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Choosing a nice mountain bike for you is easier than learning how to ride it. 【小题1】:

Decide how you are going to use your new mountain bike.

Are you a new rider who simply wants to travel outdoors on the weekend, weather permitting? Do you plan to test yourself on the rough roads, every day, rain or shine? Or are you going to use your new mountain bike to ride to and from school or work? 【小题2】, and you’re more than half way toward choosing the right mountain bike for you.

Visit your local bike shops.

Any good bike shop will stock a wide range of quality mountain bikes in all price points and sizes. Your local bike shops will carry more than one brand of bicycle. Not only will they sell you a mountain bike that suits your needs, but they will service what they sell.【小题3】. You’ll get one that satisfies you right away.

Don’t be bashful (羞怯的).

Tell your salesperson how you intend to use your new mountain bike, and how much you are willing to spend. Your salesperson will show you a selection of models and brands accordingly. He or she will also help you determine the right size for you.【小题4】.


All good bike shops let customers take test rides. There’s a good reason for this beyond “try-before-you-buy’’ salesmanship. Since you already know your price range and find the right size, you now have to find out which brand you ride best. They want you to be happy with your purchase. After only a few lest rides from more than one bike shop, the right mountain bike will choose you.

A.Here are some advice on the riding skills
B.Be honest about your intentions
C.Keep these tips in mind
D.Stay safe when taking a test ride
E.Visit at least a few shops
F.You may ask more without any sense of shyness
G.Take a test ride
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It’s natural to compare yourself to others, and even envy them, if you hop on your social media for a few minutes. With just a few clicks, you’re flooded with vacation photos, updates, and ads. 【小题1】 In this article, we’ll teach you how to avoid certain triggers (触发因素) so you can stop comparing yourself to others.

Identify your triggers and avoid them. To stop comparing yourself to others, pay attention to the people or events that trigger your behavior. Do you feel dissatisfaction with your life after looking at high-end goods? 【小题2】 Write down your comparative thoughts as soon as they happen so you can limit your exposure to these situations.

Appreciate others instead of. envying them. 【小题3】 If you have friends who are highly achieving people, you might consider that their networks are full of people who might be able to help you become more successful in your life. Instead of envying their success, be supportive and use their success to your benefit.

【小题4】 Instead of focusing on your “weaknesses,” reflect on the areas you can improve. Take classes, workshops, or lessons to improve your skills, and don’t be afraid to ask other people for help along the way. By putting yourself first, you can promote your self-confidence and find your place and value.

Talk to a trusted friend or family member. When you habitually compare yourself to others, you can feel even more inadequate or discouraged. Discuss your comparative behavior with a loved one to release any negative beliefs and help you process your emotions. 【小题5】

A.Build your self-confidence.
B.Work on improving your abilities.
C.Do you have a positive thought about yourself?
D.Consider the advantage that others can bring you.
E.You might be surprised to hear they feel the same way as you.
F.Is there someone who always makes you feel bad about yourself?
G.But it doesn’t mean you have to “keep up” to live a content and meaningful life.

The Pomodoro technique is probably one of the most powerful techniques in all of learning. All you have to do is set a timer for 25 minutes, and then just focus as attentively as you can for those 25 minutes.

Now if you start focusing on and you’re working on, and then you look up at the timer and two minutes have passed. You may feel like you can’t hold on. And just let the thought go by, and return your focus to whatever you are working on. And when that 25 minutes is up you relax a little bit. You might wonder why that 25 minutes is the magic number, and the reality is we don’t really know. There’s not a lot of research on the Pomodoro technique, which is surprising because it’s so incredibly popular and people find it very useful.

But there’s an interesting tidbit (小趣闻) related to the Pomodoro technique, and that is that: when you just think about something that you don’t like very much, it stimulates a part of the brain that experiences pain. And so the brain naturally enough shifts its attention to something else, like Facebook or Twitter or something like that.

And what the Pomodoro technique does, when you do it you’re setting that timer. You don’t want to sit there and think, “I’m going to work on this problem and get it all finished. You just want to think, I’ve got 25 minutes where I just have to work on something. ” Don’t even think about what that thing is. What that does is it slips in under your brain’s radar. It doesn’t stimulate so much that pain in your brain; and then that pain in the brain, research has shown, lasts for 20 minutes.

So if you work for 25 minutes you will suddenly find yourself getting into the flow because you’ve gone past that painful period. So the Pomodoro technique is effective in many different aspects.

【小题1】How does the Pomodoro technique work?
A.It boosts your concentration.
B.It helps your mind go faster.
C.It urges you to finish your work.
D.It shortens the pain time in your brain.
【小题2】Which is an example of using the Pomodoro technique?
A.Reading a novel for 25 minutes.
B.Spending 25 minutes scanning WeChat.
C.Setting a timer for 25 minutes to do a tough task.
D.Attending a lecture for 25 minutes with two minds.
【小题3】What can be inferred about the Pomodoro technique from Paragraph 2?
A.The first two minutes is vital.
B.25 minutes is a magic number.
C.More research is around the corner.
D.You may get discouraged when using it.
【小题4】Why is the tidbit mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.To further explain the Pomodoro technique.
B.To arouse interest in the Pomodoro technique.
C.To highlight how to use the Pomodoro technique.
D.To prove the effectiveness of the Pomodoro technique.

You don't really need much to start running. Once you have shoes, socks, something to listen to and something to clock your time, you're just about set. 【小题1】 Whether you choose a standard watch, a high-tech GPS watch or your iPhone doesn't matter.

1. Choose a shoe

Don't be influenced by brand names. Instead, try on four or five running shoes, jog around the store and let your feet decide. In a sweeping review of the science on running shoes and injuries, researchers found that the most important feature of a running shoe is — comfort. That's it. 【小题2】

2. Choose a pair of socks

【小题3】 Blisters from unsuitable socks are painful and could affect you for days. You want a breathable, comfortable sock. Some running socks are made from a special material that draws moisture (湿气) away from your feet.

Look for a sock without thick (or any) seams (缝) and decide if you want a no-show sock or one that covers the back of your ankle. 【小题4】 Test them out to see how they perform when you run and sweat before buying more pairs.

3. Choose a playlist

Running should feel like a reward. If you're a runner who likes the quiet of running, then pick a quiet path and go run. But many people like a combination of upbeat music or books on tape to accompany them on the run. 【小题5】 They often read their own audio books and leave you laughing so much you forget the pains of running.

A.Choose a shoe that feels good.
B.Consider trying books by comedians.
C.Here's how to pick the right running equipment.
D.It can prevent bacteria from accumulating on your feet.
E.Try socks on in the store, and pick one or two that you like.
F.While most runners focus on shoes, socks can be important too.
G.When it comes to the timing tool, just pick the one that works for you.
