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Libby Federici loves her job at Haley House, a soup kitchen in Boston’s South End. On a recent weekday morning she was busy greeting guests, helping volunteers, preparing pots of fresh coffee, and answering endless questions. Butter? We have tons. Cups? I’ll grab some for you.

“Without this place there would be no me. These people are angels,” says Linda Bell, a regular guest at Haley House’s free morning breakfast.

That feeling is created by Haley House, a program that for five decades has approached social issues facing Boston’s South End community through its soup kitchen, cheap housing, urban gardens, and education programs. The organization welcomes homeless people or those living in low-income housing as a valuable part of the larger community. “It’s really important to know people as people,” says Ms. Federici, who also works for the organization while serving in the kitchen.

Instead of relying on volunteers or drive-by helpers to work in its soup kitchen, Haley House seeks out people of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in staying there for two years to help solve the social problems in South End. In exchange, they receive room and board, running its kitchen and caring for its guests.

The biggest offering that Haley House has to Boston is, it’s an example of how all these pieces are linked — food, training, jobs, housing. “We couldn’t solve that whole problem of housing homeless people. We couldn’t give jobs to everybody. But what we did was we created models,” says Ms. McKenna, who is now retired from Haley House.

“There is that strong connection to the community that Haley House workers are able to develop over their time here,” says Sean Ahern, who delivers food to Haley House. “They are really passionate about food, but more importantly, about people.”

【小题1】Which of the following best describes Libby Federici?
【小题2】What is Haley House intended for?
A.Popularizing local soup culture.B.Educating South End neighbors.
C.Helping build a better community.D.Stressing the importance of people.
【小题3】What do we know about Haley House workers?
A.They are talented cooks.B.They do the job for free.
C.They live in Haley House.D.They come from Boston.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.From Haley to Boston: A Popular Model
B.Haley House: A Developing Organization
C.Libby Federici: A Worker at Haley House
D.From Soup to Jobs: The Haley House Story
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Buddy or Friendship Benches (长椅) are needed because playgrounds can be lonely places some times. When a school places the bench, they teach a little lesson to the kids on how it is to be used. Then when a child sits on the bench, it sends out a message to others that basic ally says, “Hey, I’m alone right now and would welcome the company (陪伴) of others.” Kids in the playground see this and from their training, they see there is a fellow student in need. They are encouraged to come over and sit on the bench and make a new friend.

Benches like this have been around for a while now in many schools. But in Ireland, they are trying to do something different with them. This school in Cork in the south of Ireland is the 247th to get benches from a social organization called “Buddy Bench Ireland” that doesn’t just provide schools with benches, but also runs special projects with trained child psychiatrists (精神病专家). They use the bench as an opportunity to start conversations about mental health. They talk about the importance of knowing and understanding your feelings and those of others.

Judith Ashton, a co-founder of Buddy Bench Ireland said, “The children need to understand what the bench is about, what it represents —friendship, understanding, listening to each other and the most important thing is that it’s important to express feelings.”

But do children really use the bench? It’s a matter of great public concern. Sinead Mcgilloway from Maynooth University carried out a study and said, “We found that 40% of the children told us that they had actually used the benches at the time of the study. And over 90% said that they would talk to a child if that child was sitting on the bench. So, there’s nothing to worry about.”

Children’s mental health and safety at school is increasingly a concern in many countries. In Ireland, they’re hoping these benches will no t only tackle problems like school violence and school bullying (校园暴力和校园欺凌), but also give students the confidence to open up about t heir feelings.

【小题1】According to the passage, buddy benches might ______
A.make students feel relaxedB.help students feeling lonely to find friends
C.be a symbol of psychology classesD.appear in schools filled with problem children
【小题2】The organization “Buddy Bench Ireland” ______.
A.makes buddy benches more popularB.brings more new-pattern benches to schools
C.encourages more students to choose buddy benchesD.provides psychological care projects along
【小题3】In Judith Ashton’s opinion, what students most need to know is ______.
A.how to understand each otherB.what buddy benches are about
C.the importance of expressing themselvesD.the necessity of listening to their friends
【小题4】From what Sinead Mcgilloway said, we can know that ______.
A.60% of the children in the study disliked these benches
B.over 90% of the children in the study once felt lonely
C.he once worried about children with mental problems
D.the public don’t have to worry about the use of buddy benches

He may not have an,“S” across his chest but this dog is most certainly a hero.

Harley, who was rescued from a puppy mill(幼犬繁殖工厂) four years ago. was named the American Humane Association’s 2015 American Hero Dog Karley, who is missing an eye and suffers from other medical issues from his time at the mill, is now a “spokes dog” against puppy mills He serves as the lovely furry face of the “Harley to the Rescue” campaign, which raises funds for the National Dog Mill Rescue, according to a press print .

The pup was rescued back in 2011 and adopted by Rudi and her husband, Dan it was just four years ago that he was pulled from the cage in the puppy mill and left to die,“Harley’s owner, Rudi, said during the awards show at the Beverly Hilton Motel in Los Angeles this past weekend, according to Today com ,“We never would have ever thought he would live so long and make such a difference tor so many puppies.”

The dog was one of eight finalists up for the American Hero Dog and was chosen as the winner through public votes. The finalists all won $1,500 to be donated to one of American Humane Association’s charity partners, with Harley receiving another $5.000 to go toward his charity partner, New Leash on Life.

According to the print, Harley spent 10 years at the puppy mill, and suffered rough treatment there, which led to his many medical issues. He lost his eye as a result of his cage being power washed with him inside.

The dog isn’t just the face of his campaign, he also goes on rescue tasks and makes public appearances at events and schools to raise awareness for puppy mills.

【小题1】The “Harley to the Rescue ” campaign functioned by ________ .
A.saving dogs from a puppy mill
B.operating the American Humane Association
C.giving endangered dogs enough medical treatment
D.collecting money for the National Dog Mill Rescue
【小题2】What was the author’s attitude towards the puppy mill?
【小题3】Why was Harley blind in one eye?
A.He was born with it.
B.His owner treated him roughly
C.It was caused by a medical issue
D.He was washed heavily in a cage
【小题4】What can we learn about the dog from the text?
A.It returned to the National Dog Plant Rescue
B.It was kept by Rudi’s family
C.It would be given to New Leash on Life
D.It would be taken away by its puppy mill.

It’s time to play your part!

Our Connect Recover Thrive campaign will help to care for the National Park for the future. If you love the Peak District and want to give something back, please sign up today to give a small amount each month. It’s not all about the money, we also need your time and expertise-could you commit today to giving a few hours a month to help us raise funds and support for the Peak District National Park?

Thank you for your support, there is so much more to do, and we need your help to do it.

Give a monthly donation

One of the easiest ways for you to help us to care for the Peak District Nation Park is to give a regular donation. Don’t forget that if you are a UK taxpayer you can add gift aid and the government will add 25% to your donation at no cost to you.

Take on a fundraising challenge

We’re looking for fundraising heroes to take on exciting challenges to raise money to care for the Peak District National Park. Could you do a sponsored walk, run, cycle, swim? Could you host an event in your community, could you break a world record?

Remember the Peak District after you’ve gone

Do you love the Peak District National Park and want to see it cared for after you’ve gone? Leaving a gift in your will is a really special way to help us to look after the Peak District National Park for future generations.

Support the Access Fund

The Access Fund is a restricted fund which helps our partners at the Peak District National Park Authority to add new access points, restore paths, enhance the accessibility of paths, replace gates, all to improve accessibility to access land. If you would like to help look after the National Park please consider a donation to the Access End here.

【小题1】What will people do in the Connect Recover Thrive campaign?
A.Appreciate scenery around the park.
B.Give support in caring for the park
C.Solve technical problems of the park.
D.Encourage tax payers to volunteer.
【小题2】How can you become a fundraising hero?
A.By giving a monthly donation.
B.By leaving a gift in your will.
C.By joining in a competitive sport.
D.By adding gift aid to your donation.
【小题3】What is the Access Fund aimed-at?
A.Land reservation.
B.Accessibility restriction.
C.Accessibility improvement.
D.Paths replacement.
