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The famous Spanish painter Pablo Picasso once said, “I always do what I can’t do so that I can learn how to do it.” It strikes a chord with me because that’s exactly what I’ve done these years.

One of my earliest memories of doing before learning is of baking scones (烤饼) when I was about 10 years old. I wanted to bake them to surprise my mother when she returned home.

Before that I’d observed how my mother baked them many times. As I started to try, I didn’t know I shouldn’t handle the dough with my hands too much once I’d added the baking powder. However, I knew exactly how to roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter to cut the scones, because my mom had already taught me.

By the time my mom arrived home, the smell of freshly baked scones welcomed her into the kitchen. They were baked to golden brown perfection-flat, as a result of over handling the dough, but they tasted OK. My mom sweetly praised me for my attempt, rather than scolding me for the state of the kitchen, which was like a tornado had just blown!

Have my attempts always been successful? I wish! Some of my kitchen disasters were of such proportions that even the dogs wanted nothing to do with them. My gardening failures didn’t live to see another season.

But my habit of doing before learning is still helpful. Whatever computer program or application I have to learn, I do so by simply starting to use it. I do, learn, and improve. So if you ask me whether I regret that I tend to do first and learn later, I’d say I don’t, because what I have discovered from those is the wisdom to know when it’s OK to do and then learn, and when it’s probably better to learn and then do!

【小题1】What can we learn about the author’s first experience of baking scones?
A.She practiced hard before actually trying.
B.She turned to her mom when necessary.
C.She wanted to perform better than her mom.
D.She managed to do it despite a little imperfection.
【小题2】How did Mom respond to the author’s attempt?
A.She made improvements to the scones.
B.She expressed her appreciation for the job.
C.She shared her first experience of baking.
D.She was surprised by the mess in the kitchen.
【小题3】What does the author think of her practices of “doing before learning”?
A.Most of them have ended up in failure.
B.They are just a barely usable method.
C.They contribute a lot to her self-improvement.
D.They only apply to the learning of specific skills.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To stress the importance of keeping learning.
B.To show the benefits of doing before learning.
C.To encourage people to do something they can’t do.
D.To call on readers to change their way of learning.
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Last month, my husband and I completed what some of our friends considered a foolish task: a 32-day, 5, 232-mile camping trip with children in our Volkswagen van, without ''high-tech'' to occupy the children.

It was the screen less journey that showered me with doubts. But is ''boredom'' senseless? My friend Renee, who has driven cross-country with her three kids eight times, calls boredom the mother of creativity. She's not the only one who sees virtue in blank time. In a recently published paper, researchers at East Anglia University in England concluded that the trance like (发呆的) state helps recharge the mind and is ''central to learning and creativity''. I wasn't trying to make my kids smarter. Neither do I dislike high-tech. But I understand too well the power of mini screens to transform our kids into zombies (木讷的人) .

On Day 1, our 7-year-old son announced ''Texas is so boring!''. The next day, struggling against his seat belt, he yelled he couldn't take much more of this. His 5-year-old sister was better at the long hours playing make-believe with the stuffed animals. On Day 3, he began count mountains and see pandas and dolphins in distant clouds in the Texas sky. I often joined the kids in the back, where we did thumb-and-toe wrestle. With well-known mountains ahead, my husband told the children the past legends of them. ''Arizona is not as boring as Texas,'' our son declared.

I hope the trip gave kids some lazy, unstructured time to learn something about valuing the trip instead of looking for the fastest way to burn it up. I don't always make the right call as a parent but I know that in banning the small screen we made the right choice this time.

【小题1】Why did the author choose a high-tech free journey?
A.Her friends are highly against it.
B.She disliked advanced technology.
C.She feared the passive influence of mini-screens.
D.The researchers proved the harm of modern technology.
【小题2】What happened during the cross-country drive?
A.Their son got worse at boredom.
B.Her kids had a tough time riding in the vehicle.
C.Their son relieved himself by watching animals outside.
D.The time spent without screens strengthened the family bond.
【小题3】The underlined part ''the fastest way'' in the last paragraph refers to      .
A.the speediest route to finish the journey
B.the ability to observe the surroundings
C.the interest of playing games with others
D.the choice of killing time by playing digital devices
【小题4】Which is the best title for the text?
A.Is Driving Long Distances Good for Children?
B.A Touching Cross-country Trip of My Family
C.What's Wrong with Boredom without High-tech?
D.Creative Kids out of Parents' Reasonable Choice

So far, with the knowledge in clinical specialty, I’ve worked in a few addiction clinics. In this insight article, I want to share my experiences of a more or less the same situation that different people responded differently.

The first clinic I started to work in a winter, lay in the remote forest. The location of the clinic was about 15 minutes walk from the nearest bus stop. The temperature could reach minus 13 degrees and the snow was often very thick during the winter. As a result, there were even traffic signs saying that drivers had to use special tire chains to avoid getting stuck in the heavy snow. Although the scenery in this area was very beautiful, it wasn’t easy to walk 15 minutes or more in freezing temperatures.

Sometimes, on my way to work, I met a young man or two coming out of the woods who walked around half an hour or even longer to make a living. Although living in such a harsh and unfriendly natural atmosphere, they still faced such cold winter bravely.

At another clinic, I had a conversation with Peter who was developing an addiction due to the same condition. He lived in a very remote area. Finding a job and going to work were not easy to do. In desperation, he fled into the arms of alcohol.

Two similar situations with two different outcomes. Certainly, I don’t need to explain which action and attitude are better. What I want to emphasize here is the matter of choice. The possibilities and approaches that each person has, are different. However, if everyone has the same opportunities and accesses, will the choices and responses given be the same?

Life is a choice, you better choose the things that make you better.

【小题1】What can you get from Paragraph 2?
A.The average temperature was minus 13 degrees.B.The tire chains were hard to get.
C.People often got stuck in the heavy snow.D.Drivers were into the beautiful scenery.
【小题2】What made Peter addicted?
A.The environment.B.The alcohol.
C.The scenery.D.The unemployment.
【小题3】Which of the following best explains “harsh” underlined in Paragraph 3?
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude to life according to the text?
A.Life is not a bowl of cherries.B.Life is a box of chocolate.
C.Life is not a battle.D.Life is a poem with beautiful rhythms.

One day a student was taking a walk with his teacher. As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes lying in the path. They were a poor farmer’s, who was working in the nearby field.

The student turned to the teacher, saying: “We will hide his shoes, and hide ourselves behind those trees, and wait to see what he will do.”

“My young friend,” answered the teacher, “we should never make fun of the poor. Why not put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch?” The student did so and they both hid themselves behind the trees. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.

After putting on his coat, he put his foot into one of his shoes, and felt something hard. Then he bent (弯腰) down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Surprised, he looked at the coin, turned it around and looked at it again. He then looked around, but no person was seen. He put the money into his pocket, and continued to put on the other shoe. His surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.

He couldn’t control his feelings and fell to his knees, looked up to the sky and expressed his thanks. Then he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread. He said the help would save them from dying.

The student stood there deeply moved, and his eyes filled with tears. “Now,” said the teacher, “are you not much happier than if you had hidden the shoes?”

【小题1】Why did the student want to hide the farmer’s shoes? (no more than 10 words)
【小题2】What do you think of the teacher? (no more than 5 words)
【小题3】How did the farmer find the coins? (no more than 15 words)
【小题4】At the end of the story, what was the student’s feeling? (no more than 10 words)
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
