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Most of the efforts aimed at reducing climate change concentrate on reducing the use of fossil fuels. But a new study warms that pollution from the worlds food production system is also a major cause of rising temperatures on the earth.

The study finds that if the world food system grows at the current speed, it will produce nearly 1.4 trillion metric tons(公吨)of greenhouse gases over the next 80 years. That pollution is expected to come from fertilizers used in agriculture, mismanaged soil, food waste and methane gas released from cows and other animals. Other causes include land-clearing operations and deforestation(乱砍乱伐).

Researchers from the University of Minnesota and the University of Oxford in Britain led the study. They predict that even if fossil fuel emissions (排放) were stopped now, emissions from the world food system would make it impossible to reach the international climate change targets. They say emissions from food production alone could push world temperatures over 1.5degrees Celsius by the middle of this century and above 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

The new study calls for immediate improvements in farming practice, as well as what we eat and how much food we waste.

Jason Hill is a professor of biosystems engineering at the University of Minnesota and he helped lead the study. He says that the research clearly shows that food has a much greater effect climate change than widely known. Fixing the problem would not require the world’s population to completely stop eating meat. We can eat better, healthier foods. We can improve how we grow foods. And we can waste less food, he adds.

Besides, the researchers say such efforts are achievable and can also lead to many other improvements beyond controlling climate change. These include making humans healthier, reducing water pollution, improving air quality, preventing animal extinctions and improving farm profitability(盈利能力).

【小题1】What did the new study find about the world’s food production system?
A.It produces many poisonous gases.
B.It causes a rise in global temperature.
C.It helps to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
D.It tries to solve the world hunger problem.
【小题2】What’s the researchers’ prediction in Paragraph 3?
A.Fossil fuel emissions will gradually stop.
B.The temperature will have an unexpected rise.
C.The climate change target will be eventually achieved.
D.Emission from food production will cause serious effects.
【小题3】What does Jason Hill suggest?
A.Reducing food waste.B.Growing more crop.
C.Stopping eating any meat.D.Producing less junk food.
【小题4】Which of the following can help to prevent pollution from food production?
A.Reducing water pollution.B.Improving farming methods.
C.Protecting endangered animals.D.Increasing farming productivity.
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Doing lots of exercise in older age can prevent the immune system from dropping and protect people against infections, scientists say. They followed 125 long-distance cyclists, 20-year-olds.

Prof. Norman Lazarus, who took part in the research, said, “If exercise was a pill, everyone would be taking it. It has many benefits to the body.”

Janet Lord, a co-author of the research, said, “The immune system drops by about 2%-3% a year from our 20s, which is why older people are more susceptible (易受影响的) to infections. Because the cyclists have the immune systems of 20-year-olds rather than a 70-or 80-year-olds, it means they have added protection against all these diseases.” The researchers looked at markers in the blood for T-cells, which help the immune system respond to new infections. They found that the cyclists were producing the same level of T-cells as adults in their 20s, whereas a group of inactive older adults were producing very few.

The researchers believe that being physically active in old age will help people be better protected against infections such as flu. Steve Harridge, a professor of physiology, said, “Being sedentary (久坐不动的) goes against evolution because humans are designed to be physically active. You don’t need to be a competitive athlete to get the benefits-or be a professional cyclist-anything which gets you moving will help.”

Harridge and Lazarus believe that highly physically active older people represent the perfect group to analyse the true effects of biological ageing. A separate paper in Aging Cell found that the cyclists did not lose muscle mass or strength, and did not see an increase in body fat, which are usually connected with aging.

【小题1】Why did Lazarus say exercise was a pill?
A.To show he is an expert.
B.To show he is a researcher.
C.To show the importance of pills.
D.To show the necessity of exercise.
【小题2】What is wrong about the description of T-cells?
A.They are the markers of blood.
B.They fight against infections.
C.They can help immune systems.
D.They are beneficial to our health.
【小题3】Which of the following may Steve Harridge agree with?
A.Evolution is easy to mislead many people.
B.Any kind of exercise is good for your health.
C.It’s necessary to be a professional cyclist.
D.Athletes can be best protected against infections.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The exercise’s effects on aging are doubtful.
B.Many cyclists are strong and have less muscle.
C.The older a man is, the easier he is to become fat.
D.Most older people aren’t highly physically active.

What makes people gain weight? This seems like a simple enough question to answer. 【小题1】 However, the science behind weight problems is more complicated than we think.

As we know, what we eat greatly affects our weight. It is widely accepted that people have 100% control over what they eat and how much they eat. This, however, is only partly true People form habits around food at a young age. 【小题2】 Meanwhile, the serving size and the background music can both affect how much we eat.

Our bodies themselves can decide whether we are more likely to gain weight or lose weight. 【小题3】 If we often have delicious food over time, our brains will change. Compared to people of normal weight, fat people feel more excited when they see delicious food.

【小题4】 Ghrelin or hunger hormones (激素) , for example, tells the brain that the body wants food. Leptin (瘦素) , meanwhile, tells the brain that it’s time to stop eating. Ghrelin and leptin help us to maintain a healthy weight. But sometimes, they may work improperly. As we get fatter, the levels of leptin in our bodies rise. Our brains are told not to eat all the time. In the end, they would no longer trust leptin and would stop responding to its “warnings”. When we start to lose weight, leptin levels drop. 【小题5】

Now you know why fat people often have a tough time losing weight. They may have tried very hard, but their bodies are working against their will.

A.Our brains change as we have food.
B.If we eat a lot and lack exercise, we will become fat.
C.Our brains think we are hungry and make us find food.
D.Also, various hormones tell our brains whether we are hungry.
E.They may rarely touch vegetables while overeating fried chicken.
F.Additionally, our weight determines the levels of ghrelin and leptin.
G.Scientists found that the tastier the food, the more excited our brains get.
