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How to Plan the Perfect Vacation

When you are looking to enjoy the perfect vacation, the best thing you can do is to plan your trip in advance. Travel is so important because it lets you see the world as much as possible.【小题1】The way to do this is to plan out the trip, and take the opportunity to maximize the experience you have while you’re here.

Packing is the most annoying part of the vacation process, but it is also a necessary part.【小题2】But coming up with some kind of packing structure or plan will help a lot. You will be able to ensure that the process is less stressful.

【小题3】This means doing a bit of research into what there is to do and see when you are on your travels. Planning out your sightseeing and tourist activities is so important for getting the most fulfilled trip possible.

Another thing you need to keep in mind is how much spending money you are going to need on your travels. Taking too little with you is going to put a dampener (令人扫兴的事) on your trip.【小题4】This is really important for ensuring you get to enjoy all the things you want to.

As you can see, there are so many wonderful ways of being able to plan and achieve the ideal vacation experience. These will help improve your vacation plans.【小题5】

A.There are a lot of things you might need to pack.
B.So you need to bring enough money in advance.
C.This is something you need to keep in mind moving forward.
D.Seeing the world is vital to improve your cultural experiences.
E.Maybe the whole point of your vacation is to do nothing but relax.
F.Sightseeing is also a pretty important part of any vacation experience.
G.These will also help assess the right ways of having a perfect vacation.
知识点:方法/策略旅游观光 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

There are times when attending class and studying your textbook just aren’t enough to help you to understand the class material. 【小题1】 When you study with a tutor, you are able to get one-on-one attention and interaction where you can ask any questions you may have and focus on parts of the material that you really struggle with. 【小题2】 If you follow them, you’ll surely understand the material better and pass your class.

The most important thing when you study with a tutor is to attend class. This is where most of your learning should come from, not your tutor. Keep in mind that your tutor is there to help you with the specific problems you are struggling with and not to teach you all of the material from the class. When you attend class, make sure that you pay attention and take thorough notes to bring back to your tutor. 【小题3】

Before each tutoring session, make a list of questions that you had come up during class and still do not have the answers to. This will not only help your tutor with the direction in which to take their lesson, but it will keep you both from wasting time on material that you do already understand. 【小题4】 Too many times students will go to their tutor and forget what they had questions about.

When you study with a tutor, it’s important that you participate in the session. Don’t just let your tutor talk to you and lecture you. 【小题5】 Instead, ask questions if you do not understand something or need your tutor to expand a little more. If you need something explained in a different way, speak up. Have a discussion with your tutor about the material. Sometimes just talking it out in different ways can make something click where it suddenly all makes sense.

A.This is when you should consider hiring a tutor.
B.Here is where you can identify what you are struggling with.
C.Your tutor should make sure you are absorbing the material.
D.To get the most out of studying with a tutor, here are some tips.
E.That’s exactly what your professor in school is doing and it isn’t helping.
F.Making a list also helps you to remember what you are struggling with.
G.Ask your tutor questions that you may have been too nervous to ask in class.

Tips to Create Great Readers

Are great readers born or are they made? Obviously, children don’t enter the world knowing how to understand a text or make a prediction.【小题1】Here are some tips for making children great readers by habit.

【小题2】The most critical moment in reading instruction is when children get something wrong. If the child continues practising the skill incorrectly, he or she will build weaker habits. Intervene (干预) with a targeted question, such as “How does this part of the text help you understand this character?” Doing so can prevent poor habits from taking root and build great ones in their place.

Build habits at the moment of writing. Just like adults, children use writing to gather their thoughts about a text and communicate their ideas to others.【小题3】For example, children can first have a discussion about what they’re reading by answering a focus question in writing: “What is the author trying to teach us in this story?”【小题4】By doing this, you can get a better understanding of what guidance the children will need during the discussion.

Build habits at the moment of reading. Independent reading time is important for any reading programme. It’s a chance for children to put together everything they’ve learnt in reading lessons and fly using their own wings.【小题5】So providing a rich class library and letting children know that they are expected to read for the entire period will ensure their success as lifelong independent readers.

A.Build habits at the moment of error.
B.Make sure children fall in love with reading.
C.Then, you can review their written responses.
D.They grow into great readers by learning great habits.
E.But it only works if they really do spend that time reading.
F.Specific lines or phrases from the text help to reveal that information.
G.Therefore, you can develop their writing and reading skills at the same time.

A Harvard study of their graduates over thirty years found that there were only a small percentage (3%) of them who actually wrote down their goals — and these were the most successful! You can be certain that every one of those students had repeatedly heard the value of goal setting. Yet only 3% actually wrote down their goals consistently. Imagine what you can do if you both write down your goals and, then, focus on them consistently, until they are accomplished!

What is it that causes the "New Year’s Resolution Syndrome"? People make resolutions, work hard at them for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, and then forget them. Next year, they make the same New Year’s resolutions. That is the syndrome. So why do so many people do it?

They may be making goals that are too global, and too unrealistic. The elephant analogy (比喻) is still the best one I know of to illustrate good goal setting. "How do you eat an elephant? One spoonful at a time." So it is with goals. Make spoon size goals and accomplish them easily. Once you’ve mastered this, get a bigger spoon!

You may have too many people in your life who consciously or subconsciously are unwilling or unable to support you to reach your goals. Surround yourself with people who want you to have what you want for yourself. Support each other and you’ll all achieve your highest goals. We must be careful not to confuse busyness with progress. Be selective about how you use your time and what you focus on. Success often comes when you know what to leave out, rather than what to include in your life.

Goal setting is like the pig and chicken who were out for a walk in town early one morning. The chicken became really excited when she saw that said "Ham& Eggs, $2.99". She said to the pig "Look, we’ve got double billing again." The pig grunted and said," "That’s all right for you to say. For you, it’s all in a day’s work. For me, it’s total commitment." Goal setting is all in a day’s work. Goal achievement is total commitment.

【小题1】What can we know about New Year’s resolutions?
A.They are really difficult to achieve.
B.Most people give them up halfway.
C.They should be different from year to year.
D.Most people make no effort to achieve them
【小题2】What does the story of the pig and chicken imply?
A.Rome is not built in one day.
B.when the cat is away, the mice will play.
C.The early bird catches the worm.
D.Birds of a feather flock together.
【小题3】What can be the best title for this passage?
A.Suggestions for setting realistic goals.
B.Surroundings contribute to success!
C.Ways to make New Year’s resolutions.
D.Goals only work when you do
