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Bookstores are fascinating places. There the books can take you to magical lands, help you learn a foreign language, or cook a delicious meal. But when your community doesn’t have enough space for a real brick bookstore, you have to make a compromise (妥协). A mobile bookstore that brings books around the country is the result. That is the case for Rita Collins, 70, who dreamed of opening a bookstore after retiring.

A business planning class convinced Collins that opening a bookstore in the small town where she lives would not be practical. Eureka, Montana, located just nine miles from the Canadian border, only has a population of 1,517. Collins asked her instructors about a traveling bookstore on wheels and they were doubtful. But she insisted.

Collins was inspired by Dylans Mobile Bookstore, a traveling bookstore in Wales run by Jeff Towns. She contacted Jeff for advice but she was largely on her own when it came to building her bookstore. First, she had to find a vehicle large enough to stand in. Then she had to have it refitted with shelves that would hold the books at a 15-degree angle so that they would stay in place while in transportation. Collins named her bookstore St Rita’s Traveling Bookstore, which has been on the road since 2015.

At first, she drove through Montana and then she made her first cross-country trip in 2016. Collins and her mobile bookstore have visited 30 states. Collins loves meeting people and making connections. She sets up a typewriter outside the store and encourages customers to write. One time, a young man typed an entire page about a friend of his. That’s something she never expected.

While she loves what she does, Collins doesn’t think she can keep doing it due to her old age. In several years, she hopes to pass her traveling bookstore onto another bibliophile (爱书者)who shares the same interest and will keep it on the road.

【小题1】Why does the author mention the mobile bookstore in Paragraph 1?
A.To advertise it in small towns.
B.To compare it with the fixed one.
C.To introduce the story of Collins.
D.To introduce the main types of bookstores.
【小题2】Why was Collins advised not to open a bookstore in her town?
A.Few people love reading in her town.B.It has a small consumer market.
C.She lacked start-up capital.D.No one gave her guidance.
【小题3】What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Where Collins got the inspiration for her bookstore.
B.Why Collins bookstore became famous soon.
C.How Collins got support for her bookstore.
D.How Collins built her mobile bookstore.
【小题4】What is Collins’ future plan?
A.To invite more people to open traveling bookstores.
B.To find a booklover to take over her bookstore.
C.To keep traveling to other states by herself.
D.To sell more books in many areas.
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Gorman is the youngest poet in US history. She became the youth poet laureate (获奖者) of Los Angeles at age 16 in 2014 and the first national youth poet laureate three years later. She has recently completed her studies at Harvard University.

Her mother, Joan Wicks, teaches in a middle school in Watts. Shuttling among the neighborhoods gave Gorman a window to the world. Her love for poetry dates at least back to the third grade when her teacher read Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine to the class.

Gorman is a lot better at it now, but still working on her confidence as a public speaker. “Until two or maybe three years ago, I couldn’t say the letter ‘r’. Even to this day sometimes I struggle with it. I’d want to say ‘girls can change the world’, but I can not say so many letters in that statement, so I’d say things like ‘young women can shape the globe’.”

For Gorman, writing became a cure. “I used writing as a form of self expression to get my word on the page. So the more I recited out loud, the more I was able to teach myself how to pronounce these letters which for so long had been my greatest obstacle. Gorman said she also used a song from Miranda’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway musical Hamilton to help with her speaking. “But I don’t look at my disability as a weakness,” said Gorman. “It’s made me the performer that I am and the storyteller that I struggle to be.”

In September, Gorman will release Change Sings, the first of two children’s books. The poet says she desires to publish a book “in which kids could see themselves as change-makers in history, rather than just observers”.

【小题1】What happened to Gorman in 2017?
A.She became the US first youth poet laureate.
B.She graduated from Harvard University.
C.She applied for the youth poet laureate.
D.She turned into a public speaker.
【小题2】What aroused Gorman’s interest in poetry?
A.Her mother’s encouragement.
B.Ray Bradbury’s works.
C.Miranda’s inspiration.
D.A laureate’s story.
【小题3】Why does Gorman want to write a book for kids?
A.To inspire kids to be the youth poet laureate.
B.To show kids some ways to observe the world.
C.To encourage kids to be change-makers.
D.To give the disabled some writing tips.
【小题4】Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Gorman succeeded in becoming a storyteller
B.Gorman overcame her disadvantage in poetry
C.Gorman used writing to overcome a speech obstacle
D.Gorman’s weakness stopped her from being a speaker

A 14-year-old killer whale named Wilkie has learned how to “speak” to humans. Wilkie, who lives at a whale aquarium(水族馆)in France, is able to imitate(模仿)a human saying “hello”, “bye-bye” and “one, two” after working with a team of researchers from the UK, Spain, Chile and Germany.

“Killer whales use their blowholes to make noises, almost like speaking out of your nose, so we were not expecting it to be perfect,” Jose Abramson, the lead author, told The Independent. “But we were surprised by how close it was.”

This isn’t the first time animals have learned how to imitate human sounds. Scientists have already made a record of animals like elephants,parrots,dolphins and beluga whales all imitating our words and noises, but it marks a first for killer whales.

Wilkie had already been trained to imitate the actions of a fellow killer whale. Once the scientists made her again learn how to mimic an action; they had her repeat four familiar sounds made by her 2-year-old calf(幼鲸),Moana. Next, they had her make five killer whale sounds she had never heard before, like a noise of opening the door. Then the researchers had Wilkie imitate the sounds made by a human and,finally,words like “ah ha” and her trainer’s name, “Amy”.

Wilkie was quickly able to imitate all the sounds and words, and she was even able to imitate some on the first try. Researchers said they had the first evidence that killer whales might be learning sounds by imitation, but they had no evidence that the killer whales understood what their “hello” stood for.

【小题1】What is the main idea of the text?
A.Killer whales are the first to imitate humans.
B.Killer whale Wilkie has been used to test other animals.
C.Killer whales are able to imitate the sounds of their children.
D.Killer whale Wilkie has learned to imitate some human sounds.
【小题2】What was Jose Abramson surprised by?
A.Wilkie enjoyed human sounds.
B.Wilkie lived so close to humans.
C.Wilkie made sounds different from human voices.
D.Wilkie made sounds quite close to those of humans.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “mimic” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Wilkie according to Paragraph 5?
【小题5】One thing still uncertain about Wilkie is ______.
A.whether Wilkie can make human sounds
B.whether killer whales can tell voices from noises
C.whether Wilkie can understand the words like “hello”
D.whether other killer whales can do the same as Wilkie

In living memory, no world leader has been as widely identified with a particular animal as Queen Elizabeth with her dogs. They are seen with her on so many occasions that they have become a key part of her public image.

They are more than her public image, though. In a life that is full of rules, they provide an easy way for the Queen to break the ice with strangers. She also gets from them unlimited amounts of true love and affection, unaffected by the knowledge that she is a queen. Whenever possible, the Queen feeds the dogs herself and leads them on daily walks. Her husband, Prince Philip, has referred to these chores (杂活) as his wife’s private “dog moments”.

When the Queen was young, the dogs kept her company, too. During WWII, she and her sister Margaret were moved to Windsor Castle in secret while their parents stayed at Buckingham Palace to face the bombing with the public. Through the war’s long days and nights, they could be relied upon to comfort them. Jane, in particular, was Elizabeth and Margaret’s childhood strength.

On her 18th birthday, the Queen was given a two-month-old baby dog, Susan. They soon became inseparable. In 1947, hidden under blankets in the carriage, Susan rode with the Queen as she left with Prince Philip for their honeymoon in Scotland.

Susan became such a public figure that, when Elizabeth gave birth to her first baby—Charles, The Mirror asked readers to advise the Queen on how to keep Susan from growing jealous (妒忌的) of the infant. One of the answers read: “First, hug Susan all the time. Second, let Susan have a bowl of milk when you are nursing the baby.” A year later, Susan produced two babies—Sugar (who belonged to the infant Prince Charles) and Honey (who lived with the Queen Mum).

In the minds of dog fans, Susan remains the most significant figure. This is not because she was the Queen’s dog. It is because her genes have been so long-lived—Susan is the common ancestor of all the Queen’s dogs.

【小题1】Why does the Queen personally take care of the dogs?
A.She has too much time to spend at home.
B.She wants to have a normal life in private.
C.She tries to show her unique skills to dog fans.
D.She uses dog-caring to connect with the public.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The long days and nights.B.The Queen’s parents.
C.Jane and the other dogs.D.Elizabeth and Margaret.
【小题3】Which dog belonged to the Queen’s oldest child?
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.A True Love Story: Queen Elizabeth and Her Dogs
B.Queen Elizabeth’s Beloved Dogs: Her Public Image
C.Jane: Elizabeth and Margaret’s Childhood Strength
D.Susan: the Common Ancestor of the Queen’s Dogs
