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When you’re bored, you might start playing with a ball or other objects. Such behavior is common in people. Other animals like it too—that’s why a dog fetches a stick, or a cat bats at toys. Play is an enjoyable way to pass the time. A new study finds that it’s not just mammals that like to play. Bumblebees (大黄蜂) do it too, making them the first insects known to play.

In the study, Hiruni Samadi Galpayage Dona, an insect expert, did an experiment using 200 untrained bumblebees to see if they might play. Of those, 45 would be marked with a number when they emerged as adults.

A pathway was set up from the bumblebees’ nest to a feeding area. One side contained small wooden balls that rolled. The other side had the same number of balls, but they were stuck to the floor. Half balls on each side were colored balls. The rest were left unpainted.

For three hours a day over 18 days, Galpayage Dona found bumblebees weren’t so interested in the side where the balls didn’t move, but they explored the side areas and interacted with the balls. Once they managed to roll a ball, they strongly preferred that side. They returned, climbing on the balls and rolling them around. She also found bumblebees preferred certain colors of balls.

“There’s something about the mobility that is more interesting for the bumblebees than just colored objects,” Galpayage Dona says. In another experiment, she sometimes left the balls out overnight. “When I came in the next day, I would always find some bumblebees rolling the balls.” As with mammals, the bumblebees who played the most were the younger ones. Their play tapered off as they got older.

The scientists say it’s not clear why the bumblebees roll the balls or whether they enjoy it. But the experiment raises important questions about how the insects’ minds work and whether they have feelings.

【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By describing the fun of play.B.By analyzing reasons for boredom.
C.By introducing similar phenomena.D.By presenting animals’ cute images.
【小题2】What did the researcher do in the experiment?
A.She trained bumblebees to play balls.
B.She put small balls along the pathway.
C.She set up a pathway in bumblebees’ nest.
D.She rewarded the bumblebees with rolled balls.
【小题3】What does the underlined part “tapered off” probably mean in paragraph 5?
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.Bumblebees Prefer Shape to Color
B.Balls Are Bumblebees’ Favorite Toys
C.Playing with Objects Is Animals’ Second Nature
D.Bumblebees Are the First Insects Known to Play
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Created in 1998 by Casey and Shelley Black, the Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Center focuses on not only rescuing young abandoned wolves but educating the public. Unlike other centers, you can actually walk with the wolves and have exciting, hands﹣on interaction with them here. And so, we gathered one late winter morning to learn, prepare and walk.

Scrappy and Flora,our wolves that day,were brought to the center when only a few days old. "They lived in the house with us for the first several months. We treated them like human babies, fed them and slept with them," said Shelley. So, they are totally used to people. However, these are wild animals. For that reason, Shelley and Casey explained, the walk is totally on the wolf's terms. "We don't approach them, but if they come up to us, we can touch them. "

With all this in mind, we headed for the woods. We were walking on a logging road when suddenly,Flora, all 60 pounds of her,hurried up to me and raised up on her legs. She was almost as tall as me. As she leaned in, put her huge muddy paws on my shoulders and sniffed my face, apparently she was saying hello in wolf talk.

We walked farther, maybe half a mile, while Scrappy and Flora dashed in and out of the woods stopping to occasionally roll in the snow,dig for this or that and just play. Then we all headed into the trees to a picturesque stream where the wolves splashed,drank and had a great time.

One could point out that this whole adventure was staged and quite artificial. But the purpose, Casey and Shelley said,is to explain the wolves' place in the environment and,primarily,to let people know wolves don' t have to be universally feared﹣they really don' t hide secretly in the woods just waiting to eat people,but they' d rather avoid people,for the most part.

【小题1】How is the Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Center different from others?
A.It trains and educates wild wolves.
B.It aims to rescue young abandoned wolves.
C.It raises wolves for commercial purposes.
D.It allows visitors to take a walk with wolves.
【小题2】What can be inferred from Shelley and Casey's explanation in Paragraph 2?
A.The walk can be potentially dangerous.
B.The wolves have lost all their wildness.
C.People should get close to the wolves actively.
D.The wolves can read people's mind like human babies.
【小题3】Why did Flora behave like that when she saw the author on the logging road?
A.To express curiosity.
B.To show friendliness.
C.To attract attention.
D.To seek companionship.
【小题4】Why do Casey and Shelley organize such an adventure?
A.To advertise the center.
B.To publicize wolf hunting.
C.To promote environmental protection.
D.To clarify some conventional views of wolves.

When she was studying to become a scientist, Megan Strauss rode in a small airplane to study giraffes. While a pilot flew over the Serengeti in Tanzania, Africa, the researchers looked down carefully and counted giraffes.

"I am always amazed how easily we can spot warthogs and other small animals, yet we sometimes have trouble seeing giraffes. Giraffes are slender in shape, and they may not throw a good shadow, " says Dr. Strauss, who has since become a wildlife scientist.

The Serengeti is about the size of Vermont, a state in the northeastern US, so the scientists could not study the entire area. Instead, they surveyed three areas where giraffes were studied in the 1970s. As they expected, they saw far fewer of these animals.

To find out if lions had been killing more giraffes in recent years, the team looked at the survival of young giraffes. Lions kill more young giraffes than adults, but the team found no decrease in young giraffes' survival after they are born, compared with the 1970s.

The team then looked at whether too many giraffes were being killed by parasites(寄生虫).The researchers counted parasite eggs in giraffe droppings, and they found too few to harm the giraffe population.

They looked into whether poachers (盗猎者)were killing too many giraffes. Two of the areas they studied are where giraffe meat is sometimes sold in local markets. Poachers catch more adult males than other giraffes. Researchers spotted too few males compared with females in those two areas, a sign of poaching.

When the food supply is short, the environment supports fewer giraffes and the females have fewer young giraffes. A lot of new trees have grown in the Serengeti, but many are a type that giraffes do not like to eat. The researchers found fewer young giraffes today than in the 1970s compared with the number of adult females, a sign that food was in short supply.

Dr. Strauss is working on an environmental education program for Tanzania including books for students. These materials will educate Tanzanians and help them to help giraffes. As knowledge grows and changes are made, they hope the giraffe population will increase.

【小题1】What did Dr. Strauss find while studying giraffes in the Serengeti?
A.It was too costly to study giraffes.
B.It was hard to spot giraffes from the air.
C.The number of giraffes had increased slowly.
D.Giraffes lived in smaller areas than in the 1970s.
【小题2】How did the team study the lion-giraffe relationship?
A.By analyzing giraffe droppings.
B.By comparing young giraffes with adults.
C.By comparing male giraffes and females.
D.By surveying the survival of young giraffes.
【小题3】What is Dr. Strauss doing to help giraffes?
A.She is founding a national park in Tanzania.
B.She is counting giraffes in the entire Serengeti.
C.She is educating students to write about giraffes.
D.She is raising environmental awareness in local people.

Why do we find ugly-cute animals so attractive? And what makes odd-looking creatures so cute?

Evolution (进化) plays a role. According to Austrian zoologist Erin Fekete, human attraction to childish features, such as big eyes, large heads and soft bodies, is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure that adults care for the young, assuring the survival of their species. Odd-looking animals such as blobfish, pugs, aye-ayes and bulldogs all share these childish qualities that cause a loving response among humans and a nature to raise and protect. And these childish characteristics increase a person’s “protective behavior, attention and willingness” to care for the individual and reduce the “possibility of aggression towards a child”, says Cyril Drouet, a researcher.

Ugly-cute animals often have other value— some, like the blobfish, live in extreme environments that they have adapted to in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen to study these animals to understand whether their biology might provide fresh ideas that could lead to treatments for human health conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

But while many ugly creatures are strongly adapted to their life in the wild and can provide numerous benefits to the ecosystems they live in, they often still don’t get as much attention as more traditionally cute and beautiful animals, which leads to many of the ugly-cute species being ignored in terms of research.

There are other culture-led factors that also cause our attraction for ugly-cute animals. “The ugly-cute thing is very fashionable.” says Rowena Packer, a lecturer of animal behavior. “This is partly caused by social media, with many social media influencers showing off pet pugs and French bulldogs on Instagram.” she says.

But there are some serious worries around this trend. Veterinarians (兽医) are calling on people not to keep a flat-faced dog, because they suffer from serious health problems. Pugs and French bulldogs which have been selectively kept experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin problems and eye diseases. So while childish features such as big eyes may make us smile, we might want to reconsider our attraction for “ugly-cute” pets.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “aggression” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Threatening behavior.B.Strange behavior.C.Friendly behavior.D.Smart behavior.
【小题2】Why are some ugly animals overlooked in terms of research?
A.They are of no interest to scientists.B.They are less cute and attractive.
C.They do not have unique biological feature.D.They are not well-adapted to their environments.
【小题3】What can be inferred about the role of social media in promoting the popularity of ugly-cute animals?
A.Influencers have started a campaign to raise awareness about ugly animals.
B.People prefer to post pictures of ugly animals on social media rather than cute animals.
C.Social media didn’t make it easier to spread information about animals.
D.The ugly-cute animals shared on social media could raise people’s attraction for them.
【小题4】How does the author feel about the current trend of keeping flat-faced dogs?
