语法填空-短文语填 较易0.85 引用1 组卷32

Most of us are aware that we must take care of the environment, and the majority of us 【小题1】 (take) steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution. But recently, some “green truths” have been shown to be only half true, or even 【小题2】 (complete) false.

Making a paper bag uses four times as much energy 【小题3】 making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water. The process also produces more greenhouse gases.

In fact, paper bags and plastic ones are bad 【小题4】 the environment. So, take a reusable bag with you when you go shopping.

When we turn off a device, such as television, it goes into stand-by mode. Devices in this mode still use power, and older devices in stand-by mode can use even 【小题5】 (much). To make sure your appliance is in fact off, remove the plug from 【小题6】 (it) power supply.

It seems like common sense: eating local food should be better for the environment, because it does not need to be transported long distances and kept cold during transport. 【小题7】 (fortunately), it is not that simple. It is the production of food, not its transport, 【小题8】uses most of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gases.

If you spend more than eight 【小题9】 (minute) in a shower, you’ll use as much water as in a bath — about 50 litres of water. Therefore, the key is to keep your shower time as short as possible.

Environmental awareness is now part of daily life. But it’s worth 【小题10】 (check) common ideas and opinions to see what’s really green.

知识点:环境保护社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
