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“Never give up! Never give up!” shouted my young children Max and Charley, as they marched barefoot behind their grandmother Mimi.

Mimi was leading Max and Charley on yet another adventure, straight off the beach where they had spent the day building sand castles and splashing in the waves. This time, they were seeking the ice-cream truck that was difficult to catch.

Over the years, Mimi had become our family’s symbol of positively. It was a title she earned with a lot of efforts. Having been widowed (丧偶) at only forty years old and left to raise me and my ten-year-old brother alone, she faced heart-breaking tragedy powerful enough to cloud just about anyone’s optimistic outlook. She had been the one who had to make the decision to remove our dad from life support fourteen days after he was in a car accident.

She could have lived under a black cloud. Instead, she challenged herself to find joy every day. She was always up for a new challenge, whether that was hiking across the steep, rocky terrain of a mountaintop in Austria to get a better view of the breathtaking landscape, or signing up for tap-dancing classes at fifty. Leading by example, Mom taught us just how much one could accomplish with a positive attitude.

She has taken the same approach in her relationship with her grandchildren. She always encourages and pushes them through various “adventures”, from sand-castle building to ice-cream-truck catching. Before starting her adventure with Max and Charley on that hot July afternoon, Mimi heard the familiar clang of the ice-cream man’s bell from her beach chair. She turned and saw him briefly, spotting his green shirt and catching the light reflected from his waving bell before he turned and disappeared over the dunes. Happily, the ice-cream man’s visit is a daily occurrence at the beach, although the lag time between the sound of his bell and the departure of his truck is not long. One must be quick to catch him, or he will set off for the next stop.

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Paragraph 1:
Max and Charley were disappointed when they didn’t catch the ice-cream man in time.
Paragraph 2:
After about twenty minutes of walking, my kids’ faith in catching him began to weaken.
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“BANG!” the door was shut loudly. It was just standing there, with my father standing on one side, and I on the other side.

We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!” my father said angrily. With tears in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.

I didn’t know whether it was because I had grown up or because my dad was getting old. He always put his opinions on me. We were just like two people in two different worlds. It felt like there was an iron door between us that could never be opened.

My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were fewer and fewer people on the streets. When I finally reached my house, I saw that the light was still on.

All the lights were off except living room’s.

I stood at the door and didn’t know how to face my father.   
To my surprise, my father was sitting by the dinning table alone.   

Early in my teaching career, I heard countless excuses for why students didn’t have their homework. Most of them were false and many of them were amusing. And, yes, “the dog ate it” was one of them. As time passed and I grew less cheatable, I grew tired of hearing “I don’t have my homework because…” And so I quit accepting any excuse other than a confirmed death in the family.

When I was transferred (调动) to an inner-city middle school, I took my simple and direct attitude with me. “No excuses, no extensions!” I warned my eighth graders on the first day of school. I collected homework at the beginning of each class. When a student didn’t have it, I never asked why. Instead, I sighed loudly, shook my head in dramatic disgust and, with the students looking on, recorded a zero in the grade book. I soon gained the reputation I thought I wanted.

Then, one afternoon, shortly after the dismissal bell rang, Anthony approached me. “Could I talk to you a minute?” he asked shyly, not taking his eyes off the floor. “I know you said it doesn’t matter why we don’t have our homework done, but I don’t want you to think I’m a slacker (偷懒的人) because I come to school without mine so often.”

Anthony looked up at me for the first time, and I could see that his lower lip was trembling. “It’s just that…well, my dad moved out, and my mom waits tables at night, so I have to take care of my little brothers. Sometimes they cry a lot, and it makes it hard to concentrate.”

I put my hand on Anthony’s thin shoulder. “Why are you just now telling me…?” I stopped in mid-sentence. I knew why. So I changed the question. “Would it help if you stayed here in my classroom after school and worked on it before you go home?” He looked at me and nodded.

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The next day, I announced that I would offer an after-school study hall (自习室) from Monday to Friday.


Listening to their words, I knew more about them and learnt something that was important for me.


During last Christmas holiday, my wife, our three boys and I were in France on our way from Paris to Nice (尼斯). For five bad days everything had gone wrong. Our hotels were “tourist traps”, our rented car broke down and we were all annoyed and exhausted in the crowded car. On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a dark and dirty hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.

It was raining and cold when we went out to eat. We found a small restaurant roughly decorated for the holidays. In the corner, a piano player listlessly played Christmas music. I was too tired and miserable to leave. I looked around and noticed that the other customers were eating in stony silence. The only person who seemed happy was the American sailor. While eating he was writing a letter, and a half-smile covered his face.

My wife ordered our meal in French. The waiter brought us the wrong thing, so I scolded my wife for being stupid. She began to cry. The boys defended her, and I felt even worse. All of us were interrupted by an unpleasant strong movement of cold air. Through the front door came an old French flower woman, dressed in shabby clothes.

The young sailor finished his meal, got up and walked over to the flower woman. “Happy Christmas!” he said, smiling, and picking out two corsages (小花束). “How much are they?” he asked.

“Two francs, sir.”

Pressing one of the small corsages flat, he put it into an envelope he was to send, then handed the woman a 20-franc note.

“I don’t have change, sir,” she said.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The sailor leant over(弯下身子)and kissed the old woman on the cheek.
My wife waved her corsage to the music with a delighted smile.
