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It was an early Saturday morning, about 5:30 am. My mom called to me, “Austin, get up! Time to go and serve the homeless!” I dragged myself out of bed.

I started serving the homeless when I was eight years old. I didn’t know these people would make such a big difference in my life.

Two Saturdays a month I go to the church and help get things ready for breakfast. When the gate is opened, people come rushing in to get coffee, juice or milk. They take their seats while breakfast is prepared, and then we begin to serve. We each grab two plates and carry them down the line as the plates are filled. Each person receives two pancakes, a scoop of eggs, hashbrowns, and two sausages. I walk to the tables where the people are sitting and set the plates before them. I always make sure that I smile. After I’ve served them, I ask if they need anything else and bring them whatever they ask for. Some say thank you, some don’t, but I don’t care. I’m there to serve them.

When I first started serving, I was a little scared. Some of the people were wearing clothes with patches on them and shoes with holes in them. They were not that clean and their teeth were yellow or missing. At first I stayed close to my mom most of the time, but after I got to know these strangers I realized that they were nice, friendly people. And the inside of them was often nicer than the outside. I started talking to my new friends and realized that there was no reason to be scared. After serving for a few months, I started to look forward to seeing the same people each week.

Take Cowboy. He always puts me in a good mood. When I see him, he always says, “Austin! How are you?” I’ve often heard him say that I am a really hard worker. This makes me feel really good inside because I know I’m making a difference in someone’s life.


Then there’s Curtis. He’s a really big guy.


All of these people make my day much better.

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I was doing some shopping in a toy store and decided to look at Barbie dolls for my nieces. A well-dressed little girl was excitedly looking through the Barbie dolls as well,with a roll of money tight in her little hand. When she came upon a Barbie she liked,she would turn and ask her father if she had enough money to buy it. Her father usually said“Yes”,but she kept asking,“Do I have enough…?

As she watched the Barbie dolls,a little boy came along and started searching the Pokemon toys. He was dressed neatly,but in clothes that were obviously rather worn,and he was wearing a jacket that was too small. He also had money in his hand,but it looked to be five dollars at most. He was with his father as well,and kept picking up the Pokemon video toys. Each time he picked one up and looked at his father,his father shook his head,saying“No”.

The little girl had apparently chosen her Barbie,a beautiful doll. However,she had stopped and was watching the interaction between the little boy and his father. Rather desperately,the boy had given up on the video games and had chosen what looked like a book of stickers instead.

The little girl put her Barbie back on the shelf,and ran over to the Pokemon toys. She excitedly picked up one that was lying on top of the other toys,and raced toward the check-out,after speaking with her father. I picked up my purchases and got in line behind them. Then,much to the little girl’s delight,the little boy and his father got in line as well. After the toy was paid and packed,the little girl handed it back to the cashier and whispered something in her ear. The cashier smiled and put the package under the counter.

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I was paying for my purchases when the little boy came up to the cashier.
I heard the father ask his daughter why she had done that.

At 6 pm in the mall on Christmas Eve, I was tired from my part-time job as an elf (精灵) helping Santa with kids’ photos to earn money during the December of my sixteenth year.

Everyone was very busy. I looked over at Shelly, our manager, and she gave me an encouraging smile. Instead of angrily shouting at her workers, she always positively encouraged us and stood behind us. Under her leadership, we had achieved the highest number of mall photo sales in California.

I knew it was a difficult holiday season for her —she was experiencing a family crisis. I hoped she knew how great she was and what a difference she had made to her workers and all little children coming to have their pictures taken.

Our Santa booth(摊位)was open until seven. At six, things started slowing down and I finally took a break. Although I didn’t have much money, I really wanted to buy a little gift for Shelly so that she’d know we appreciated her support.

I got to a store just as they locked the door. “We’re closed!” cried the tired clerk. I looked around, noticing all the stores had already closed. I was really upset. I had been working all day and had missed buying her a present by one minute.

On my way back to the Santa booth, I saw Nordstrom was still open. Fearful that they would also close at any moment, I hurried inside and toward the Gift Gallery. I found other shoppers were all well-dressed and wealthy; I was a poor teenager in an elf costume. How could I find anything under fifteen dollars in such an elegant store?

A saleswoman came over, asking if she could help me. Then, everyone in the department turned around and stared. Quietly, I said, “No, that’s okay. Just help somebody else.” She looked right at me, smiling, “But I want to help you. By the way, I’m Stephanie.”


I had to tell her who I was buying a gift for, and then admitted I only had $15.

Paragraph 2:

By now the store was closed, but she stayed to help me wrap the hat.


Last Sunday, I received a phone call from my friend, Alun. He asked me to help with his group who entertained at the local hospitals. Due to my unfinished homework, I was unwilling to go, but finally I was persuaded to help out this one time, which proved to be an unforgettable and meaningful experience.

That evening, Alun picked me up and we went to a local hospital. I was going to join his musical group with my guitar and maybe sing some solo songs as well.

The hospital was large. When guided into the hall we were surprised to see so many patients and staff there. A sight like this aroused our sympathy. Some patients were in wheelchairs or with their arms in bandages(绷带), while others were with their drips(输液器) attached. Maybe their days seemed to be dull during the period of treatment, so our coming brought some color into their lives. Seeing their happy faces, I thought joining Alun’s group was a worthwhile thing to do.

Among the audience, I spotted one particular young girl aged about 13 who was wearing a head scarf(头巾) and appeared to be more delighted than the others. When we started our performance, excitement filled the hall. Alun mentioned to me that the young girl who I had noticed earlier was singing along with all our songs quietly to herself. At a break, out of curiosity, I asked one of the nurses about the girl. She said that the girl suffered serious burns and was being treated and that she was a bit down these days, but our performance had lifted the girl’s spirits. Our songs moved all the people present. They all cheered for us, including the young girl and we were inspired. Facing these lovely people, we really wanted to do more.

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We asked the girl if she would like to sing with us.


After her performance, I saw a change in the girl’s eyes.

