书面表达-读后续写 困难0.15 引用5 组卷453

Having worked at a small food store for two years, I thought I had become successful at what our manager called “customer relations”. I firmly believed that a friendly smile and an automatic “sir”, “madam”, “thank you” and “sorry” would see me through any situation. But on a Christmas night an old woman shook my belief that such a glib (油嘴滑舌的) response could smooth over any difficulty while dealing with other human beings.

The moment she entered the store, the woman presented a sharp contrast to our shiny store with its bright lighting and neatly arranged shelves. Walking as if each step were painful, she slowly pushed open the glass door. On such a zero-degree night, she was wearing only a faded print dress, a thin sweater too small to button, and black slippers with the backs cut out to expose heels. There were no stockings or socks on her blue-veined (青筋的) legs.

After walking around the store for several minutes, the old woman stopped in front of the rows of canned vegetables. She looked at the row of cans, finally picked up a can of corn and stared at the label. At that point, I decided to be a good and polite employee and asked her if she needed help. As I stood close to her, my smile became harder to maintain. An unpleasant smell of sweat rose from her torn clothing.

“I need some food,” she muttered in reply to my bright “Madam, can I help you?”

“Are you looking for corn, madam?”

“I need some food,” she repeated, looking down at the can in her hand, “Any kind.”

“Well, the can of corn is ninety-five cents, madam.” I said in my most helpful voice. “Or if you like, we have a special on bread today.”

After a short pause, she lifted her head and said, “But I can’t pay.”

For a second, it was on the tip of my tongue to tell her that she could take the corn. Then the employee rules flooded into my mind: remain polite but do not let the customers take advantage of you.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

At the thought of that, I managed a friendly smile.


Instantly I rushed out of the door with the can of corn and stopped the old woman.

知识点:生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When I was 13, I climbed my first mountain — a fairly gentle 3, 900-foot peak near where I live in Surrey, British Columbia. I loved the challenge of conquering something bigger than myself. Soon I’d climbed nearly 100 peaks.

I often go climbing with my friend Mel Olsen. Two years ago, on December 30, when I was 16, she and I drove to Oregon to conquer 11, 240-foot Mount Hood.

It's safer to start winter climbs at night when there's less risk of the sun melting the snowpack. That day, we started at 3 a. m. The temperature was about 14 degrees, and we wore clothes we could easily remove. Along the way, we met two other climbers, and the four of us continued on together.

After about five hours, we reached Devil's Kitchen, a plateau at about 10, 000 feet, just before the final push to the top. By this point, the wind conditions were horrible. My exposed skin felt as though it were burning. The other climbers decided to turn back, but Mel and I went ahead. We had ice axes (斧), helmets, and crampons (钉鞋). We were prepared for the climb.

The trail we followed grew narrower and steeper. At around 9 a. m., we reached a patch of ice called an ice step. It was about three or four feet tall and sloped at a 75-degree angle. I volunteered to go first. I placed my left foot on the ice step.

I gained a sense of the ice when I stuck my ax and crampons into it, and it felt good. Confident that I was safe, I put my full weight on it. Suddenly, I heard a crack, and a whole block of ice broke off the step, right under my foot.


In an instant, I fell backward.


As Mel made her way down, I yelled for help.


The Case of the Missing Dinosaur(恐龙)

My little brother Teddy and I run a detective agency together out of an office in my bedroom closet. The sign on the door says Investigations by Nina (with help from Teddy). Well, We’re detectives. We find things like missing shoes and hats.

Teddy handed me notes he’d gathered from the empty flowerpot on our porch(走廊). That’s where family and neighbors let us know about mysteries to solve. I read the papers, only to find that there were nothing important.“ How about a dinosaur?” asked Teddy. “ My friend Peter is missing his dinosaur.” That sounded great. I asked Teddy to tell me everything he knew.

Most days after school, my brother goes across the street to Peter’s house to play Go Fish. But yesterday, Peter refused to play any games. His eyes were red. He kept talking about his dinosaur, Bruno. We decided to help him. Then we walked to Peter’s house to check things out.

I started with my usual questions.
Teddy was turning out to be a good detective.

Lena could clearly remember the night she had to flee her home in Hungary. It was the beginning of the Second World War and her family needed to escape fast. She quickly packed a suitcase with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and-her most prized possession - a beautiful silk scarf. Lena and her best friend, Monika, had persuaded their parents to buy them matching scarves, which they each wore tied around their neck as a symbol of their friendship. Lena had no idea that when she left for America that night, she would never return. Her family settled on the sunny west coast in California.

Lena kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Lena was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but her granddaughter reassured her, “Don’t worry, Grandma nothing’s going to happen to your scarf. You’ll see, It is going to bring both of us luck today.” With that, Eliza kissed her grandmother on the cheek and left.

That afternoon, Eliza left the interview feeling confident that she had got the job-She decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. As she sat at her table, she felt someone staring at her.

Sitting next to her was an elderly woman who could not take her eyes off her. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” Eliza asked.

“I’m sorry, dear, but you remind me of someone I once knew,” the old woman replied in an accented voice. “My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one you’re wearing around your neck.” Eliza felt goose bumps go up her arms. She had heard stories of her grandmother’s best friend and knew the significance of the scarf. Could this be Monika, her grandmother’s childhood friend?

注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右;
Paragraph I:

Eliza introduced herself and waited to hear the name of the other woman.

Paragraph 2:

They walked the short distance to Lena’s home and rang the doorbell.

