阅读理解-七选五 较难0.4 引用2 组卷413

Scientists and researchers have long sought to understand why people cry when experiencing joy or happiness. 【小题1】 Over the decades, scientists and researchers have thought up theories to explain why happy crying occurs.

【小题2】An early theory suggested that happy crying happened because people bottled up their feelings. This meant that people who cried when experiencing something joyous had feelings of sadness they hadn’t addressed. Many researchers have contradicted the theory over the years, but it appears to be one of the earliest attempts to understand why we cry when we are happy.

Crying may regulate your body. Tears contain enzymes, lipids and metabolites. But emotional tears might also include other proteins and hormones. It is hypothesized that release of stress hormones may help control the body’s physical and emotional homeostasis(动态平衡).【小题3】

It fosters vulnerability and social connection. Crying in any situation could also be our way of showing vulnerability as human beings.【小题4】This happens when we cry because of a happy or sad event. Scientists believe that crying is a way of establishing a social connection with other people.

You feel powerless over your emotions. Yet other scientists suggest that all types of crying are results of perceived feelings of frustration, helplessness, and surrender. Crying almost feels unavoidable when people experience a strong emotion, whether it’s joy, frustration, or anger.

Though you might not always allow your tears free fall, you often feel them coming on. Some research suggests that this is because crying can help you manage strong emotions.【小题5】

Therefore, while you might be experiencing a happy or joyous occasion, you might find the emotion overwhelming. Crying helps you release some of this emotion.

A.You have bottled-up feelings.
B.You lose control of your emotions.
C.When we cry, we signal to others to empathize with us.
D.Stress hormones may help calm you and regulate your mood.
E.When you cry, it feels like you are ridding some of these emotions.
F.Crying can be confusing to witness on a joyous occasion, but it happens often.
G.Crying for whatever reason has benefits for both your mental and physical well-being.
知识点:情绪情感 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The ISS orbits Earth at an average of 250 miles from the surface of Earth and completes 15.5 circles per day, once every 92 minutes. In other words, the astronauts see the sunrise and sunset 16 times every day!

The station is inhabited by astronauts conducting research in various fields, while also using it as an observatory to explore Earth and outer space. It is also intended to be a transportation center for spacecraft that are bound for the Moon, Mars and other interplanetary voyages.

The crew is not only responsible for the scientific experimentation and research being conducted onboard, but also the upkeep and maintenance of the vessel, a vessel that is continuously in motion and exposed to the worst possible elements. Such conditions are significant area of study for researchers.

The most common effect of space is the initial contact — getting used to such an alien environment. Astronauts are often seen to display anxiety or depression as they adjust to the novelty of space, according to post-psychiatric screenings of astronauts. Other causes of stress are the high pressure of work while being under frequent public observation, being away from home and family, and missing important events.

Sleep is another major factor that affects the mood and efficiency of the astronauts. Due to the irregularity in life and the constant rotation (转动) of sunrise and sunset, the circadian rhythm (生理节律) of the astronauts goes completely haywire, resulting in poor quality of sleep. The shuttle itself is noisy, with essential equipment always in operation to sustain the vessel. Half of all the astronauts onboard rely on sleeping pills to get some rest and manage to get an average 2 hours less sleep than when they’re back on Earth. Sleep is so critical for functionality that 50% of all medicines taken by astronauts in orbit is to help them sleep better. Low-Earth Orbit living is a restless endeavor, indeed.

【小题1】Which of the following is most likely to affect the astronauts’ mood?
A.Scientific experiments onboard.
B.Observation of outer space.
C.Interplanetary voyages.
D.Exposure to extreme conditions.
【小题2】Which of the following can best explain the underlined phrase in the last paragraph?
A.Return to normal.B.Become out of control.
C.Go unnoticed.D.Remain unchanged.
【小题3】How can we describe the astronauts’ life in the ISS?
C.Safe and sound.D.Quiet and beautiful.
【小题4】What is mainly discussed in the passage?
A.The functions of the ISS.
B.The missions of the astronauts.
C.The mental challenges of living in the ISS.
D.The splendid view of the space.
Tomorrow evening I will be interviewed on stage by a museum official. I will be an interpreter, talking from experience as a disability rights lawyer and activist.
In “special” schools and camps for children with physical and mental disabilities, I grew up knowing we were a category of person that the world did not want. Most of us had a story of some doctor advising our parents to put up away or to let us die. We owed our survival to parents who had irrationally(不理性地) bonded with us. We knew we were lucky and hoped our luck would hold. To increase the chance of surviving, we tended to be charming. We developed  1  .
By the time I roll onto the stage the next night, I’ve thought a lot about there and here, then and now. When the first question comes, I tell them about my fascination with the wheelchair, and somehow it sounds funny, and laughter fills the room. We talk from the horror of Nazis killing (Nazis once killed the disabled patients as useless) to a funny confession that I, too, tend to stare at disabled people on the street.
What has come over me? In this room, people with disabilities in thrilling variety make me feel at home. Here people, disabled and not, are gathered by choice.
I haven’t forgotten that 2 million people remain in US disability institutions, that some disabled children still cannot attend mainstream schools, that too many of us live in poverty. But I can’t hold onto anger and sorrow for I feel a shared sense of possibility, a drive for a world that will embrace both the fit and the unfit and hold them so dear that the division dies.
【小题1】What’s the author according to the passage?
A.A disabled lawyer.
B.A reporter.
C.An actor
D.An interviewer
【小题2】The underlined phrase “thick skins” in the second paragraph probably means__.
A.with more clothes
B.making skin dirty
C.caring nothing of ignorance
D.growing more slowly than others
【小题3】The second paragraph is mainly focused on ________.
A.the growth of the disabled people
B.the hatred of the disabled people
C.the love of the disabled people
D.the appreciation of the disabled people
【小题4】It can be sensed but not clearly stated that the author________.
A.likes to be interviewed in a museum
B.can tell funny stories
C.has charming personality
D.is humorous and optimistic
【小题5】What’s the author’s attitude towards the future?
What separates me from everyone else? The difference is not what clothes I wear or the music I listen to, but what I feel inside.
Ever since I was young, I have loved professional wrestling(摔跤). I woke up every Saturday to watch my favorite "Superstars." As I grew older, I got a lot of flak for watching this "fake" sport. My peers(同龄人) would laugh at me for following what was called a "man's soap opera." So,_____________________ Like everyone else, I wanted to be associated with the cool clique. I yearned to be invited to the parties of the in-crowd and hang out with the popular kids. I became pretty successful. Although my Friday evenings were busy with parties, I would still wake up early Saturdays to watch wrestling. It wasn't until freshman year that I realized I wasn't being myself.
That year, I tried many new things and activities and made new friends. In my town, football was the sport, so I decided to play football, thinking it might give me a head start in popularity. The team started with 48 athletes. At the end, there were 14 of us left. I stuck it out not because I liked it, but because I am not a quitter. That long season taught me a lesson: I wasn't a football player. More importantly, it taught me to be myself.
After that season, I went back to being a wrestling fan. I watched it religiously, no matter what insults were thrown my way. I came across a quote: "Don't Dream It, Be It." When I read this, my friend Dan had the same idea I had.
"What if we build a wrestling ring(拳击场)?" we asked. We acquired the necessary wood and equipment for its construction. The following weekend, we met at his house. We saw our dream in a pile in his backyard. We worked from dawn to dusk to build our great establishment. By Sunday night, our mission was complete. Our hard work (combined with a little creativity) had paid off. We had a real ring. We decided to hold an "event." We practiced for hours, trying to improve every aspect of our wrestling ability. The date was May 24th. Our show had a start time of 9: 00 p.m. To our surprise, about one hundred family, friends and fans showed up to support us. It was the most important night of my life and a complete success. Since that time, we have held five shows with as many as two hundred and fifty people turning out. We continue to live this dream. We accomplished what we set out to do. We are now well known throughout school. When I walk down the halls, I am respected by my peers. Some are the same peers who ridiculed me for watching wrestling when I was younger. When they approach me, they often say, "Good match, Chris." I humbly say, "Thank you," knowing I did something I believed in.
As my senior year winds down, I'll remember all of my high school memories. But what will stick out most is the memory that I did something I loved, despite what everyone said or thought. I accomplished my goal. I lived my dream.
【小题1】What makes the writer different from the others is __________.
A.the different sports he loves
B.the different clothes he wears and the different music he listens to
C.that he is younger than the others.
D.the different ideas he has
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.I practiced wrestling secretly in my spare time.
B.I put the clothes for wrestling on the shelf.
C.I decided to quit following wrestling.
D.I began not to watch wrestling on TV.
【小题3】When the writer was a freshman, he ___________.
A.knew he couldn’t be a good football playerB.realized he was being himself
C.was still sociableD.built a wrestling ring
【小题4】The writer built the wrestling ring in order to ________.
A.play football thereB.make his dream realized
C.be a professional playerD.have parties there.
【小题5】What is the writer’s attitude towards his experience in high school?
