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About Reader’s Digest

Reader’s Digest is America’s fourth largest-circulation magazine brand, standing out more than ever in today’s cultural landscape due to its themes of optimism, faith, heroism, trust, humor, and wellness.

Our History

Reader’s Digest was first published in 1922 by DeWitt Wallace and Lila Acheson Wallace. A man ahead of his time, DeWitt Wallace recognized that people were hungry for information but overwhelmed by choice, so he began collecting the best stories from a vast array of publications.

Reader’s Digest Worldwide

Reader’s Digest was the first print magazine to go international, starting with the United Kingdom in 1938, followed by a Spanish language edition in 1940, and eventually published in 17 languages in 34 countries. Today Reader’s Digest is published in 22 countries.

Up-to-Date News

From stress-free money-saving strategies and quick reports on the latest in healthcare to inspiring articles on world events, you’ll discover hundreds of ideas for living a richer, more satisfying life.

True-Life Stories

Cheer on America’s hometown heroes! You’ll be fascinated by these uplifting true tales of everyday people who put their lives in harm’s way to help others. Share in their amazing stories as they recall how they overcame all difficulties to accomplish the unexpected… and the extraordinary.

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Reader’s Digest annual cover price is $44.91 and is currently published 9 times annually. Frequency is subject to change without notice, and special issues may be published occasionally (which count as 2 issues).

【小题1】What do we learn about Reader’s Digest?
A.It was created by three founders.
B.It has a history of over 100years.
C.It is the most influential magazine in America.
D.It has covered more and more countries since 1940.
【小题2】What is special about True-Life Stories in Reader’s Digest?
A.They focus on famous people.B.They happen all over the world.
C.They are positive and inspiring.D.They are interesting and humourous.
【小题3】How much will you save if you choose a two-year subscription of the magazine?
A.About $34.91.B.About $44.91.C.About $69.82.D.About $74.82.
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Sometimes a book can help change history. One book that certainly did was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was a book that spoke out against slavery.

As Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote her book, there were over 3.5 million slaves in the United States. Slaves were usually in the cotton growing states of the South. The Northern States had ended slavery. Yet, most Northerners were not strongly against slavery. They did not mind that slavery continued in the South.

Stowe decided to make people understand that slavery was very bad. Each night after putting her six children to bed, she worked on her book. She told the story of an old slave, Tom, and Simon Legree, a slave owner. She also told how the slaves tried to run away for freedom. Uncle Tom’s Cabin first came out in 1852. Over 300,000 books were sold out in a year.

People had different ideas about the book. In the North, many people finally believed that slavery must be ended after they read the book. In the South, many people were very angry at the people in the North. By 1861 the two parts of the country were at war. The Civil War, which lasted until 1865, finally brought an end to slavery at last.

Of course, there were many things that made the Civil War happen. Yet, Uncle Tom’s Cabin surely played a part. Stowe met President Lincoln in 1862. As Lincoln took her hand, he said, “So you are the little woman who started the big war.”

【小题1】Uncle Tom’s Cabin was ______.
A.a book about Harriet Beecher Stowe
B.a history book
C.a book that helped change history
D.a book about the American Civil War
【小题2】Before Uncle Tom’s Cabin came out, most Northerners ______.
A.were slaves in the southB.did not know how bad slavery was
C.kept slaves in their homesD.understood that slavery was wrong
【小题3】From the text, we can see that ______.
A.Stowe was a very young woman
B.Stowe’s husband was dead when she wrote the story
C.Stowe wrote her book with stories from her six children
D.Stowe could not work on her book at all during the day-time
【小题4】While many Northerners agreed with Harriet Beecher Stowe, ______.
A.many Southerners wanted war
B.many Southerners had not read the book
C.many Southerners were angry at her
D.some slaves tried to run away from the North
【小题5】Harriet Beecher Stowe ______.
A.was a little woman who started the American Civil War together with Abraham Lincoln
B.was strongly against slavery
C.helped some slaves to run away from the South
D.met Abraham Lincoln before the Civil War

As we all know, books are very important to us. They can provide us with many useful things. 【小题1】 However, how can you become a good reader? Do you know what effective ways to read are? I suggest you should follow these tips.

【小题2】 Libraries are wonderful places to find a variety of books. What’s more, you can fix your attention on the book in this quiet, comfortable place because you won’t be disturbed. You can also relax yourself in this comfortable place.

Pick out reading materials that most interest you. Finding materials that interest you is the first important step in improving your reading. 【小题3】 If you have trouble understanding what the author’s trying to say, you may not enjoy the book. If you are interested in a book, you will enjoy reading it again and again.

Know what your purpose is. If you want to learn the language, you should learn the sentence structures, the useful words and expressions that you may need to use later. 【小题4】 The more words you are exposed to, the more your vocabulary will grow. This will help you write a good composition. 【小题5】

A.So reading books is necessary for us.
B.Find the materials related to your study.
C.Even you can write down some beautiful sentences.
D.Learning the basic writing skill requires hard work.
E.You should find a book that’s proper for you to read.
F.Get a library card and be prepared to spend a lot of time there browsing (浏览).
G.If you are reading for fun, or just for killing time, then you needn’t be too serious.

Thanks to a rereading of Jane Austen’s fiction, I have experienced a rejuvenation (恢复) of spirit and energy that has transformed my life. Rereading for the sheer pleasure of Austen’s language and characters when I experienced some depression in my 60s initiated a process that became more serious as I continued to reread the novels in my 70s and became more and more curious about the relationship between reading, learning and the imagination.

Now I find that the processes of rereading, investigation and reflection have led me to the best time in my life. It raised issues in my mind about memory, truth telling and art. In weaving together these aspects of my own reading experiences, I discovered parts of myself that I had not previously explored.

On the one hand I felt removed sufficiently to evaluate the best and worst of times in my own life. And on the other hand, I became so deeply immersed in the reflective process that I surprisedly realized the longstanding dissatisfactions were evaporating around me.

Of course, to be worth rereading, novels must have the potential to yield new insights. For this reason, I have reread Austen’s same six novels many times. They have offered me the richness and complexity required to help me reassess where I am in my life, the quality of my relationships past and present, and the values at stake in my life choices.

When I read Pride and Prejudice at the age of 15, I read it as a domestic comedy. I loved the Bennet sisters because they were lively and, for all their bickering, they were having fun. Rereading the same novel in my 30s I put my attention elsewhere. I paid serious attention to whether I could reconcile (和解) myself to Charlotte Lucas !s view that happiness in marriage is a matter of chance.

At the age of 90, I reread, reflect and comfort myself with Elizabeth Bennet’s words, “till this moment I never knew myself’. This is the moment I have been waiting for.

【小题1】Why did the writer begin to reread Jane Austen’s novel?
A.To deal with depression and seek joy.
B.To revive her love for literature.
C.To evaluate the process of rereading.
D.To dig deeper into literature study.
【小题2】According to the writer, what books are worth rereading?
A.Books themed on life choices.B.Books with attractive characters.
C.Books that inspire new thinking.D.Books that recall the best moments of life.
【小题3】How does the writer show the impact of rereading Pride and Prejudice?
A.By analyzing the novel from different aspects.
B.By comparing her reflections at different ages.
C.By quoting speeches from the main characters.
D.By describing the perspectives of different characters.
【小题4】What message does the writer seem to convey in the text?
A.Every Jane Austen’s fiction deserves rereading.
B.Reading books does good to depressed people.
C.Rereading novels sharpens people’s reading skills.
D.Rereading great books is a rewarding experience.
