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If you have tried chatting with ChatGPT lately, you have probably been met with an “at capacity” error message at some point. The chatbot’s sudden huge popularity can make accessing the service pretty tricky. And while it’s fun to chat with the AI or even get it to write essays or take exams, some people want guaranteed access so they can use the chatbot for professional purposes.

Earlier this month, OpenAI announced that it may soon start offering a paid-for version of ChatGPT with an option called ChatGPT Professional. A waitlist that OpenAI posted to the server detailed what pro users might expect.

The professional offering, which OpenAI described as “experimental”, will be “always available,” offer “fast responses from ChatGPT,” and would provide “as many messages as you need.” The waitlist also noted that, if selected, OpenAI would reach out to you individually to set up a payment process and a pilot.

Now it seems like OpenAI has picked its early access users and they are sharing some insights. Zahid Khawaja, an early access user, shared a video on Twitter running a test prompt on the pro version that ran much quicker than the free version the rest of the public has access to. In the video, Khawaja showed his subscription cost, which comes in at $ 42 a month.

How OpenAI decided on $ 42 a month is yet to be revealed-perhaps it’s yet another Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference. However, in December Sam Altman, OpenAl’s chief executive said the average cost of each response was in “single-digits cents”, but he admitted it will need to charge the service eventually because of its “eye-watering“ compute costs. A recent agreement with Microsoft, which will see the software giant invest billions in OpenAI over the next few years, will also likely help.

Despite its popularity, ChatGPT isn’t the only AI chatbot on the market. The $ 42 a month price tag is causing some users to seek other alternatives that might be more cost effective and just as efficient.

【小题1】What does the author think of having access to the service?
A.Not easy.B.Not good.
C.Not tough.D.Not slow.
【小题2】Which of the following isn’t provided in the professional version of ChatGPT?
A.All-time availability.
B.Enough information.
C.Free subscription.
D.Faster response.
【小题3】Why was the service charged in the end?
A.It is to be revealed next month.
B.It is customers’ requirements.
C.It needs Microsoft’s investment.
D.It needs very high running costs.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.ChatGPT charges the lowest on the market.
B.ChatGPT will lose most of its access users.
C.ChatGPT may lose some targeted customers.
D.ChatGPT is more effective and efficient.
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If Dhruv Rebba, an Indian American, had to live on an isolated island, he would bring a ham radio kit along. “The island wouldn’t have cellular connectivity (蜂窝网络连接), of course. Ham radio would be the best option to contact someone as it uses the ionosphere (电离层) to communicate, instead of cellular towers. That’s why we use it when mobile phone networks are destroyed during natural disasters,” he said in an interview.

When Rebba was nine, he received his ham radio technician license—becoming the youngest person of Indian origin then to receive it. “My dad has been a ham radio operator for the past 25years. When I was in the third grade, I convinced him to take me along to the Dayton Hamvention, where I was totally overwhelmed by some cool stuff including Morse code keyers. From then on, I decided to go further in this field,” Rebba said.

In 2017, Rebba was part of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) project. It involves amateur radio operators across the world speaking directly to astronauts through their radio stations. “After three tries, I received the approval. As I have an amateur radio license! was able to make my initial contact. Some 16 students across America were given the chance to ask Joseph M. Acaba who was then on the International Space Station (ISS) 23questions,” Rebba explained.

Besides being a ham radio operator, Rebba is also the CEO of Universal Help Foundation. “I once visited my dad’s village in India where I noticed the gap in the standard of living. That’s what made me start Universal Help Foundation—to create an impact.” said Rebba. He named the foundation Universal Help-Foundation rather than an limiting it to environmental sustainability (可持续发展) or disaster relief. Instead, he wanted to bridge the gap.

Meanwhile, Rebba hopes to get further high up in space. However, the overall picture of the ham radio field is unpleasant. “The ham population is aging and fewer youngsters are drawn to it. Now we all have cell phones and the younger crowd doesn’t see the everyday use of ha m radio as important,” Rebba added.

【小题1】What characterizes ham radio?
A.Being convenient and safe to take along.
B.Being a reliable means of communication.
C.Being effective in evaluating natural disasters.
D.Being quick to repair a broken mobile network.
【小题2】How would Rebba describe the Dayton Hamvention?
【小题3】What did ARISS allow Rebba to do?
A.Obtain his amateur radio license.
B.Apply for membership of ARISS.
C.Contact an astronaut in space via radio.
D.Use his self-made radio station on the ISS.
【小题4】What’s Universal Help Foundation mainly committed to?
A.Improving the poor’s quality of life.
B.Raising people’s environmental awareness.
C.Providing disaster relief for remote villages.
D.Strengthening the connections among villagers.
【小题5】What’s Rebba concerned about?
A.Ham radio is a dying hobby.
B.Young people are addicted to cell phones.
C.Ham radio is useless in some circumstances.
D.Young people attach little importance to technology.

Nowadays even your grandmother is not likely to call you on your landline. Evidence indicates that the elderly are in fact adapting to new technology quite easily, especially as digital technology continues to become ever more user-friendly. For those who do have difficulty, help is at hand.

In many countries, the elderly can receive free training in the use of computers, and learn how to correspond by email, how to send photos and voice messages, and how to use the Internet for shopping and other services. Across the world, centres for the elderly report that their most popular classes are in the use of smartphones and tables. It is clear that the elderly have already come to rely on digital technology to help them remain independent and keep in touch with friends and relatives.

Elderly people enjoy using technology for the same reasons as the rest of us: entertainment and leisure. Having plenty of free time, many elderly people like to find out new things or write down their experiences. Being able to use a computer, smartphone or tablet makes this easier to do, and can open the door to interesting hobbies. Many social media sites developed for the younger generation are now being enjoyed by the elderly, too. And for elderly people who may be unable to leave their homes without assistance, communication with the outside world is essential to prevent loneliness and to allow them to call for help in emergencies. In Singapore, the elderly are even turning to robots to keep them in good physical shape.

So it would seem that rather than being afraid of new technology, the elderly have much to gain from it, and are embracing it fully. As digital technology comes down in price, and becomes easier to operate, it could help to transform old age for millions of people.

【小题1】Why are elderly people less likely to call our landlines? (no more than 15 words)
【小题2】What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 mean? (1 word)
【小题3】What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? (no more than 10 words)
【小题4】According to the text, how could digital technology change elderly people’s life in the future? (no more than 10 words)
【小题5】If you were old, what would you like the technology to help you with in daily life? Please explain why. (no more than 20 words)

Several Jobs That Will Be Automated By Artificial Intelligence(AI) And Robots


Image recognition software and voice recognition software are bringing some major advances to language translation.Applications like Google’s Word Lens can translate words from signs and documents in real time and there are a lot of translation apps that allow you to type in a word or phrase and will translate it for you.

Some will even speak the phrase for you and raw word-to-word translation will be fully automated soon.

Fast food workers

Automated ordering booths have already made their way into a few McDonald’s restaurants around the world,and cooking positions could be removed next.The booths probably can’t handle customer service problems well,so televideo systems could bring in an office employee to deal with complaints.

Field technician

New advances in the Internet of Things could make this work obsolete

Low-cost sensors combined with high availability cellular/satellite communications and cloud technology are being started to automate and alarm these sites,and can be checked and maintained from a desktop or mobile device.

Sales representative

But,e-commerce is changing how we make purchasing decisions,especially those where there isn’t much differentiation among the major competitors.

If you’re selling a high-differentiation product and/or a high-price,low-volume product you have some job security,but if you’re selling a high-volume,low-differentiation product,you better start polishing your resume,said Doug Camplejohn,CEO of Fliptop.“These kind of product sales are all moving online.”

【小题1】What can Google’s Word Lens do?
A.Translate by image and voice recognition software.
B.Speak the phrase or word for you.
C.Make real-time translation.
D.Allow you to type in a word or phrase.
【小题2】What can we infer from the second part?
A.All the restaurants own automated ordering booths.
B.Service problems can’t be handled automatically.
C.Cooks will not be automated by AI and robots.
D.Customers will have no complaints because of AI.
【小题3】What does the underlined word“obsolete”mean in Part 3?
