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以“Protect Wild Animals”为题,写一篇英语短文。内容包括:
参考词汇:自然保护区 nature reserve;生态平衡the balance of nature

Protect Wild Animals

知识点:动物环境保护 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Love is a road that goes both ways. Once upon a time, a little boy named David lived with his mother in a remote and small cottage. They couldn’t afford to live a luxurious life, but were satisfied with the little they had. Every day after coming home from school, David would accompany his mother to the forest to collect what they need, such as wood, wild vegetable, fungi, and so on.

One day, when David was in the forest by himself, he came across a puppy which seemed to be all alone. David looked here and there for its owner but in vain. So he picked it up, put it under his coat and carried it home. Reaching home, he said to his mother, “Mom, I found a little puppy alone in the forest! Can we keep him, please?” Feeling David’s excitement, his mother was in two minds about whether to keep the puppy or not. She told him, “Oh, David, that’s the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen! But we don’t have much. What will we do about his food and sleeping arrangement?” David replied, “It’s OK. Ill offer him half of my meals and let him sleep with me in my bedroom.” Hearing this, David’s mother just nodded. David’s happiness knew no bounds, and he named the puppy Cookie.

From that day onwards, David and Cookie became the best friends. Cookie followed David wherever he went. When David went to school, Cookie would patiently wait outside the classroom till the classes ended. At night, Cookie slept next to David on his tiny bed and dreamed sweet dreams.

One day, Cookie and David went to school together as usual. After school, they were following the familiar routine back home when it rained heavily with thunder and lightning, so that they were running in a hurry, trying to reach home as soon as possible. The roads everywhere turned slippery. Unfortunately, David missed seeing a hole at the side of the road and fell down the hole. He cried for help, hoping to be heard by passers-by. But due to the loud thundering and noise of the heavy rain, no one could hear him. Cookie barked loudly and anxiously, circling around the hole.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Cookie suddenly ran quickly in the direction of home.


David’s mom anxiously looked towards the hole and saw him trapped into it.


Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by twenty-year-old Mary Swift. But the dog is also a rescuer.

One morning in November 2021, Swift was ready to go jogging as usual, with Milo following her happily. To her surprise, as soon as she opened the front door, Milo took off running towards the gate quickly. It was very unusual. He always ran after his master.

Outside the gate, Milo was looking around the neighborhood, looking a little alert. Suddenly, he ran straightly to the house across the street, barking loudly and sniffing around. He seemed unsatisfied with this house. He quickly ran to the one next door. He stopped there and turned to Swift, barking more loudly, with his tail swinging crazily. Swift followed him, shouting sharply “Stop, Milo!” Some passing neighbors were looking disapprovingly (不满地) at them.

Swift was kind of embarrassed. Not everyone wanted a strange dog on their property and liked hearing a dog’s barks in the quiet morning. She tried to get Milo to go back, but Milo seemed not to follow the master’s order. He started to scratch on the front door. Swift wondered, “Why is he trying to break into the house?” She looked at the house, which belonged to Sherry Starr, who was 85 years old and seldom walked out of her house. It was the time for her to trim her bushes in the garden. Somehow, she wasn’t there that day.

Although Swift was a little doubtful, she still tried to drag Milo away. But at this time she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window.


It was a voice yelling “Help”.

