选词填空-单句选词填空 适中0.65 引用2 组卷14
hang over, live up to, end up, take pride in, deal with, fight a losing battle, guard against, show off, focus on
【小题1】China has ________its promise of hosting a “green, inclusive, open and clean” Winter Olympics.
【小题2】The possibility of being unable to make a full recovery is________her.
【小题3】Every one of us should play a part in ________problems like pollution and climate change.
【小题4】If you’ve done your best, ________your efforts no matter what the result is.
【小题5】What you have achieved is not worth ________. Instead, you should try to do better.
【小题6】The discussion held last Friday ________some of the most serious problems the teenagers are facing.
【小题7】Correct the mistakes if you have made some and ________them if you have not.
【小题8】If he continues like this, he will ________lifting a stone only to drop it on his own feet.
【小题9】The girl is ________to stop herself from crying.
知识点:其他deal withend upfocus onshow offtake pride inhang over 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
