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On a Friday evening in December, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my job. I hadn’t seen it coming. I was excited for the weekend, when my daughter, Kristil, then 12, and I planned to get our Christmas tree. Then I listened to my voicemail. “We’re sorry, madame, but your work assignment has ended as of today.” My heart sank.

My paycheck was what our survival relied on. I did everything I could to give Kristil a good life, but there were some things my love couldn’t fix. The next day as we searched for our tree, I struggled to be cheerful as I eyed the Christmas tree prices. Kristil noticed I was worried and I told her I had lost my job. She wanted to give me the $100 that Grandma gave her, but I refused.

Monday morning, I dropped Kristil at school and set off on my money-making pursuits. I headed to the pawnshop (当铺) with a gold ring my mother had given me, and they gave me $70. Next was the antiques store. I sold six Precious Moments statuettes for $150. I ended the day $220 richer.

Over the next week, I furiously (猛烈地) applied for jobs as my bank account grew smaller. I felt as if the world was closing in on me. On a weekend afternoon, I dropped Kristil in a wealthy gated community for a birthday party. I drove home defeated.

Back at home, I glanced out the window. It had been snowing all morning. I noticed a small woman struggling to open her car door against the wind. As she got out, I realized it was my old professor, Sister Esther. I hadn’t seen her since we’d met for lunch three months ago. I’d first met Sister Esther 10 years earlier, when I was her student at Edgewood College. After I graduated, Sister Esther kept in touch, meeting me for lunch every few months. I had grown to love her like family. I rushed to the front of my building. “What are you doing out in this weather?” I asked as we hugged.

Sister Esther said she called my office and knew I wasn’t working there anymore, so she came to see me. Upon arriving, she told me urgently, “Hearing the news that you were fired from the work, I felt greatly worried.” While saying, she handed me a Christmas card and an unexpected gift.

unprepared       inform       anxious       approach       eager       optimistic
turn down       true       measure       disappoint       expect       resist
When Christmas was ________, I was ________ of unemployment.I felt shocked and ________ for the change.
When we were picking our tree, my daughter Kristil sensed something was wrong and I told her the ________. She offered to help but I________.I struggled to be in a good mood for Christmas but only expressed my ________.
In order to relieve financial pressure, I took some ________.I ________ wanted to be reemployed, but the reality made me ________.
My college professor Sister Esther came to visit me after hearing that I no longer worked in my old office.I hadn’t ________her coming and I rushed out to meet her in high spirits.
【小题2】What did the author do to relieve financial pressure?
【小题3】Why did Sister Esther come to visit the author?
【小题4】What might the unexpected gift be? And how would the author feel?
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I had not hugged a friend or a family member for more than two years until recently when my sister flew in for a brief visit. For safety, we met outside. Despite the wintry weather, her hug warmed me from the inside out. It’s strange, but only now do I truly realize how much I’ve missed embracing loved ones.

I grew up through war in my hometown of Sarajevo, Bosnia, and every moment was full of danger. On one peaceful morning, I had begged my mom to let me go outside after spending weeks indoors. She finally agreed. I was outside for only 10 minutes when I was caught in an explosion. I ran to my neighbor’s house for safety and hung my arms around her neck just as my legs collapsed underneath me.

Thankfully, I made a full physical recovery, but the emotional scars never left me. Years later there was another explosion near my house. I was safely inside, but my father had left to buy a loaf of bread. He had only just missed the explosion. When he came back inside, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable. I was caked in tears as I held him tight.

That same night my parents managed to arrange my escape from our war-torn city. I was 16 and came to America on my own. A generous host family took me in. They had a large dog called Oscar. Over the next several months, I secretly struggled with feeling homesick and worried about my family back home. Despite managing quite well at school, I couldn’t express my feelings. The only way I shared how I felt was by giving Oscar a big hug.

It is yet another sad aspect of our pandemic(疾病大流行的) lives that hugging a stranger is the last thing on our minds. For many of us, even hugging a relative or a friend comes with stress and anxiety over risks and precautions. As I look back on my past, I count myself truly lucky to have been held, shielded and encouraged at some of the most key moments of my life by the power of a hug.

【小题1】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Experience of war.B.Love for family.
C.Impact of pandemic.D.Power of embracing.
【小题2】How did the author feel when she hugged her father?
【小题3】What can we learn about the author from the passage?
A.She had her arms hurt in an explosion.
B.She missed her family very much while in America.
C.She couldn’t catch up with her classmates at school.
D.She recovered quickly from the wounds of the war.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “shielded” mean in Paragraph 5?

A few days ago, my husband, Russ, and I lost our house of 28 years to a California wild fire.

On that night, we had to leave our house and sleep in the back seat of our Ford. The next morning, we had to drive three and a half hours to find a hotel that had a room available. Only later, in the local newspaper, did we see photographs of the destruction. Our house had been consumed by the fire along with most of our neighborhood.

“How are we going to rebuild our house after this?” I thought, rounding a corner on the sidewalk on my walk back to the hotel. “Is it even possible?”

I noticed something up ahead—a pair of nickels, shining like precious jewels. They were just nickels, but they somehow felt special. I bent down and picked them up. If these were lucky coins, I could use all the luck I could get.

A few days later, I made a trip to the store to buy essentials. The enormous task of replacing everything we’d lost put a heavy weight on me. I was about to leave when I felt the urge to stop and turn my head to the right. I could hardly believe it—there on a shelf, was a nickel! “Okay, maybe this is more than luck,” I thought and put the nickel in my pocket.

I told myself that I had found the nickels just by chance. Then I found one next to my plate at a restaurant—on Thanksgiving, when I was missing our house more than ever. It seemed that a nickel appeared whenever my spirits sank.

Whenever I reached my breaking point, I’d find another nickel. In the grass at the park, or near the tire of my car in a parking lot. Once, my change for a quick lunch was given entirely in nickels. “I’m sorry,” the cashier said. “It’s all we have.” “It’s all I need!” I said.

One day, I was sitting at the desk when my phone rang. It was a real-estate agent I’d been working with. “I have a new listing,” she said. “When can we see it?”

A few hours later, Russ and I were following the agent down the driveway toward the house. I didn’t think long. Because there, in the driveway...

【小题1】What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs?
A.The hotel was rather far away from their destroyed house.
B.The author took some photos of the destruction after the fire.
C.The couple saved most of their precious items from the house.
D.The couple spent the night sleeping in a temporary tent after the fire.
【小题2】Where did the author find the first pair of nickels?
A.In front of the hotel.B.Among the ashes of his house.
C.In the corner of the hotel room.D.At the corner of the side of a road.
【小题3】How did the author react to the cashier’s giving her change in nickels?
A.She laughed at the cashier.B.She refused to accept them.
C.She expressed her satisfaction.D.She threw them on the counter.
【小题4】What might the nickels represent on the author’s mind?
A.Not only victory but also something else.B.Not only fortune but also something else.
C.Not only strength but also something else.D.Not only promotion but also something else.

I didn’t expect parenting a teenager to be this hard. Lately, my son and I conflict at every corner. About schoolwork. His attitude. Friends. Screen time. On and on. Everything I say is met with an eye roll or a mumbled “whatever”. My fuse is admittedly shorter than normal right now, due to some unrelated anxiety, illness, and lack of sleep.

On a recent drive home, after picking up my teen and his little brother from school, we stopped by a grocery. As soon as the food was loaded, my older child snatched a box of individually wrapped cakes, which I seldom allowed As he oohed and aahed, enjoying sweet cakes, I silently questioned my decision to spoil him this way. But before we’d even exited the parking lot, he asked me to pull over. And then my son surprised me: He asked if he could share a few of his treasured treats with a homeless man, standing outside the door, coatless.

Of course, I agreed.

Actually, I kicked myself. This was a gesture I hadn’t even considered in a hurry to get home, even though my car was packed with food. Without hesitation, my teenage son handed the stranger a few little cakes. The man thanked us, and we continued on our way.

Throughout our journey home, we frankly discussed how difficult it must be for people experiencing homelessness. It was a rare conversation. No push and pull or negotiations. Simply a time to reflect and take stock of how much we have to be thankful for.

When we eventually turned into our garage, that same teenager — expressing concern for my recent illness — announced, “You’re not unloading any of these bags. We got this, Mom.”

Yes, parenting a ten is harder than I expected. But it’s also sweeter: And, in that moment, you realize you’ve actually raised a pretty awesome human being.

【小题1】What does the underlined words in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.She can hold her temper easily.
B.She doesn’t admit her short temper.
C.She acknowledges her temper not as good as usual.
D.She tries to keep her temper under control at present.
【小题2】What led to the author’s surprise?
A.The questioning of herself.B.Her son’s fondness for cakes.
C.The suffering of the homeless.D.Her son’s concern for the homeless.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe the conversation in Paragraph 5?
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Sweet CakesB.The Hardness of Parenting
C.Precious KindnessD.A Treat to A Homeless Man
