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Curiosity is key to learning. In fact, studies show that, when we’re curious about a subject, we are much more likely to remember information we learned about that subject. If you’re an educational professional or are considering earning a teaching degree and entering the classroom, knowing how to enlighten students’ curiosity can help you improve learning outcomes.

Curiosity most often begins with “why”. Why does natural gas burn blue? Why is blue spelled blue and not blew? Why does the wind blow? If you want to fire up your students’ curiosity, you need to encourage them to ask and try to answer questions. That means you should avoid giving tedious lectures where you explain everything. Instead, try designing your classes so that you’re posing questions. And be sure to leave openings for students to participate and ask questions about what they’re learning.

Not every question your students ask will be a question you expect. But all questions prove a curious mind, so don’t dismiss questions that don’t fit with your lesson. Instead, leave unstructured time in class to address unexpected questions, or establish a system whereby unexpected questions can be “stored” for later, like on a whiteboard or in an online document.

In addition to making room for unexpected questions, you should also make room for students’ exploration of their questions. If you give your students enough time to discuss questions, their curiosity is certainly to expand.

Curiosity is a fuel. It drives us to try to figure things out and, finally, to learn. So make sure you give your students time for reflection after every class. Ask them to create a quick piece of art to reflect what they’ve learned. Not only does this kind of reflection aid in learning, it can also teach students to make curiosity a constantly present part of their lives.

【小题1】Why is curiosity vital to study according to the text?
A.It improves students’ memory.
B.It helps gain a better learning result.
C.It assists teachers in encouraging students.
D.It promotes the understanding of each other.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “tedious” in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】How can a teacher expand students’ curiosity?
A.By asking as many questions as possible.
B.By encouraging students to ask unexpected questions.
C.By offering students sufficient time to discuss questions.
D.By dismissing the questions that don’t fit with the lesson.
【小题4】What is this text mainly about?
A.Definition of curiosity.B.Significance of imagination.
C.Ways of making classes educative.D.Methods for enlightening curiosity.
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When was the last time you flew too high on a swing and lost your stomach, or burst out laughing so hard that you started crying? If it’s been awhile since you’ve had this kind of fun, you’re not alone.

A lot of us are still recovering from the habits formed in the past. And these days, events outside of our control are taking a serious effect on our health. Last fall, 76% of adults surveyed by the National Psychological Association said stress from various aspects has affected their health. They reported experiencing headaches, depression, nervousness and exhaustion.

But the antidote may be hiding in plain sight. Two recent books argue that making room for more fun in your life could balance out both the stress and the tendency to escape it.

In The Fun Habit: Hone The Disciplined Pursuit of Joy And Wonder Can Change Your Life, published in January, psychologist Mike Rucker makes the case that pursuit of fun experiences may be even more valuable than seeking the sometimes abstract goal of happiness. “Happiness is a state of mind,” Rucker writes. ”But fun is something you can do. It doesn’t require education, money or power. All it requires is intentionality. If happiness is a mirage (海市蜃楼), fun is your backyard oasis.”

And science journalist Catherine Price, author of The Power of Fun, published in 2021, has a similar view. “We really neglect fun and we are so casual and careless about how we use the word,” Price says, but it is “essential for our happiness and health.”

And fun can be so many things. Last year, when NPR asked readers to share what they’re really into, more than 1, 500 of you responded with a deliciously wide range of pursuits. Meanwhile, Price and Rucker presented much advice for ways to build more fun into your life.

【小题1】What do the first two paragraphs mainly tell us?
A.Losing fun affects health.B.Having fun means no loneliness.
C.Past habits bring mental problems.D.Humans lose control of some events.
【小题2】What does the underline word “antidote” mean in Paragraph 3?
【小题3】What does Rucker mean in his book?
A.Having more fun is practicable.B.Happiness lies around you.
C.The goal of happiness is vital.D.Good habits change your life.
【小题4】What is probably continued with the text?
A.Examples of being happy.B.Tips on how to create more fun.
C.Ways to keep healthy habits.D.Aims of pursuing happiness.

Hurricanes could be lasting longer after they make landfall, and spreading their damage farther inland, a new study suggests, which is a previously undescribed effect of climate change.

The study, published in the journal Nature, analyzed hurricanes that have struck North America from 1967 to 2018. It found that hurricanes making landfall in the 1960s lost 75 percent of their power in the first day after coming ashore, while today a hurricane that strikes land typically decays by about 50 percent in the first day.

The study’s authors claimed rising ocean temperature is the driving force behind the formation of longer-lived hurricanes. They ran four models that simulate (模拟) a hurricane moving over land. In each, they adjusted the temperature of the ocean water underneath the storm. The higher the sea surface temperature was, the researchers found, the more moisture (水汽) a storm carried over land and the longer it lasted. They said if a hurricane is like an engine, the warm ocean water beneath it is like fuel. When ocean water is particularly warm, as it is in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, it can increase pressure on hurricanes. If human-caused climate warming continues, they added, the destructive power of hurricanes—some with 100-plus-mile-per-hour winds and heavy rainfall—could extend farther inland and especially affect ill-equipped communities.

James Kossin, a climate scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), said, “They make a convincing case that the long-lasting hurricane is related to higher ocean temperature, and this can in turn be linked to climate change.”

“I would probably support the opinion that this phenomenon (现象) is possibly happening,” said Dan Chavas, an atmospheric scientist at Purdue University and one of the study’s reviewers. “I think the effect is very real, but the question is how strong the effect is. We still have a long way to go.”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “decays” in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】How did the researchers mainly conduct the study?
A.By analyzing data and doing experiments.
B.By observing hurricanes and making records.
C.By simulating hurricanes and having discussions.
D.By giving explanations and making comparisons.
【小题3】What do Dan Chavas’s words indicate?
A.Measures should be taken to predict hurricanes.
B.Climate change leads to higher ocean temperature.
C.More research is needed to study this phenomenon.
D.The effect of hurricanes is weakened in inland areas.
【小题4】What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To inform readers of a new study.
B.To prepare people for powerful hurricanes.
C.To call for global action on climate change.
D.To warn readers of the danger of global warming.

Life-threatening heat waves in the U. S. and Europe, along with China’s record-setting heat, are directly linked to human-caused climate change, according to international researchers. These extreme temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere this summer, breaking over 2,000 high-temperature records in the U. S. alone, are heightened by global warming. Palermo, Sicily, saw a historic 117-degree Fahrenheit temperature, while a northwest Chinese town experienced its highest recorded temperature.

The team, including experts from the World Weather Attribution group, stressed that such events would be nearly impossible without climate change. The influence of El Niño, a natural pattern, is noted, but the burning of fossil fuel (化石燃料) is the main driver of severe heatwaves. Human activities have driven a nearly 2-degree Fahrenheit global temperature rise since the Industrial Revolution’s onset. The researchers utilized weather data and computer models to analyze the impact of warming on ongoing heatwaves. Their rapid attribution report, though yet to be peer-reviewed, indicated that greenhouse gas release increases the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events. Bernadette Woods Placky, chief meteorologist at Climate Central, agreed with this conclusion, stressing the connection between rising greenhouse gases and heat occurrences.

Even a slight temperature rise poses serious health risks, as indicated by the World Health Organization. Heat-related illnesses, heart attacks, and strokes become more probable. Vulnerable communities, including low-income areas and communities of color, face heightened risks due to rising temperatures.

Last year, Europe’s heatwaves killed around 61,000 lives, predominantly among women. Similarly, a heat dome in the Pacific Northwest in 2021 led to hundreds of deaths in Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. Michael Wehner, a climate scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, warned that dangerous climate change is a present reality and demanded heightened awareness of its results.

In reality, the current heatwaves devastating various regions are basically linked to human-induced climate change. As the world experiences extreme temperatures, it is necessary to recognize the urgency (紧急) of solving this dangerous situation through sustainable practices and policies (政策).

【小题1】What happened to the U. S., Europe and China this summer?
A.Global warming.B.Extreme heat.C.Climate change.D.Setting records.
【小题2】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The findings from experts.B.The researchers’ hard work.
C.The effects of human activities.D.The reasons for high temperatures.
【小题3】How do heatwaves affect people?
A.They cause damage to people.B.They lead to people’s escape.
C.They encourage people to fight.D.They make people become strong.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To tell the causes of heatwaves.B.To call on people to take action.
C.To introduce phenomena of heatwaves.D.To find ways to protect the environment.
