阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用4 组卷515

Apps play tricks on you to turn an activity into a habit. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to encourage healthy behaviors such as exercising or playing word games.【小题1】. Here’s how to recognize when your tech habit might be an unwelcome obsession (着迷), and practical steps for you to take back control.

Do a cost-benefit analysis.【小题2】That’s why we need to try doubly hard to do self-assessments of how features such as streaks (打卡时间) or leaderboards are helping and hurting us. Think over whether the behavior they inspire in you contributes to or detracts from your welfare.

Build in “cheat days”. They are like days off from a strict diet.【小题3】It can also help to schedule days off from our habits—whether it’s running, reading the news or scrolling Instagram.

【小题4】Especially for young people, it can be helpful to plan in advance activities that might be a distraction. If your teen knows he’s allowed one hour on YouTube at 7 p.m., then he can relax without thinking about when he’ll be able to hop on his favorite app.

【小题5】Tech companies, schools, social institutions and governments all have a responsibility to help reset standards of technology use. For example, schools have experimented with locking up students’ phones so they can’t use them during the school day. And the government in some countries have restricted the time young people are allowed to spend playing video games or using social media apps.

A.Use digital timers.
B.Schedule a limited amount of time for your habit
C.It’s hard to be mindful of why we do what we do.
D.Limiting tech overuse can’t be only your responsibility.
E.But even a good habit can cross the line into unavoidable overuse.
F.Actually, doing your favorite activity without a goal can be relaxing.
G.However, don’t be so motivated by rewards that you ignore signs your body needs a rest.
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How many times have you started to make changes in your life, study a certain topic, or start a certain project, only to stop after a short while? It is mainly due to lack of motivation. It is an inner driving force. In order to accomplish anything, you need the driving force. How to get motivated? 【小题1】

Start with small goals

It is easier to display motivation in connection with short-term goals. When I comes to long-term goals, it is always hard to sustain the motivation for along period of time, unless you have a strong ambition. 【小题2】 After learning to awaken motivation and increase the ambition, you can proceed to bigger goals.


Writing it down will help you describe it in clear and brief words. The more specific it is, the easier it would be to focus on it and awaken the necessary motivation.

Make workable plans.

With small steps that are easy to follow, insist on taking at least one step a day. 【小题4】 When you see a goal as doable(可做的), it would be easier to become motivated and enthusiastic.

Read inspiring quotes related to the topic of your goal.

I suggest that you read a few in the morning and again at night, before you go to sleep. You may also read them at any other time of the day. You can write a few on a piece of paper or save them on your smartphone.

【小题5】 If you want to make changes in your life you need to start them now, this very moment, and not tomorrow.

A.Awaken the motivation
B.Make your goal very clear
C.So, what are you waiting for?
D.Here are a few tips that can help you.
E.What is motivation, and why do we need it?
F.This is why it is wiser to start with small goals, which you can accomplish quite fast.
G.This will give you confidence, and make you believe that the goal is within your reach.

Even the most positive people have negative thoughts. It’s part of being human. But when negative thoughts become the norm, it isn’t healthy. 【小题1】

Monitor your self-talk. We all have an ongoing dialogue running in our head, which affects how we view our life. 【小题2】 So, to promote realistic thinking, first you need to find out and listen to that inner voice. Being aware of those inner comments starts to help you take control of them.

Plant positive thoughts in your mind. Not every negative thought is “bad”. For example, “I feel stressed and upset about my job because there are so many new things I am learning, but overtime I’ll learn and it’ll get easier.” has a negative aspect, but it promotes a positive action. Therefore, it’s important to make the distinction between helpful thoughts and negative ones.

Challenge your unhelpful thoughts. 【小题3】 Continuing with the work example, do you really hate your job or are you just anxious about the new project that you’ve been assigned?

【小题4】 Now that you’re clear which thought is not helpful, you can replace it with one that is. Using the example from above, a more positive thought might be, “Once I get started on the new project I’m sure I’ll do fine. It’s just the anticipation that I don’t like.”

Repeat. Realistic thinking doesn’t come easy, especially when you are also working on managing anxiety, depression, and other problems. 【小题5】

A.Identify thoughts that aren’t helpful.
B.Analyse what self-talk is the most beneficial.
C.But because it’s constantly running, we often forget it’s there.
D.These thoughts can consume your energy or cause physical problems.
E.To be more realistic, you need to question whether your thoughts are factual.
F.You need to continually return to it even when it feels natural to become negative.
G.Fortunately, there are steps you can take to change your negative thoughts into realistic thinking.

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you find it hard to tolerate someone’s actions or words. Try to understand where each person is coming from, and avoid making it into a personal battle. You can try to develop a more tolerant attitude by learning about different people, developing confidence in yourself, and coming to appreciate differences. 【小题1】

Make efforts to understand someone else. You may have very different backgrounds and experiences. 【小题2】 So try to see things from his side.

Ask for an explanation. If you are talking to someone and he says something that you find hard to accept, you can figure out his perspective without being intolerant. 【小题3】 For example, you might say something like, “OK, tell me more about that. What makes you think that?” Anyway, remember that tolerance does not mean accepting unacceptable behavior.

【小题4】 This may be a more negative kind of tolerance than learning to accept and value differences, but it can be useful. To do this you would have to avoid certain topics of conversation, or swiftly change the subject when necessary.

Deal with a conflict. When you have difficulty tolerating someone’s actions or words, you can start by calmly describing what you find offensive.【小题5】And you should then explain how the problem would be dealt with.

A.Try to ignore your differences.
B.Use “I” statements rather than “you” statements.
C.Start by stating what you think a good situation is.
D.Try to understand his views well by asking him to explain them.
E.Here are tips that help you tolerate others in difficult situations.
F.What seems obvious to you might seem strange to someone else.
G.Next, try to get a better understanding of each other’s views about it.
