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She can’t vole, but she has the volte of confidence of young climate activists across the globe. Meet Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old architect of “School Strike for the Climate” .

At age 12, the Swede gave up meat and flying to reduce her carbon footprint. But the real trigger came when Sweden was hit by heat waves in 2018. Thunberg started skipping classes on Fridays to strike outside the Swedish parliament. Thanks to social media, her actions have spread and influenced millions of young people all over the world to organize and protest.

And look! Thunberg became the poster child of climate action. She addressed the 2018 UN climate conference and this year’s World Economic Forum. Encouraged by Thunberg, 1. 4 million students across 125 countries took to the streets in the first Global Climate Strike for Future on March 15. Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in March 2019, and a few months later she became the youngest individual ever to be honored as Time’s Person of the Year.

Then she entered the spotlight again. Invited to speak at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City, which took place in September 2019, Thunberg traveled across the Atlantic on a zero-carbon sailing boat, accompanied by her father and a supporting crew.

She said at the UN Climate Action Summit:“For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear. How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you’re doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight …You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you. ”

Nevertheless, Thunberg has her share of critics too. The objectors attack her for what she has done, calling her a “weirdo” and regard the Greta Thunberg effect as a useless fantasy.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “trigger” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
【小题2】What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us about Thunberg?
A.Her popularity.B.Her future plan.
C.Her speeches.D.Her achievements.
【小题3】What can you infer from Thunberg’s words in Paragraph 5?
A.The science is still not clear about climate.
B.Great progress has been made in politics and solutions.
C.She is not satisfied with the measures that the government took.
D.Future generations haven’t achieved much and failed the government.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Thunberg?
A.Responsible and ambitious.B.Selfless and generous.
C.Easy-going and creative.D.Considerate and cautious.
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Support for renewable energy technology to figllt global warming is weakening in the face of worldwide economic problems and the true scale of the carbon reductions required,a survey published today has suggested.
Figures presented at the UN climate talks in Poznan,Poland,show that climate experts have less faith in alternative energy than they did 12 months ago.
The survey shows less support for wind energy,solar power,biofuels,biomass and hydrogen energy as technologies with “high potential” to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere over the next 25 years.
Eric Whan of Globesean,which carried out the survey of “climate decision makers”.Said, “As the climate crisis deepens they could be becoming less optimistic that individual technologies may be able to solve the problem.’’
The survey,supported by groups including the World Bank,the United Nations Environment Programme and the Pew Center for Global Climate Change,questioned l,000 senior figures across governments,pressure groups and companies in 115 countries over the last few weeks.
Almost three quarters of the experts agreed in the survey that “equitable(公平的,平等的) economic growth and development and significant progress in combating(与……斗争)climate change can be achieved at the same time.’’
Asked to rate the likely Success of low-carbon technologies in the midterm,they showed less confidence than a similar survey 12 months ago.Support for offshore wind farms,was down 61%from 65%last year.Solar electricity generation was rated as having high potential by 66%of   respondents,down from 74%.Support for hydrogen power was 32%,down form 36%in 2007.
The respondents also warned that a deep recession(衰退)would make a new global deal on climate harder to achieve.Some 44%agreed that the current economic crisis will significantly delay or compromise the “achievement of effective climate change agreements.’’
【小题1】Which of the following is NOT the alternative energy?       ·
A.Wind energy.B.Solar power.
C.Hydrogen energy.D.Conventional energy.
【小题2】Which of the following altemative energy sees the most remarkable reduction in support?
A.Offshore wind farms.B.Solar electricity.
C.Hydrogen power.D.Natural gas.
【小题3】Why is support for renewable energy technology to fight dobal warming weakening?
A.The technology has no use at all.
B.People don’t want to use the technology.
C.Nothing can be done to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere.
D.The current economic crisis is to blame.
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Experts Lost Faith in Renewable TechnologyB.Global Environment Is Worsening
C.Who Is to Blame for the EnvironmentD.What Can Be Done to Save the Earth

As environmental concerns continue to increase, many people are left wondering how they can balance the need to travel with the need to protect the planet. One particular dilemma that has received significant attention is air travel.

Air travel is known to be one of the most carbon-intensive forms of travel. According to a report by the European Environment Agency, aviation (航空) is responsible for around 3% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, and that number is expected to grow in the coming years. In addition, aircraft contribute to other types of air pollution, such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides.

For environmentalists who advocate for reducing our carbon footprint, this brings up a difficult question: should we avoid flying altogether?

On one hand, it’s easy to see why environmentalists would want to keep away from air travel. By doing so, they could dramatically reduce their carbon footprint and set an example for others. Additionally, some argue that air travel perpetuates (使永久) a culture of over-consumption, which is contradictory to environmental values.

However, there are also arguments in favor of air travel: For one, air travel enables people to experience different cultures, build relationships, and expand their knowledge in ways that might not be possible otherwise. It can also facilitate business trades and contribute to economic growth. Moreover, some experts believe that technological advancements could make air travel more sustainable in the future. For example, some airlines are experimenting with biofuels and electric planes, which could dramatically reduce the emissions associated with air travel.

So what’s the answer? Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide whether the benefits of air travel outweigh the environmental costs. However, there are steps that everyone can take to reduce their impact. For example, travelers can choose to fly less frequently, decide on direct flights, and offset (抵消) their emissions through programs like carbon offsetting. In the end, the key is to remain aware of the environmental impact of our choices and to make informed decisions based on our own values and priorities.

【小题1】What’s the function of paragraph 2?
A.To clarify the effect of air travel.B.To make a comparison.
C.To present an argument.D.To describe various greenhouse gases.
【小题2】What may supporters of air travel agree to?
A.It helps avoid economic problems.
B.It promotes globalization in some sense.
C.It will make biofuels popular in the near future.
D.It will accelerate the development of electric planes.
【小题3】What is probably the author’s attitude to air travel?
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.Environmental concerns about air travel.B.Whether we should travel by air or not.
C.How to reduce the pollution air travel causes.D.The advantages and disadvantages of air travel.

Anyone wanting to help the poor may like this idea—recycling aluminum cans in a different way, which is apparently also good for the environment. So you're actually killing two birds with one stone. It goes without saying that recycling aluminum cans can save resources, energy, time and money. People usually save and place aluminum cans in the dustbins, which are then collected and taken away by cleaners, who will finally recycle them in the recycling center. But if you save the aluminum cans, and skip the cleaners, you can save these same cans for something more important—helping the poor. In other words, by doing less, you are giving the environmental cause some new significance.

Here is how to put this idea into action. Take your aluminum cans and place them in a plastic bag. For the dirty ones, rinse them out first. Store the bag of clean aluminum cans. Once you collect about one hundred cans or more, take the cans to the recycle center yourself. There are about eighteen aluminum cans in a pound. And you can receive three to four dollars for one hundred cans. Donate your three to four dollars to the poor or any charity organization of your choice.

By now, you may wonder if your few dollars have really made a difference to the poor. Consider this: Is there any individual or any specific event that is great enough to change the world or decide the direction that history takes? The answer is probably no. What if there were a lot of people who would do the same thing? History shows nothing but the collective will of the whole community. And that will surely be powerful enough to make a bigger difference.

Go to your community or your school and spread your idea. Share your idea and save your aluminum cans with other people. One hundred people can speak louder than one. And the money you make by saving cans can be multiplied by one hundred times. And if more people join in the cause around the world, an even larger difference can be made , and more people in need will enjoy the benefits.

【小题1】What's special about the new idea?
A.It makes profits.B.It saves resources.
C.It benefits the poor.D.It involves cleaners.
【小题2】What can we infer from paragraph 2?
A.Dirty cans do not sell well.B.You decide who receives the money.
C.A hundred cans weigh about 3 pounds.D.The recycle center is conveniently located.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 probably refer to?
A.A great individual or event.B.The direction history takes.
C.The collective will of people.D.The neighbourhood you live in.
【小题4】Which of the following does the writer want to tell us?
A.Many hands make light work.B.Kill two birds with one stone.
C.Don't put the cart before the horse.D.No man can do two things at once.
