detail, which has left most areas like smaller towns inaccessible to those driverless cars.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) now have developed a new navigation system that guides autonomous vehicles without such accurate maps. This technology can help driverless cars travel almost anywhere.

The navigation system maps out a course down unfamiliar roads much as a human driver would by continually scanning its surroundings, with a laser sensor (激光感应器), to measure   how close it is to the edges of the road. Meanwhile, the car also follows a tool like a smart phone map app that provides directions to its destination, as well as information about the rules of the road, such as speed limits and the positions of stoplights. Teddy Ort, a roboticist at MIT, test-drove a car equipped with this navigation system on a one-way road. It slowly traveled one kilometer without any human assistance.

This system assumes that a car has a clear path down the road, but it can be paired with other existing computing technology to discover in-road obstacles (障碍), says Ort. The researchers also plan to build a version of this system which can spot markings painted on streets, so that the car can drive on two-way roads. "Self-driving cars with this navigation system may need other sensors to work in different conditions,” Alexander Wyglinski, and electrical engineer at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. "Since laser sensors don’t work well in rain or snow,   these cars might need additional imaging technologies to drive safely in bad weather. "

【小题1】What may be a problem for most driverless cars?
A.They fail in test-driving.
B.Their maps are out-dated.
C.They run in limited areas.
D.Their guides are unreliable.
【小题2】What can we infer about the MIT navigation system?
A.It includes accurate maps.
B.It removes in-road obstacles.
C.It works by detecting the road.
D.It features a smart phone app.
【小题3】What is the purpose of Paragraph 4?
A.To confirm the test-drive results.
B.To indicate further research areas.
C.To recognize scientists’ achievements.
D.To show the creativity of driverless cars.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the text?
A.Autonomous cars beat human drivers on country roads.
B.Navigating self-driving cars may work in different conditions.
C.Smart mapping technology adds to the functions of self-driving cars.
D.A new navigation system helps autonomous cars drive remote roads.
