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Students at Monument High School are participating in a unique activity called the Independent Project. The program is an “alternative” school that’s completely run by students—no teachers, parents, or adults are allowed—and they’re in charge of deciding their entire courses. What these teens study in the classroom and their homework are all entirely up to them.

Students aren’t taking this lightly—instead of reacting irresponsibly to the freedom to design their own studies, they’re eagerly grasping their own interests by writing poetry collections, learning instruments and taking flight lessons.

“I think the more choices we have in our schools, the more students we will help develop into the kind of citizens that we need,” Principal Marianne Young explains. “And that it’s okay for you to need a little bit of a different approach from mine.”

The only structure to the program is this: On Mondays students come up with questions that interest them about one of their school subjects, and then they spend the rest of the week researching and coming up with potential conclusions to these inquiries. On Fridays, they present this information to their classmates.

Teens express their satisfaction with the program because it accommodates different kinds of learners, even those who don’t always succeed in a traditional academic sense.

“I have dyslexia(阅读障碍), so it’s very hard for me to read, write and do those sorts of things. School has always been a big problem for me,” one student named Sergio explains. “If not for this program, I don’t know if I’d be graduating—I don’t know where I’d be right now. I think this has really been my savior and got me through the last two years of high school.”

【小题1】What can we know about the Independent Project?
A.Normal school courses are a must.B.There’re no teachers involved in it.
C.It aims to help students with math.D.Students must study courses at home.
【小题2】According to Principal Marianne Young, ______.
A.more course choices will benefit top students
B.teachers play a key role in students’ education
C.different learning styles should be encouraged
D.knowledge can be better gained by discussions
【小题3】What’s teens’ attitude towards the Independent Project?
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The structure of a learning program.B.The benefits of interactive learning.
C.An unusual educational program.D.The differences in individual learning.
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Exam season can be frustrating since learners are under a lot of pressure. There are, however, several things you may do to boost your preparation for exams.

Begin planning ahead of time. Preparing for your examination early will provide sufficient time to go over all you have already learned. You can establish a plan to better organize your schedule. However, how can you make a good schedule?【小题1】. And then plan out your schedule to learn and understand all pending (待定的) topics efficiently.

Arrange your learning area. Make sure things around you are in order before you begin preparing and reviewing the study material for your examinations. 【小题2】. In addition, you ought to be sure that your seat is comfortable, that your space is well lit, and that nothing distracts you, such as computer games or notifications of your smartphone.

Study your old notes and test papers. 【小题3】. One of the most helpful strategies to prepare for tests is to read and review old test papers. It helps students familiarize themselves with the question structures and layout, which can help them anticipate what will be on their exam.

【小题4】. An essential study preparation idea is to plan meetings with friends to test each other’s knowledge and clarify confusing points. Additionally, learning with colleagues or fellow classmates is another excellent approach to keep you challenged and progressing toward the aim.

Have enough rest. While it may appear that studying for longer periods will boost efficiency, it will eventually drain you, leaving you with no power to learn and remember things. Thus, it’s critical to have adequate rest. 【小题5】.

You can consider these recommendations, which will serve as an excellent jumpstart for your learning journey.

A.Seek assistance
B.Plan a group study
C.Keep your notes and test papers well
D.Figure out how many examinations you will take
E.It contributes to retaining ideas and refreshing your mind
F.Set a timer for yourself while reviewing your previous notes
G.You must also have sufficient room for your learning resources

Fed up with too much screen time, some students from one Philadelphia high school in the US refused to log on for school on Dec 14th, staging a protest that they hope will draw attention to the difficult situation of stressed teenagers across the city and beyond.

Instead of attending virtual school from 8 am to 3 pm as usual, dozens of students at Kensington High School for the Creative and Performing Arts (KCAPA) declined to participate in classes.

Leilani Ferrara and her classmates didn't want to shirk work. “In fact, the logoff was designed to catch up on missed or incomplete assignments, and organized around the fact that the current school schedule is unworkable,” said Ferrara, 15, a strong student whose grades are now falling.

“We are all breaking down every day,” Ferrara said. “I barely eat. I'm sleeping all the time. You just can’t be online every day from 8 am to 3 pm. It's too much.”

Philadelphia School District students have not seen the inside of their classrooms since March when schools closed because of COVID-19. Social studies teacher Ismael Jimenez has seen students grow increasingly stressed. They worry about too much work, not enough time to complete it and a lack of one-on-one time with teachers.

KCAPA attendance has been declining — last week, it was under 50 percent. KCAPA students are expected to be in classes for seven hours, with 10 minutes between classes and a lunch break. The students have taken their concerns to Principal Patricia McDermott-Fair, who has not made meaningful changes to the schedule.

District leaders did not make McDermott-Fair available for comment. In a statement, Malika Savoy-Brooks, the district's Chief of Academic Support, said she understood remote learning is challenging for some. “We encourage anyone who has concerns about this matter to work with their school leaders with the final goal of creating an environment where students, progress comes first,” Savoy-Brooks said.

Students say they're overwhelmed (压垮的) by hours of work followed by homework. Junior Kayla Reynolds, 18, wants to finish high school. But now she's getting mostly Ds and Fs. “I'm not a good learner when it comes to virtual — I'm not slow, but I just need face-to-face learning,” she said. “Some of us are thinking about dropping out of school.”

【小题1】What's the reason for the protest of some KCAPA students?
A.Offline homework is too much.
B.Online courses are challenging.
C.The school schedule is unreasonable.
D.Sleeping and eating time is not enough.
【小题2】Which of the following may replace the underlined word “shirk”?
【小题3】What did KCAPA face after COVID-19 broke out?
A.The change of the principal.
B.A decline in class attendance.
C.Better attendance for classes.
D.Many students' failure in exams.
【小题4】According to Malika, what's the right choice for the students?
A.Talk to school leaders about the current schedule.
B.Communicate with teachers to reduce homework.
C.Get over learning difficulties to adapt to virtual school.
D.Go on protesting to get their advantage over other things.

I had often dreamt of the possibility of spending a year away from my hometown of Leeds in England, living in a foreign country. When I was old enough, however, I thought that my language was going to hold me back.

However, luckily for me, University of Leeds, where I was studying at the time, made it possible for any student, even people like me speaking only one language, to study abroad. Before I knew it I was boarding a plane for Salzburg, Austria. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect of the experience ahead of me but I was prepared to accept the challenge.

The university was quite small but the classes were large. Also, Austrian students usually take five years to complete their courses, so studying there was somewhat more relaxing than at home. Austrian students go home quite often, too. Therefore, the foreign students had to socialise with each other quite a lot, which didn’t help with our language skills.

Salzburg itself is a picture-postcard Austrian city. It is also famous for being the birthplace of Mozart and the setting for The Sound of Music. As a result, it is usually very busy with tourists. I also found that it doesn’t have a lot of entertainment for young people, in comparison with Leeds.

There are, however, many advantages of living in Salzburg. For example, get on a train and you can be in Prague, Rome or Krakow within a matter of hours. By the end of my year in Salzburg, I had visited eight other countries in Europe.

After spending a year overseas, I went back to my courses in Leeds and I was much more focused on what I wanted to get out of my last year and more appreciative of the opportunity the university provided. The year in Salzburg really showed me that you get a lot more out of a place when you live there compared to when you are just traveling through. I’d recommend all students to spend a year studying abroad if they can.

【小题1】Compared with University of Leeds, the university in Salzburg ________.
A.provides more social eventsB.has longer university years
C.has more foreign studentsD.offers more small classes
【小题2】One advantage the author mentions about Salzburg is that ________.
A.it’s convenient for people to travelB.it has a high-speed rail network
C.it’s the hometown of MozartD.it’s full of foreign tourists
【小题3】What does the author think of his experience of studying abroad?
A.He benefited a lot from it.B.He thought it made no difference to him.
C.I was far from what he had expected.D.It badly affected his studies at home.
【小题4】In the author’s opinion, what may have prevented his studying abroad?
A.His not being old enough.B.His fearing the culture shock.
C.His becoming homesick easily.D.His not knowing a foreign language.
