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I was putting on my boots just now in what the novelists call “a brown study.” There was no urgent reason for putting on my boots. I was not going out, and my slippers were much more comfortable. But something had to be done. I wanted a subject for an article. Now if you are accustomed to writing articles for a living, you will know that sometimes the difficulty is not writing the article, but choosing a subject. It is not poverty you suffer from, but an embarrassment of riches.

But what has this to do with putting on my boots? It is a reasonable question and I will tell you. For an hour I had paced my room in my slippers in search of a subject. I had looked out of the window over the sunlit valley, and watched the smoke of a distant train disappearing towards the west. I had sharpened every pencil I had on me with great care. But the more I sharpened my pencils, the more anxious I grew about the theme for an article.

It was at this moment that I remembered my boots. The act of bending my body changed the current of the blood. You saw things in a new light. So I fetched my boots and sat down to put them on.

The thing worked like a charm. For in my preoccupied condition I picked up my right boot first. Then mechanically I put it down and seized the left boot. And then the fact flashed on me that all my life I had been putting on my left boot first. If you had asked me five minutes before which boot I put on first, I should have said that there was no first about it; yet now I found I was in a habit so fixed that the attempt to put on my right boot first affected me. The thing couldn’t be done. And then came into my mind that fascinating book of Samuel Butler’s on Life and Habit. Yes, certainly, here was a subject that would “go.” I took out a pencil, seized some writing paper, and sat down to write on “The Force of Habit.”

【小题1】By “It is not poverty you suffer from, but an embarrassment of riches.” in paragraph 1, the author means _____.
A.some subjects are too complicated or embarrassing to write on
B.poverty is no longer a problem nowadays, but embarrassment is
C.poor people don’t encounter as many embarrassments as the rich
D.there’re so many subjects that it’s hard to decide which to choose
【小题2】Why did the author sharpen his pencils with great care?
A.To help himself promote thinking.B.To draw what he saw out of the window.
C.To write his article more smoothly.D.To relieve himself of anxiety about writing.
【小题3】Putting on the boots helped the author _____.
A.get rid of his fixed habitB.lower his blood pressure
C.see things from a new angleD.free his preoccupied mind
【小题4】The passage is mainly about the author’s _____.
A.personal attitude towards habitsB.daily routines as a professional writer
C.writing process of a special articleD.decision making on the theme for an article
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McCoy was looking for a safe place to do drugs when something clearly out of place caught his eye: a luxurious brown leather handbag.

McCoy, 36, could relate all too well. One of his few possessions, the sleeping bag he used in an abandoned house, had recently been stolen. Remembering how angered he’d been by his own loss, he resolved to return the purse to its owner.

He began right away, starting with the address on the bill found in the handbag. After traveling much of the day and finally approaching the address on the bill, he was stopped by a woman, who asked whether she could buy the purse. McCoy refused, saying he was searching for its owner. “But I am the owner,” the woman said. “That’s my purse.”

A month earlier, Kaitlyn Smith, 29, a sales representative for a medical device company, had woken up to find her apartment broken into and her purse stolen. Now she came across a tall, messy-looking man holding it tightly. She could instantly tell he wasn’t in good shape.

At Smith’s urging, McCoy told her his story. He’d been in charge of a landscaping business until 2012, when a car accident left him addicted to drugs.

Smith, amazed this stranger had gone to such great lengths to return her bag, asked whether there was anything she could do to help. “I’m a drug addict,” McCoy warned. “I don’t want to intrude on your life; I’m probably gonna let you down.”

Unafraid, Smith gave him her phone number, saying, “If you want to go to rehab (戒毒所), call me.” She then drove him back to his neighborhood and left, thinking that would be the end of it. Two days later, she got a call.

Smith realized that McCoy was serious about getting better, so she dug into her savings account and bought McCoy a plane ticket to Florida. While there, he would call her to let her know how he was doing. “We were getting to know each other,” Smith says. “His scared, desperate voice turned into a healthy, lively one.” After 28 days at a rehab program at Johns Hopkins Hospital, McCoy is drug-free. He lives at a residential recovery center in Baltimore, and a GoFundMe page set up by Smith has covered his rent, groceries, and incidentals. His life is back on track, all because one crime victim could understand another’s loss.

【小题1】What drove McCoy to look for the owner of the handbag?
A.The urge to find a business partner.B.The resolution to recover his sleeping bag.
C.His own unfortunate experience.D.His anger over the poor living condition.
【小题2】What was McCoy’s initial reaction towards Smith’s intention to help?
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.McCoy was a victim of an identity theft.
B.Smith offered McCoy a ride home at his request.
C.McCoy looked unhealthy when he bumped into Smith.
D.Smith covered McCoy’s living expense in the recovery centre.
       Samuel Osmond is a 19-year-old law student from Cornwall, England. He never studied the piano. However, he can play very difficult musical pieces by musicians such as Chopin and Beethoven just a few minutes after he hears them. He learns a piece of music by listening to it in parts. Then he thinks about the notes in his head. Two years ago, he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata (奏鸣曲) by Beethoven. He surprised everyone around him.

Amazed that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly, his teachers say Samuel is unbelievable .They say his ability is very rare, but Samuel doesn’t even realize that what he can do is special. Samuel wanted to become a lawyer as it was the wish of his parents, but music teachers told him he should study music instead. Now, he studies law and music.

Samuel can’t understand why everyone is so surprised. “I grew up with music. My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar. About two years ago, I suddenly decided to start playing the piano, without being able to read music and without having any lessons. It comes easily to me — I hear the notes and can bear them in mind — each and every note,” says Samuel.

Recently, Samuel performed a piece during a special event at his college. The piece had more than a thousand notes. The audience was impressed by his amazing performance. He is now learning a piece that is so difficult that many professional pianists can’t play it. Samuel says confidently,” It’s all about super memory — I guess I have that gift.”

However, Samuel’s ability to remember things doesn’t stop with music. His family says that even when he was a young boy, Samuel heard someone read a story, and then he could retell the story word for word.

Samuel is still only a teenager. He doesn’t know what he wants to do in the future. For now, he is just happy to play beautiful music and continue his studies.

【小题1】What is special about Samuel Osmond?
A.He has a gift for writing music.
B.He can write down the note he hears.
C.He is a top student at the law school.
D.He can play the musical piece he hears.
【小题2】What can we learn from Paragraph 2 ?
A.Samuel chose law against the wish of his parents.
B.Samuel planned to be a lawyer rather than a musician.
C.Samuel thinks of himself as a man of great musical ability.
D.Samuel studies law and music on the advice of his teachers.
【小题3】Everyone around Samuel was surprised because he _________.
A.received a good early education in music
B.played the guitar and the piano perfectly
C.could play the piano without reading music
D.could play the guitar better than his father
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.The Qualities of a Musician
B.The Story of a Musical Talent
C.The Importance of Early Education
D.The Relationship between Memory and Music.

Homeless for 30 years, Mick gets tips by playing at a BART station in the Bay Area and begging along the highway. That’s where Jacob Swalwell caught up with him last year. He warned Mick several times to stop.

Swalwell said, “When I got closer, I realized he was a senior citizen. I wanted to know how come he was not on social security. It turned out that he couldn’t get it because he couldn’t even get an ID.” Even with Swalwell’s resources at the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department, it took three separate trips to get an identification card. His persistence paid off. Mick is now on Medicaid and has applied for social security benefits.

But Mick’s fresh start was just beginning. Private investigator Mark Askins from Miracle Messages, a nonprofit organization devoted to reconnecting the homeless with their loved ones, heard of Mick s story, and he wanted to help out. Using the little in-formation provided, Askins was able to find Mick’s birth mother Polly living roughly 250 miles away in Eureka, California. “She was just so anxious to see him and talk to him.” Askins said.

Polly didn’t have an easy life either. After leaving her husband, she was a teenage mom struggling to support three kids. Mick was sick and needed surgery when he was 2 years old, so Polly gave him up for adoption to her mother’s friend who could afford to give him the help he needed.

Swalwell and Mark Askins arranged for Mick to fly to meet the mother who gave him up 65 years ago and the family he had never known. Polly’s home is ready to embrace Mick.

Polly has invited Mick to live with her in Eureka, but he’s hesitant to move away from the area where he has spent his whole life. For now, he’s working on getting a car and promises to go back and visit her as often as possible.

【小题1】What did Swalwell do for Mick?
A.He collected resources to care for Mick.
B.He gave Mick much money.
C.He helped Mick get his ID card.
D.He offered Mick social security benefits.
【小题2】Why did Polly abandon Mick?
A.She felt it was too busy to raise three children.
B.She wanted to help her friend adopt a child.
C.She desired to give him a chance to cure his illness.
D.He was going to die of a serious illness.
【小题3】How old is Mick now?
A.65 years old.B.32 years old.C.30 years old.D.67 years old.
【小题4】What may be the best title for the text?
A.Acts of kindness led to a family reunion.B.Great love contributed to the last meeting.
C.Two kind people helped a sick man.D.A homeless man lived a normal life.
