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Although a few recreational snowmobilers (驾驶摩托雪橇者) destroy ecosystems as they ride through the wilderness, most snowmobilers love and respect America’s natural heritage. That’s why they brave the cold to explore what is left of wild America — including Yellowstone National Park. Unfortunately these snowmobilers are unconsciously damaging what they love. Because snowmobiles in the park not only create both air and noise pollution but also strains (使紧张) the already tight budget of the park service, recreational snowmobiles should be banned from Yellowstone National Park.

It may be hard to imagine that about 1,000 snowmobiles a day could lead to air pollution in a park half the size of Connecticut, but in fact they can. In addition to polluting the air, snowmobiles are noisy, disturbing the peace and silence that park visitors have a right to expect. One study reports that twelve snowmobiles traveling together could be heard as far as two miles away. Such noise affects the park’s wildlife.

Funds that should be used to preserve Yellowstone National Park and its wildlife have been used to deal with the snowmobile issue. Also, park rangers are spending an increasing amount of their valuable time policing snowmobilers, which takes away from park rangers’ primary responsibility—preserving this country’s treasured natural resources.

Opponents of a ban argue that a central mission of the park service is to provide access to national parks. Admittedly, winter access is important, but ordinary people can enjoy the park by means other than snowmobiles. Also, the park service’s mission is not just to provide access to the parks; no less important is its mission to preserve the parks’ pristine natural resources for future generations.

Even with a ban on snowmobiling in the park itself, the Yellowstone area would still earn the title of Snowmobiling Capital of America. All of the streets of West Yellowstone, the area’s major town, are open to snowmobilers, and many trails run out of the town. As to Yellowstone National Park, a ban on snowmobiles would allow the park service to devote more of its limited resources to one of its primary missions: the protection of natural resources. Visitors would still be able to appreciate Yellowstone’s beauty— its geysers, its wildlife, and its snow-covered vistas —throughout the park’s long winter.

【小题1】What can we learn about most snowmobilers from paragraph 1?
A.They enjoy winter adventures.B.They try to reduce water pollution.
C.They make a lot of money by snowmobiling.D.They have destroyed the hottest snowmobling spot.
【小题2】What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.Effects of air pollution.B.Measures of wildlife protection.
C.Rights expected by visitors.D.Problems caused by snowmobiles.
【小题3】What is the primary responsibility of park rangers?
A.Solving snowmobile issues.B.Providing access to the park.
C.Protecting natural resources.D.Collecting funds for the park.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Preserving Yellowstone’s winter wilderness
B.Solving financial problems of national parks
C.Improving the service of Yellowstone National Park
D.Exploring popular snowmobile destinations this winter
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Plastic is used to make a large number of products we use every day, such as drink and food containers,trash bags and grocery bags,cups and children's toys,and bottles for everything from mouthwash and shampoo to glass cleaner and dishwashing liquid. And that's not even counting all the plastic that goes into furniture, appliances, computers, and automobiles.

As the use of plastic has increased over the years,it's become a large part of America's solid waste﹣growing from less than 1 percent in 1960 to more than 13 percent in 2017. As an example of how and why plastic waste is increasing, the International Bottled Water Association reports that the US consumed 9. 67 billion gallons of bottled water in 2017, compared to 9.1 billion gallons the year before. The United States is the world's leading consumer of bottled water. A good first step in reducing plastic waste is switching to a reusable water bottle.

Recycling plastic reduces the amount of energy and resources (资源) needed to create plastic. Research shows that a bottle of water requires about 2,000 times as much energy to produce as the same amount of tap water. Recycling plastic products also keeps them out of landfills(垃圾填埋)and allows the plastic to be reused in making new products. Recycling 1 ton of plastic saves 7. 4 cubic yards of landfill space. And let's face it,a lot of plastic ends up directly in the environment,breaking down into tiny pieces , polluting our soil and water.

Today,80 percent of Americans have easy access to a plastic recycling program. A universal numbering system for plastic types makes it even easier. According to the American Plastics Council, more than 1,800 US businesses handle plastic waste. In addition, over 200,000 grocery stores now serve as recycling collection sites for plastic waste.

【小题1】What message does the first paragraph mainly intend to convey?
A.Plastic products are quite common.
B.Plastic is widely used in our daily life.
C.What functions plastic has.
D.Why humans make use of plastic.
【小题2】According to paragraph 2,     .
A.plastic waste is on the rise in America
B.Americans prefer bottled water to tap water
C.plastic waste is the leading type of waste in America
D.using reusable water bottles doesn't help reduce plastic waste
【小题3】What benefit does recycling plastic mainly bring?
A.It helps cut down on pollution.
B.It helps to make soil more rich.
C.It makes plastic easily broken down.
D.It produces new energy and resources.
【小题4】What do the figures listed in the last paragraph suggest?
A.Americans suffer a lot from plastic waste.
B.Americans are good at recycling plastic.
C.Recycling plastic is convenient in the US.
D.Recycling plastic brings great profits in the US.

How do you deal with plastic bags from the supermarket? Throw them away or reuse them? How about eating them?

Indian company EnviGreen has made a bag with natural ingredients (成分). It looks and feels just like plastic, but can be broken down easily. The bags bring no harm to the environment. Both humans and animals can safely eat them.

EnviGreen founder Ashwath Hedge spent four years doing experiments with a combination of 12 natural ingredients. They include potato, corn, vegetable oil and banana. He made the ingredients into liquid and used the liquid to make the bag. Although the EnviGreen bag is about 35 percent more expensive than a common plastic bag, it has many advantages. According to the Wall Street Journal, it takes 1,000 years for common plastic bags to break down. But an EnviGreen bag can naturally break down in less than 180 days. It also breaks down in less than a day in water, and in about 15 seconds in boiling water. Hedge was happy to show it in his interview with The Better India. In the interview, he put an EnviGreen bag in water and ate it with a smile.

According to India’s Minister of State for Atmosphere, Forest and Weather Change, the country produces more than 15,000 tons of plastic waste every day. But only 9,000 tons are processed. In China, 3 billion plastic bags are used every day. Maybe the EnviGreen bag could be a solution to the world problem of plastic pollution.

【小题1】Why is the EnviGreen bag eatable?
A.Because it looks like plastic.
B.Because it can be broken down easily.
C.Because it consists of natural ingredients.
D.Because it does no harm to the environment.
【小题2】If a common plastic bag costs ¥ 0.5, what’s the price of an EnviGreen bag?
A.¥ 0.85.B.¥ 0.675.C.¥ 0.65.D.¥ 0.475.
【小题3】Which sentence can describe Ashwath Hedge’s experiment?
A.It took him less than four years to succeed.
B.He made a special liquid to form the material.
C.He combined 4 kinds of food to create the EnviGreen bag.
D.The EnviGreen bag can naturally break down in 15 seconds.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Plastic pollution can be controlled with combined efforts.
B.India has benefited a lot from adopting the EnviGreen bag.
C.Chinese government has paid attention to plastic pollution.
D.Plastic pollution is a severe problem in some developing countries.

Hong Kong is among the cities which have the largest populations in the world, but with night skies around 1,000 times brighter than globally accepted levels, it gains a bad reputation(名声) for its light pollution.

A study by Hong Kong University found that brightness levels in the southern Chinese city's popular shopping district of Tsim Sha Tsui were 1,200 times greater than the international dark sky standard.

The crowded city of 7 million people, full of residential(住宅的) high-rises, towering office blocks and neon(霓虹灯) advertisements has no laws to control outdoor lightning.

The result is that light pollution is thought to be much worse than in other large cities, including London, Sydney, Tokyo and Shanghai.

“In Hong Kong, you can't go anywhere outdoor in the evening without your eyes being blinded by this really upsetting outdoor lightning,” the light pollution survey's head Jason Pum told AFP.

“The fact that we have all this light in the sky means energy is wasted,” he said, adding that too much artificial lightning also affects nightly wildlife.

Research has suggested that light pollution can cause a number of harmful health problems in humans, including sleeplessness and headaches and can also affect body clocks and hormones(荷尔蒙).

The university's survey, the result of five million measurements taken from points across the city, was released just days before the start of the yearly Earth Hour event, organized by the World Wildlife Fund.

People around the world will be encouraged to turn off the lights for an hour on Saturday night to advertise climate change. Last year, a number of Hong Kong's major buildings along Victoria Harbour went dark to mark Earth Hour.

“Anyway, we should do our best to reduce the amount of lightning and suit it to the benefit of the environment.”

【小题1】If you walk out at night in Hong Kong, you can see all those things except ______.
A.neon advertisementsB.residential buildings
C.a dark sky with many starsD.high office blocks
【小题2】Which of the following statements about too much lightning is NOT true?
A.Too much lightning means wasting energy.B.It can make the city more beautiful at night.
C.It may have a bad effect on nightly wildlife.D.It can do great harm to human beings' health.
【小题3】We can know from the passage that__________
A.Earth Hour is simply organized to reduce pollution.B.light pollution is the biggest problem in Hong Kong.
C.light pollution is the primary causes of sleeplessness.D.light pollution in Hong Kong is among world's worst.
【小题4】What will the author probably discuss after the last paragraph?
A.Ways to reduce light pollutionB.Causes of light pollution
C.Worries about light pollutionD.Bad effects of light pollution
