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Education today really isn’t that much different from what it was a hundred years ago. It’s still classrooms full of students all learning the same thing at the same pace from teachers who spend thirty years teaching more or less the same thing.

However, the world that the next generation will grow up in will be different from anything we have seen. It will be a world filled with artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, automation, virtual reality, personalized medicine, self-driving cars, and people on Mars; a world where people might not even have jobs and where society itself may be arranged in fundamentally different ways. How are we supposed to know how to prepare them to succeed in a world that we cannot predict?

It starts by rethinking what a school is. The role of school should no longer be to fill heads with information, rather it should be a place that inspires students to be curious about the world they live in. Don’t hold back that curiosity by making them spend their childhoods preparing for one test after another.

The ability to adapt and learn something new should be valued above all else. Gone are the days when you pick a profession and just do that one thing for the rest of your life. People will need to know how to learn something new multiple times over in their lives because our knowledge of the world and who we are is progressing incredibly quickly. If the last time you learned anything new was when you were in school then you will be missing out on the new ways of understanding the world.

In addition, education should give people an understanding that the world is not divided up into different subjects. All fields of knowledge bleed into each other and none can be fully understood in isolation (孤立).

Much of this may seem idealistic or unrealistic, but change is needed if we are going to figure out how to live in the future.

【小题1】What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To present the complexity of education.
B.To stress the importance of education.
C.To describe what education used to be like.
D.To suggest education is far behind the times.
【小题2】What should be the role of school?
A.To inspire students’ curiosity.
B.To guarantee happy childhood.
C.To provide sufficient information.
D.To prepare students for a lifelong profession.
【小题3】What will the author agree?
A.One should learn as much as he can at school.
B.Schools should teach new ways to change the world.
C.Students’ ability to adapt should be the priority of education.
D.School subjects reflect how the world is divided into different fields.
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.Standards Tests Remove Students’ Curiosity
B.Gone Are the Days of Traditional School Education
C.It’s Time to Change How We Educate Our Children
D.Change in Education Is Too Idealistic and Unrealistic
知识点:社会问题与社会现象议论文当代教育问题 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When I was two years old, I was diagnosed with a sensorineural (感觉神经) hearing loss. My mother cried when she found out—she wanted her son to be happy and able to experience everything life had to offer. I went to a special playgroup twice a week where a nurse discovered I had taught myself to read. I then attended a school for the deaf from age three to six.

I remember looking around the room there. People talked and signed to each other. I had a best friend and I did very well in class. But I told my mother that I wanted to go to the regular school with hearing people, because I felt more like a hearing person than a hearing-impaired (听力受损) one. I didn’t even use sign language! I lip-read and listened with my hearing aids. After visiting a public school for a day, my mother agreed to let me go. Needless to say, I have functioned very well.

Many people don’t even know I am hearing-impaired until they see my hearing aids. My girlfriend often forgets that I have any problem, and I feel fortunate that she does not look down upon people like me. The only problem I have with this hearing loss is that some people discriminate against me. The fact is that I am just as normal as anyone else. The only differences are that others need to speak up, and I have some help from my hearing aids.

The next time you see hearing-impaired people, don’t feel sorry for them—that just gives them an excuse to victimize themselves and hurt their own potential. Instead, encourage them and tell them that a handicap(缺陷)only hurts a person if he or she lets it.

【小题1】Which is TRUE about the author when he was 5?
A.He was diagnosed with hearing loss.
B.He stayed at home with his mother.
C.He attended a school for the deaf.
D.He went to a special playgroup.
【小题2】Why did the author want to attend the regular school?
A.He had few friends at the school.
B.He even didn’t know sign language.
C.He found it hard to fit in with his classmates.
D.He didn’t believe his handicap was a big problem.
【小题3】What was the author’s problem at the regular school?
A.He couldn’t catch up with others.
B.Some people looked down upon him.
C.His girlfriend discriminated against him.
D.He performed poorly with hearing aids.
【小题4】What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?
A.The disabled should regard themselves as normal.
B.If a person is handicapped, he will hurt himself.
C.A normal person shouldn’t hurt the handicapped.
D.A disabled person should be well treated.

Phone addiction has a number of negative effects. Here are some ways to remove it.

In order not to look at your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning, place your phone in another room or your coat pocket. Then spend at least the first 30 minutes of your day building good habits. 【小题1】

Studies show that on average we use the phone 50 to 150 times a day. So you should do something meaningful to avoid looking at it. You could do some reading, do a crossword puzzle or even something as simple as a walk in the yard. 【小题2】

One of the main problems with smart phones is that you worry if you don't check your phone regularly, you may miss out on something important, such as invitations to events or work emails. 【小题3】 When someone has something important to tell you, they may give you a call. Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from your phone sometimes.

What's going on in the real world, right in front of you, is almost always more important than what is happening online. Put away your phone when you are with someone important. 【小题4】 For example, having dinner with friends will become awkward when you always check your phone.

【小题5】 That is because being addicted to the phone before going to bed greatly influences your sleep. This can harm your physical and mental health in the long run. Therefore, make it a rule to stop using your phone an hour before you go to sleep.

A.Ask your friends or family for help.
B.However, it is almost never the case.
C.Anything helping you get rid of your phone is OK.
D.Your smart phone has almost every tool that you need.
E.A good rest should be more important than your phone at night.
F.This could be exercise like a morning run or cooking a good breakfast.
G.Many relationships have suffered because of our addiction to the phone.

In recent years, towns across Italy have been racing to launch plans aimed at attracting new residents to revive the towns. From abandoned homes selling for a euro, to ready-to-occupy houses at low prices, there has been a tendency for competition.

The picturesque town of Presicce is the latest to enter the game with a very alluring offer. Officials say they will pay people up to 30,000 euros to buy an empty house and take up residency. Even better, the houses for sale as part of the deal are priced around 25,000 euros. The cash motivation is expected to breathe new life into the depopulating town, where newborns are fewer each year.

Presicce traces its history to the Middle Ages, booming during the Renaissance as a prosperous place known for its fine wine, cheeses and cattle trade. It gains a reputation as a “town of green gold” for green olive trees and olive oil. Its location is incredible, surrounded by the nature of the Salento area and close to beautiful beaches and clear waters of Santa Maria di Leuca. “There are many empty homes in the historical center built before 1991 which we would like to see alive again with new residents,” says local councilor Alfredo Palese. “It is a pity witnessing how our old districts full of history, wonderful architecture and art are slowly emptying.”

According to Palese, a 2019 merger (合并) with the nearby town Acquarica to create the larger town Presicce-Acquarica has provided them with extra money to ensure the project can continue for years to come. “After the merger as per Italian law, our wider territory will be blessed with more public funds, roughly 1,000,000 euros per year for several years forward, which we intend to invest to renew the old district,” says Palese.

The town hall has already launched other plans to attract more residents, including tax benefits to set up new business activities and baby bonuses for families with kids.

【小题1】What problem do many Italian towns face?
A.Depressed housing market.B.Financial crisis.
C.Fierce business competition.D.Population decline.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “alluring” in paragraph 2mean?
【小题3】What’s the author’ purpose of writing paragraph 3?
A.To show Presicce’s past glory.B.To introduce Presice’s traditional culture.
C.To advertise a historical town.D.To stress the importance of reviving Presicce.
【小题4】Why did Palese and Acquarica merge in 2019?
A.To create wider territory.B.To gain more funds.
C.To attract more investment.D.To follow Italian law.
