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As one of China’s ten【小题1】(famous) teas, Longjing tea is characterized by its green color, delicate smell, rich taste and beautiful shape. The beautiful forms of a bud (嫩芽)【小题2】one leaf or two leaves are acknowledged as quality tea. The picking work of such tea leaves demands a high accuracy and【小题3】(depend) largely on hand labor. To improve efficiency, a tea-picking robot was made and it is in trial operation now. It can position【小题4】 the target bud and leaf are and cut them precisely.

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In Chinese, a scallion pancake is called cong you bing. Chinese people love to make these crispy treats from time to time. Scallions are also known as green onions. 【小题1】(essential), a scallion pancake is a type of flatbread that has been folded over several times and grilled or fried in oil and 【小题2】(mix) with a generous helping of these green onions.

To cook a Chinese scallion pancake 【小题3】(be) easy. Start by scattering the scallions into the dough (面团). Next, you need to add the oil. Instead of dropping the dough into the oil, you should use the cooking oil 【小题4】(coat) it. Then, it’s time to fry it. You’ll know it’s ready when it turns 【小题5】(gold) brown but is still tender. Once your scallion pancakes are ready, you can serve them when they’re still hot and fresh, 【小题6】 let them cool off first. Either way, you can cut them into pizza-shaped slices and share them with your friends by eating the slices 【小题7】 your hands.

In fact, the taste of the Chinese scallion pancakes is so good that many Chinese students who go abroad still crave for the food. These pancakes actually serve as 【小题8】 emotional bridge that helps keep the memory of the parents 【小题9】 often make them. One of the students says, “It’s so simple when you think about it. Flour, scallions, salt, oil and that’s about it. But from that simple thing, the layers show the thoughtful love of our parents. The 【小题10】(tradition) are in our minds and in our hearts, and sometimes that is enough better than any gold and silver jewelry.


About 800 meters above sea level and next to the picturesque Taiping Lake, Houkeng nvillage in Huangshan, a region in the south of Anhui province, seems 【小题1】 (bless) by nature and is home to the handmade tea variety Taiping Kowkui. Every spring 【小题2】 foggy days moisten the emerald hillsides, villagers know their harvest will come. “【小题3】 any of three key factors — proper location, plant variety, or processing technique—the perfect Kowkui will not be born,” Fang Jifan, the fifth-generation tea farmer says. “It’s 【小题4】 signature of our home.”

Kowkui’s 【小题5】 (exceptional) large leaves often lead to its 【小题6】 (mistake) for “vegetable” by first-time viewers, but this “king” of green tea in Fang’ eyes beats other 【小题7】 (variety) at more than just size. “Its fragrance and flavor also stand out, thanks to the time-consuming work to process them.” Fang says.

Last November, traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China 【小题8】 (add) to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. “The tea culture not only reflects a refined taste in life, it also shows the beauty of craftsmanship 【小题9】 people’s creativity,” says Zheng Yi, deputy head of Anhui Tea Culture Research Society. “For centuries, the scent of tea leaves 【小题10】 (offer) nutrition to this land. This intangible cultural heritage of tea processing techniques is deeply rooted in people’s everyday life.
