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Artificial intelligence (AI) is practically everywhere today. There are so many products out there which use Al. Some are being developed, some are already in use, and some failed and are being improved so it’s very difficult to name a few of them and regard them as the best.

Vi Personal Trainer

It tracks your daily activities, understands your workout routines (常规) and coaches you to achieve your fitness goals. The AI human voice living inside its bio-sensing headphones is one of the best conversational voice assistants (助手) and is super easy to talk to. You can also enjoy your favorite music while you work out or talk on the phone without having to press a button.

Deep Text

Do you ever wonder how an ad appears suddenly just when you are looking for something similar? This is because of Deep Text. It uses real-time consumer (消费者) information to produce data which in turn is used to target consumers. Thus, if you search online for flight tickets from Bangalore to Delhi, it is very likely that an ad relating to hotels in Delhi will soon follow.

Hello Egg

If you live alone and miss your mother because you always miss your breakfast or don’t know what to eat for dinner, then Hello Egg is exactly what you are looking for. A very healthy choice of the 2-minute noodles and oats, Hello Egg provides you with a detailed weekly meal plan about the needs of your body. It is truly a modern AI-powered home cooking tool for the young.


You can put Mr. Smith into your Microsoft Excel using their free API, and let it write up detailed analysis (分析) of the stories behind your numbers. It can produce detailed reports on thousands of pages of spreadsheets in seconds.

【小题1】What can we learn about Vi Personal Trainer?
A.It has a phone button.B.It is an AI music player.
C.It functions as a fitness lest tool.D.It helps improve exercise results.
【小题2】What can Wordsmith do for us?
A.Collect numbers.B.Produce a report.
C.Write the stories.D.Update Microsoft Excel.
【小题3】Which favors people in need of healthy diets?
A.Vi Personal Trainer.B.Deep Text.C.Hello EggD.Wordsmith.
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Microsoft won’t renew the contracts (合同) for dozens of news production contractors working at its MSN website and plans to use AI (人工智能) to replace them.

The roughly 50 employees were informed that their services would no longer be needed beyond June 30, but a team of full-time journalists will remain.

The Microsoft spokesman said in a statement, “Like all companies, we analyze and make judgments on our activities and services on a regular basis. This can result in increased investment (投资) in some places and, from time to time. rearrangement in others. These decisions are not the result of the current pandemic.”

MSN will use AI to replace the production work its journalists had been doing. That work includes using an automated system to identify trending news stories from dozens of publishing partners and to help improve the content by rewriting headlines or adding better accompanying photographs or slide shows.

“I spend all my time reading about how automation and AI are going to take all our jobs - now it’s taken mine,” one of the terminated (被终止的) contractors said. “But with fewer human beings to monitor the technology, AI may not be fully familiar with strict editorial guidelines and could end up letting through inappropriate stories.”

MSN has undergone a number of changes since its launch as Microsoft Network in 1995. Once it offered original content and links to news, weather, and sports. In 2013, it reduced original news content and began cutting employees. By 2014, it launched a redesigned version that partner red with other news sites-paying them to redistribute their content. Today, the news service relies entirely on those partnerships with no original news content of its own. Selecting and editing stories rather than actually generating them made it easier for MSN to increasingly rely on an automated editing system.

【小题1】What will happen in Microsoft?
A.More people are being employed to develop AI.
B.Robots are being used to write news reports for MSN.
C.Some workers are being fired and replaced by AI.
D.It is signing new contracts with some workers at MSN.
【小题2】What can we know from the Microsoft spokesman?
A.They will invest more in AI.
B.They frequently examine their business.
C.They have been badly influenced by the pandemic.
D.They provide the best services for Internet users.
【小题3】From paragraph 5, what is the contractor’s attitude to the automated system?
【小题4】How does MSN work now?
A.Its partners help it select and edit news stories.
B.Other news websites pay it to use its content.
C.Original content is encouraged on its website.
D.All its news is produced by other news sites.

Electric vehicles are close to the “turning point” of rapid mass adoption thanks to the decreasing cost of batteries, experts say.

Global sales of electric vehicles rose 43% in 2020, but even faster growth is expected when continuing falls in battery prices result in the price of electric cars under the same petrol and diesel (柴油) models, which may happen between 2023 and 2025. According to a study by Prof Tim Lonton, at the University of Exeter, the tuning point has already been passed in Norway, where tax breaks (税收减免) mean electric cars are cheaper and the market share of battery-powered cars increased to 54% in 2020 in Norway, compared with less than 5% in most European nations.

The falls in battery prices in the last decade have been dramatic and faster than predicted thanks to a massive production and cuts in costs, such as reducing the amount of expensive cobalt (钻) required. BloombergNEF’s analysis predicts lithium-ion (锂离子) battery cots will fall so sharply that electric cars can match the price of petrol and diesel cars by 2023. McKin-sey’s Global Energy Perspective 2021, published on 15 January, forecasts that “electric vehicles are likely to become the most economic choice in the next five years worldwide”.

Electric cars, vital in efforts to fight climate crisis, are quieter and start to go faster, so people do not want to return to a petrol or diesel vehicle once they have one. A survey of 2,000 electric car owners found 91% said they did not want to go back.

“The survey shows the strong and lasting impact of switching to a clean car. The evidence in favor of electric vehicles grows more convincing even in a year as destructive as 2020,” said Melanie Shufflebotham, at Zap-Map, which maps charging points.

【小题1】What leads to the growing sales of electric vehicles?
A.The rise in petrol prices.B.The desire for a lower tax.
C.The drop in battery costs.D.The need for a cleaner life.
【小题2】What can we infer from paragraph 2?
A.Policies in Norway support electric vehicles.
B.Economy in Norway outgrows other nations.
C.The market share of electric vehicles will decline.
D.The tax breaks in Europe will continue to increase.
【小题3】How will electric vehicles equal fuel vehicles in price?
A.By increasing the demand for cobalt.
B.By boosting the sales of electric cars.
C.By reducing the production of batteries.
D.By cutting the costs of lithium-ion batteries.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the text?
A.People do not tend to use a petrol vehicle.
B.Electric vehicles have a strong impact on our daily life.
C.The prices of battery are decreasing because of electric vehicles.
D.The prospect of electric vehicles will be improving because of the falls in the battery prices.
