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Bruce had a sweet tooth during his childhood, but it was not just sugary snacks that he desired. Being raised in a poor family was a bittersweet experience, but it gave him adaptability and ambition.

When Bruce was young, his mother would tell him that the candies in the store’s checkout line belonged to the cashier. She said that because she could not afford a 50-cent chocolate bar. Nevertheless, he saw through her trick and made a promise that he would grow up to be wealthy enough to buy what his family needed.

Bruce’s father worked hard to make money outside, so he spent less time at home. Instead of focusing on their economic instability, Bruce’s mother selflessly pushed her children to strive for success so that they could lead a more comfortable life later. She worked for long hours every night and struggled to pay the minimum due on her bills. Still, she would find time to read with Bruce and his sister, Alice. Their mother taught them the value of perseverance, education, and moral fibre. Despite lack of their father’s company, they were loved and nurtured just as much.

However, not all of life’s milestones were easy. Some, like moving and being helpless, left Bruce with an endless bitter taste. He had to deal with many problems when they moved into Maryland, several states away from their roots in Georgia, to make a living. The first few months were great: baseball games, family trips to the mall, dinners, movies, etc. It felt like they were the perfect family. Then things changed. Baseball games were too expensive, and trips to the mall were replaced with days Bruce and Alice spent isolated in the study.

As the brother and sister grew up, money was even tighter. They spent many years living in a very poor family setting. Even so, their mother inspired them to keep trying and working academically. They even cooperated with each other and developed a computer system. Alice was joking about patenting it someday. But as the saying goes, “Good things never come easy”, and success requires setbacks.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

One day, Bruce’s mother opened their study door and told them to pack.


They eventually settled in Texas, and Bruce and Alice continued their academic efforts.

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My Kindergarten Hero

We had just completed a unit on community heroes, and I had given my kindergarten class a task to write or draw about their favorite hero. Each child was busy creating colorful masterpieces such as firefighters, policemen and doctors. Several students had chosen to draw larger-than-life brothers and sisters or moms and dads.

However, one little boy was having difficulty with the assignment. Cameron had touched my heart early in the school year. He had dark brown hair and wore his thick glasses. He looks like a younger version of Harry Potter at best. He often snorted (鼻息声) when he laughed, and the rest of the class would laugh along with him.

Cameron suffered from autism (自闭症), but that didn’t matter to me or his classmates. We all loved him just the way he was. He was full of wonderful stories and brought a special feeling to our classroom. I sat and watched as Austin worked with Cameron. Austin had a wonderful way of interacting with Cameron and he helped him find his hero. Within a few minutes, Cameron quickly began drawing blue lines and curves on his paper—he was particularly fond of the color blue.

Finally, it was time for everybody to share their hero pictures. I listened as each student proudly stood in front of the class, picture held high, and described his or her hero. Several students described their heroes by giving them superhuman strength. It was finally Cameron’s turn to share his hero. Cameron stood up and anxiously placed his large blue stick-figured drawing in front of his face. He then quickly burst out it was a picture of me. He added that I helped him learn things and then quickly sat back down. Tears began to form in the corner of my eyes, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

1. 续写的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

When Austin stood up to share his picture, I was certain it would be a policeman.


Cameron suddenly stood up, and put his arms up in the air as if he were going to take of and fly.


I stared at myself in the mirror: blue tights, yellow vest, a fish tail trailing behind me, and large eyes sitting at op my head. I raised my eyebrows and sighed.

“Mom, I don’t think this costume is right,” I said. “Maybe the makeup will add something,” Mom replied hopefully.

Somehow Mom had convinced me to play the Fish Footman in Alice in Wonderland. I can’t say it’s been the time of my life.

“What if I forget my lines?” I hesitated.

“Oh Riley, is that what you’re afraid of? I know you’ve been rehearsing for two months, you were the first off-book in your scene, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.” Mom said, kneeling down and hugging me.

The next day we pulled into the parking lot, and I stepped out of the car, wearing the questionable costume. I shrank inside myself, but Mom pulled me toward the makeup room. When the makeup was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. My jaw dropped.

“Mom! I can’t go onstage like this!” I cried.

“Why not?”

“I’d be a laughing stock (笑柄)! ”

“Riley, look around you! You’re not the only one in an odd costume.”

“What if we just sneak out? No one will miss me.” I whispered.

Mom’s lips disappeared into a thin line, and I knew I had gone too far. “Riley, I’m going to watch you go out on that stage tonight. And that’s the end of it.” Then mom disappeared into the audience. I sat there, alone and bored, as the play began and the curtain rose on.

The two boys dressed as Two of Clubs (梅花2) near me chatted casually about this and that. Suddenly, they asked, “You’re awfully quiet. Is this your first show?” I tried to respond, but my voice caught in my throat and refused to escape. I coughed and nearly yelled, “YES!”

The Ace of Diamonds (方块A) sitting nearby laughed. “The audience will certainly hear you if you talk that loud. But you might have to clear your throat first, she chuckled. I gave them a weak smile.

“Don’t worry about us,” the Ace said. “We’re only teasing.”

“Yeah,” the Two said. “When you’ve done as many shows as we have, projecting will be second nature to you.”

Paragraph 1:

When my name was called, I stepped onto the stage uneasily.

Paragraph 2:

Suddenly I was determined to make a lasting impression.

