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How to Be a Good Roommate

Living with other people can be difficult, especially when each person comes from a different background and has their own ideas about how they want to live. Though having a roommate can be challenging at times, it can also be enjoyable and fun. 【小题1】

You can discuss your expectations ahead of time. Get together before or on the first day you move in together and talk about what each of you needs and wants from the other. 【小题2】 This applies to finances, food, clothes, possessions, use of common areas and so on.

You should agree to respect each other’s privacy. This is especially important. 【小题3】 For instance, you may not mind if your roommate comes into your room unannounced, but they might find you to be very rude for doing so. You should talk about these kinds of things so that you know what to expect from each other.

【小题4】 Say hello and goodbye, ask them how their day was, and show interest in their life. Getting to know the person you live with helps you understand their perspective, and allows them to understand yours. It also makes it easier to deal with problems that you have with that person if you’ve already developed a harmonious relationship with them.

You can also be considerate of your roommate in your life. Understand what’s going on in your roommate’s life. You should aim to be flexible and accommodating. Your roommate may have a big test coming up. 【小题5】 If your roommate is busy and stressed with their job, give them some time and space to relax and unwind.

A.You can discuss each of your preferences for privacy.
B.Spending time with your roommate is also important.
C.This is your best chance to set boundaries with your roommate.
D.Make sure that everyone is clear on the rules and responsibilities.
E.This is what you should know to respect your roommate’s privacy.
F.Then in this case you should probably be quiet and let them study.
G.The following steps will help you live in harmony with your roommate.
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These days, everyone seems to take photos with their phone. So let’s take a look at how to get the best photos with your phone.

1. Plan your photo.

First, identify your subject. Place the subject a little bit to one side, not in the centre. 【小题1】 Lines from walls, sidewalks or fences can point to the subject, creating an interesting picture. But make sure the background is not too busy. You don’t want the subject to get lost.

2. 【小题2】

Have you noticed that you get more blurry(模糊) photos with your camera phone than with your usual camera? It’s not your imagination. The shutter speed is slower, and you can’t vary the exposure settings. So for best results, hold the phone as still as you can.

3. Provide enough light.

【小题3】 Artificial lights tend to be dim (光线暗淡的) and can sometimes turn objects strange color. Even if your phone has a flash, it is probably pretty weak. If you need a flash, move very close to make sure it hits the subject.

4. Optimize (使最优化) the camera settings.

【小题4】If there’s an ISO setting, take it off Auto. When you’re outdoors in daylight, set the ISO to its lowest value to minimize the digital noise in your picture. Likewise, you might have some control over the JPEG image quality. Always go for the best quality option available.

5. Don’t zoom in (拉近)

When the subject is far away, most people try zooming in. This looks fine on a phone’s small screen. 【小题5】Instead of zooming in, try standing closer until the subject almost fills the picture.

A.Keep your phone steady.
B.Choose your subject wisely.
C.You may want to get pictures with your camera phone.
D.If possible, try to take your photos outside using sunlight.
E.But when the picture is enlarged, it won’t look sharp or clear.
F.Surround the subject with contrasting colors to make it stand out.
G.Your camera phone probably has a few settings you can use to optimize your exposures.

Starting college is a difficult transition for many students. Here are some ways to make the transition a little bit easier.

Get involved.

By joining a team, you not only get to meet older students who can help you get through the transition, you also make friends quickly and have things to do. One of the huge differences from high school to college is the amount of free time you have.【小题1】

Have an open mind.

Especially if you are going to a bigger school, it’s important to have an open mind. 【小题2】 Yet when you get to college, there are people from all over that have different views on things and act in a different way.

Stay focused.

【小题3】 . It is so easy to get caught up in your social life and forget about the academics. Remain focused on your schoolwork and figure out what you want to study, but be sure to have time for social activities as well.


Take care of your body. Being away from home and no longer having parents looking after you doesn’t mean you have to throw away all the things you learned about staying healthy. Eat healthily and play sports as you did in high school to stay in shape.

Again, the transition from high school to college can be extremely challenging. 【小题5】 By following some of these tips, hopefully your transition will be a little smoother and you will get the most out of your freshman year in college!

A.Enjoy the sports.
B.Work to stay healthy.
C.When you are healthy, you feel better.
D.It may not come as easy to you as it does for some students.
E.How you decide to use it determines how well you do in school.
F.You may be used to the people from your town and your high school.
G.The main thing to remember when starting college is what you are actually there for.

Members of Generation Z, born after 1996, will have to focus on human connections if they want to compete with robots for the jobs of the future. Therefore, it is important for Gen Z to have “soft” skills. 【小题1】 To be successful, Gen Z members need to acquire the following “soft” skills.

Be a good communicator

Some employers fear that Gen Z cannot do better than the robots they are competing with. 【小题2】 Good communication skills. Gen Z should pay attention to the importance of relationship building, listening and communication.


Although most of Gen Z are still in school, they already need to think about how to continually adapt to(适应) a fast-changing world. To get success, they must improve their skills and learn to meet the requirements of the work.

Find work that gives you a sense of purpose

【小题4】 They said they were considering changing their jobs because of it. In fact, workers are at their best when doing something meaningful to them.

“Soft” skills are increasingly important to getting a dream job. Make the most of  them, otherwise Gen Z may appear less attractive to employers. What’s more, to have an advantage over robots, Gen Z are supposed to acquire as many “soft” skills as they can. 【小题5】

A.What will make Gen Z workers stand out?
B.Be a continuous learner
C.They help workers to compete with machines that are skilled.
D.Be a good listener
E.Only in this way can Gen Z win the opportunity for better future jobs and achieve success.
F.Why should Gen Z workers be effective?
G.Nearly half of the Gen Z said they had experienced job burnout(倦怠) in the past year.
