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Located along the Pacific Flyway, a good migratory pah that st etches from Alaska to Patagonia, Santa Cruz is home to hundreds of bird species. Just head to one of the spots listed below and sec for yourself!

UCSC Arboretum

The diverse plants that attract a wide range of birds make these gardens a wonderful place to star. Mark your calendar for the Arboretum’s popular Hummingbird Days, a family-friendly festival that celebrates the tiny birds on March 5th and 6th.

Natural Bridges State Beach

This scenic park is perfect forbid watchers due to its wide sampling of local habitats. Over 250 bird species have been recorded in the area.

Neary Lagoon

Birdsong fills the air at this peaceful oasis (绿洲) less than a 10-minute walk from the fun of the Santa Cruz Beach. A walkway allows visitors a front-row view of birds such as American Coots.

Watsonville Wetlands

The wetlands provide a year-round home for local bids and serve as as top for migratory birds visiting from faraway. Drop by the Nature Center for exhibits, maps, and suggestions for best spots to visit.

Birding Tips

·The early birder gets the worm. You’re likely to sec more birds earlier rather than later in the day.

·No two visit are likely to be the same. Different times and seasons bring different bids and behavior.

·No matter how cute those little bids are, you should not feed them with your bread. It’s unhealthy for the bird and the surrounding ecosystem.

How to Get More Involved

We recommend joining the Santa Cruz Birding Club for public events and abundant online guides. Contact us free at Birding&Wildlife Watch Kit for registration.

【小题1】Which place can visitors reach easily on foot from the Santa Cruz Beach?
A.Natural Bridges State Beach.B.UCSC Arboretum.
C.Watsonville Wetlands.D.Neary Lagoon.
【小题2】What advice does the text give about bird-watching?
A.Don’t get close to the home of local birds.
B.Don’t feed the birds with your own food.
C.Prepare a road map to watch the early birds.
D.Registration is required for a watching event.
【小题3】What does the text recommend more involvement?
A.Visiting the Nature Center.B.Attending the Hummingbird Days.
C.Joining the Santa Cruz Birding Club.D.Working at Birding&Wildlife Watch Kit.
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Germany may be famous for its wealth of history and culture, but it also houses some of Europe's most wild and wonderful landscapes.

Jasmund National Park

It lies on the west coast of the offshore island of Rugen. This UNESCO-protected site is the smallest of Germany's national parks. It is here that painter Caspar David Friedrich found himself inspired to create one of his masterpieces, Chalk Cliffs on Rugen, in 1818. Here long trails can take you all the way to the Rugen coastline, where white-sand beaches and blue waters wait.

Berchtesgaden National Park

Berchtesgaden is one of Germany's oldest and most beautiful conservation areas. Trails go in and out of the forest leading you along the banks of glassy lakes. The more adventurous visitors may choose paragliding (滑翔伞运动) from Mount Jenner and they can fly over 1,800 meters. Back on the ground a network of more than 150 miles of walking trails twist through the forest.

Southern Black Forest Nature Park

The highland areas, with views over Switzerland and France are a good place for food-lovers. Activities in the park range from hiking and fishing to mountain biking, while the slower traveller will enjoy the trails for an escape from everyday life.

The Bliesgau Biosphere

This place is home to almost half of all German orchid (兰花) species. The grasslands spread for miles, drawing in different butterflies. Thanks to its comfortable climate, this is a region of sustainable development. In fact, this park is an example of farming done right and offers agricultural tricks to anyone eager to learn.

【小题1】What is special about Jasmund National Park?
A.It lies on the east coast of Rugen.B.It covers the smallest area.
C.It is the most beautiful place.D.It offers beautiful glassy lakes.
【小题2】What can visitors do in Berchtesgaden National Park?
A.Draw inspiration for art.B.Enjoy fishing.
C.Experience paragliding.D.Go for a bike ride.
【小题3】Which place best suits people who are keen on planting?
A.Jasmund National Park.B.Berchtesgaden National Park.
C.Southern Black Forest NaturcPark.D.The Blicsgau Biosphere.

Malaysia is a country of contrasts — a mix of different architecture, attractive parks and modern tall buildings, and a unique landscape.

Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia’s capital and largest city has much to offer travelers. Perhaps best known for the Petronas Twin Towers, KL is a very popular tourist destination (目的地). It is also considered one of the best shopping destinations in Southeast Asia. Its distinct, modern, Asian, and Malay architecture flows through the city, giving it a unique look you don’t usually find in other Southeast Asia capitals.

George Town

The older part has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site — but George Town is just as famous for its food as it is for its architecture. While George Town’s port and waterfront area is a tourist’s favorite, there’s much more to see and do here. The city’s tallest building is home to the U-shaped Rainbow Skywalk, an outdoor glass viewing platform (平台) set 68 floors up in the air.

Gunung Mulu National Park

The park attracts visitors from all over Asia who come here for the natural beauty that caused this place to be admitted on UNESCO World Heritage list. The park’s main attractions are, however, its caves and the millions of bats (蝙蝠). Sarawak Chamber is the largest cave in the world.

Cameron Highlands

The Cameron Highlands is a hilly region with a long tradition of tea growing on the mountainside. For an inside look into the agricultural and farming practices in Malaysia, the Mardi’s Agro Technology Park is an unexpectedly fun destination. Or visit The Time Tunnel, where you can see recreated rooms and shops from the early 20th century, play board games, and see photographs from pre-war days.

【小题1】What makes Kuala Lumpur different from other capitals in Southeast Asia?
A.Architectural style.B.Popularity.C.Number of visitors.D.Shopping places.
【小题2】What do George Town and Gunung Mulu National Park have in common?
A.The outdoor views are famous.B.Bats and caves are fascinating.
C.They are recognized by UNESCO.D.They have many foods to choose from.
【小题3】Which place best suits people who enjoy agriculture life?
A.George Town.B.Cameron Highlands.
C.Kuala Lumpur.D.Gunung Mulu National Park.

There’s so much to see and do in the coolest little capital. Here’s our list of the top 5 must-dos when you visit Wellington.

Enjoy 360° views from the top of Mount Victoria

Get a full view of the city and a great photo at the Mount Victoria Lookout. Watch the ships sailing in and plane taking off from Wellington Airport.

Ride the historic Wellington Cable Car

The Cable Car is a Wellington mark. It runs from Lambton Quay up to Kelburn. At its top, there’s a lookout, the Cable Car Museum, and Space Place at Carter Observatory.

Check out our world famous movie-making magic

Get into the imagination and the skills of artists behind some of the world’s most wonderful movies at the Weta Cave mini-museum, where you can find yourself in the world of the movie — The Lord of the Rings.

Have a close touch at Wellington Zoo

Do you want to hand-feed a giraffe, play with a group of meerkats (猫鼬) or touch a cheetah’s (猎豹) fur? All are possible at Wellington Zoo, the best little zoo in the world.

Discover our stories at Te Papa

The national museum of New Zealand, Te Papa, is fascinating and fun for any age. The shows tell stories about each side of New Zealand in new and exciting ways. By the way, you can enter the Te papa museum for free.
【小题1】Where can visitors have a full view of Wellington?
A.At the Weta Cave mini-museumB.At the Mount Victoria Lookout.
C.At Wellington ZooD.At Te Papa.
【小题2】Which tourist attraction can be entered for free?
A.The Te Papa museum.B.The Cable Car Museum.
C.Wellington Zoo.D.The Weta Cave mini-museum.
【小题3】Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.health newspaper.B.A science textbook.
C.A travel website.D.A fashion magazine.
