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Hurricane season can be wild and unpredictable.【小题1】Here are some ways you can beef up your home security in hurricane weather, even if you need to move out.

【小题2】That actually does nothing to ensure your safety in the powerful winds. Sticking to hurricane shelters or plywood (胶合板) is the only way to go when it comes to protecting those points of entry in hurricane conditions. Buy sheets of plywood,measure your windows and use brackets (支架) to hold the plywood in place.

Sandbags are very useful. While sandbags won’t be able to help in the extreme storm, many people will be able to prevent flooding and extensive damage to their belongings by placing sandbags. 【小题3】Any storm water that is kept out of your home is storm water that won’t be able to damage the belongings inside your home, so sandbags are well worth having at your doorways during a hurricane.

It’s important to prepare the inside of your home for strong winds and rain. But you should also keep an eye on the outside of your house, too. Trim (修剪) trees, especially dead branches, to prevent anything else that could fly through a window and cause damage during a hurricane.   【小题4】

You should also take pictures of expensive items like electronics and keep notes of their serial numbers. 【小题5】Also, there are always bad people out right after a storm. If the worst happens and your home is broken into right after a bad storm, having pictures and detailed notes about what was in your home prior to the hurricane will make it easier for police to track down stolen items.

A.You should have a camera at home.
B.It can be strong enough to resist the forceful winds.
C.Making sure nothing is loose in your yard is important.
D.You may see people taping windows before a hurricane comes.
E.They will be able to effectively keep storm water out in many cases.
F.It will aid with your insurance company if anything needs to be replaced.
G.These dangerous storms can bring damage to your home and belongings.
知识点:方法/策略自然灾害与防范 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In today’s world of digital distractions, the thought of taking your kids to an art gallery and making them enjoy it might seem a thankless and impossible challenge. So how can we make art fun and get the kids involved? 【小题1】.

Let your children enjoy art on their own terms

Who said that walking around a gallery had to be slow and methodical, stopping to look at every picture? 【小题2】. Instead, let them decide the pace (节奏) and enjoy art on their own terms. If they want to head straight for a certain display, let them. If they keep going back to a previous room, no problem at all.


While it might sound strange, the particular work of art is simply not important. What really matters is that children build a connection with art, for whatever reason. To encourage this, you can make it into a game, either with or without a reward, with simple quizzes for older children such as, “Who can guess the artist?” or, “Who can identify the period it was made?”

Don’t spend too long in the gallery

In today’s fast-paced world, where screen time is a fact of life, children’s minds deal in quick impressions rather than in-depth studies. Besides, children naturally have shorter attention spans (长度) than adults. 【小题4】. That can be perfect for avoiding boredom.

Engage your kids in conversation about art

【小题5】. Believe me, it does help arouse their interest. Ask questions like “What exhibit did you find most exciting or boring?” and discuss your different impressions of the same works. By taking this approach, art is no longer dull but something alive and relevant to young people.

A.Turn art into a game
B.No kids don’t like games
C.All we need is a fresh approach
D.That’s simply not attractive to children
E.Talk to children in the language of emotions
F.So limit your visit to 45 minutes in a gallery
G.As is often the case, children are into new things

School is a place where students can gain knowledge and many skills, however, it also can be a place where bullying (霸凌) occurs.【小题1】 So it’s important for you students to learn how to avoid being bullied.

● The best way to deal with bullying is to stop it before it starts. A strong sense of self-respect, combined with a basic respect for others, can help you avoid bullying. 【小题2】 Why not have play dates with kids at school, or make friends with other children through Scouts, clubs, religious groups and so on?

【小题3】 As is known. it can be challenging to think of a suitable solution straight in tough situations. So you can brainstorm a group of ideas to use before school bullying happens or gets worse. You can also role-play certain situations and practice different responses.

● Learn to protect yourself. Stay aware of what’s going on around yourself. Learn to walk confidently, which may reduce the chance of being the target of being bullied. It’s yourself that matters much in stopping school bullying. 【小题4】

● Never hesitate to seek help. There are many different groups that can intervene (介入) to deal with bullying in school: parents, teachers, and school leadership. 【小题5】 There are also many programs and organizations worldwide which provide bullying prevention services or information on how children can deal with the problem if they have been bullied.

A.Prepare yourself.
B.Be brave to stand up for yourself.
C.There are four basic types of bullying.
D.Children may lack the courage to ask for help and support.
E.A child having friend is also less possible to be bulled or to bully others.
F.So remember always to keep open the lines of communication with them.
G.School bullying is likely to threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at school.

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, so being prepared for one is important for you and your family. 【小题1】 Sure, you can buy ready-made first aid kits (急救箱) in the store, but it is also easy to make your own.

Pick a good container.

You can buy pre-filled first aid kits, and you can also buy empty first aid kit containers. One good option is a large, translucent (半透明的), or flexible plastic container. 【小题2】 It should be easy to transport as needed to the emergency, so a handle is ideal.


When your child is crying about injuries on her knee, you don't want your home kit buried on the back of a closet or lost because it's not being returned to the same spot after each use.

Teach your family about the kit.

Make sure everyone in your home who is old enough to understand the function of a first aid kit knows its location and when to fetch it. For younger children, teach them where it is located, so they could show a visitor, relative, babysitter, etc. But place the kit in a location where small children can't access it, such as on a high shelf. 【小题4】

Keep your kit up-to-date.

No one wants to fetch a first aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the pain relievers expired (过期的).     【小题5】

Work with your doctor to determine what medicine should be included. Also include the physician's phone number and any important patient information.

A.Make your kit safely accessible.
B.Treat the kid's knee injuries with the kit.
C.This makes the materials inside visible.
D.Let small children know how to use the kit.
E.Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.
F.For older children and adults, instruct them on when and how to use the kit.
G.Therefore, having a first aid kit is an essential part of good emergency preparation.
