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We all know how fantastic we feel when we’re out and enjoying the great outdoors. For centuries, natural scenery has inspired people, from artists and writers to scientists and pioneers. 【小题1】   

It is known that camping outside in nature can improve your mood. 【小题2】 Studies have shown that being in nature and viewing natural scene can help to improve the mental health of people suffering from stress and some physical illnesses.

Because we are naturally programmed to be in a natural environment, we take pleasure in look in it and being in it. Researchers have discovered viewing scene in nature can improve the level of happiness. 【小题3】 Believe me, all of you will feel happier.

【小题4】 As is reported, viewing nature can help to reduce blood pressure and relax your heart rate. Viewing nature will also help your muscles to relax. So while you’re camping on the road, you are keeping yourself healthy.

Camping in nature ail allow you to breathe in fresh air. When you’re surrounded by nature, the air is filled with more oxygen (氧气), so it’s healthier to breathe in. 【小题5】 Taking a hike through the forests can make you feel great and all that fresh air you’ll be breathing in while exercising is also good for sleep.

A.So, how can they benefit from going camping?
B.Camping can also benefit your physical health.
C.Camping under the stars can really get you back to nature.
D.This is because natural scenery can reduce negative feelings.
E.So it’s no wonder that we can benefit from camping in nature.
F.Not only is it good for your bodies but it will encourage you to exercise.
G.Therefore, why not take your family to go camping and improve everyone’s mood?
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How to lead a healthy life

Have you ever made the resolution to lead a healthy life? And what did you do for it? Leading a healthy life means that you should take charge of your own habits and actions.【小题1】

Get enough sleep. 【小题2】 Enough sleep can help maintain your immune resistance(抵抗力), your weight, and your mental health. Try to go to bed naturally around the same time every evening so that your body knows it’s time to relax.

【小题3】 Make sure you move every day. It will help to improve your mood, your energy, and your health. If you’re an adult, you had better spend 75 to 150 minutes doing aerobic activity(有氧运动)a week. Actually, it’s better to exercise more frequently than to get all your working out in one day, so do something daily if you can.

Build happiness and self-acceptance.【小题4】Therefore, it’s necessary to get in the habit of treating yourself lovingly. Speak to yourself the way you would speak to a dear friend. And if you have a positive thought, try to say it out loud.

See your doctor regularly. Get your annual check-up, and see a doctor whenever you think something might be wrong.【小题5】Your doctors will be more likely to discover a potentially serious illness or condition early, which can help them treat it more effectively.

A.Take proper exercise daily.
B.Sleep has much to do with health.
C.Get all your working out in one day.
D.In fact, it is necessary to have a regular check-up.
E.There is a strong link between happiness and health.
F.Here are some tips that can help you lead a healthy life.
G.It is good for your recovery and can make you feel better.

One of the biggest worries we have is that we’re not getting enough hours of sleep, which means that we’re doomed to (命中注定) bad health, everything from high blood pressure to Alzheimer’s disease. But there are two disadvantages with this kind of messaging.

The first is that it is not completely accurate. Seven to eight hours of sleep, while recommended for adults, is just an average. And while messages have to be simplified for health communication to the public, sometimes important nuances (细微差别) get lost. It’s true that not getting enough sleep in the long term is associated with health problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and depression. But focusing only on seven to eight hours ignores the fact that there’s a range of sleep that people need. Some adults need eight, but some are just fine on six.

The second error with this kind of messaging is that it can be counterproductive (适得其反的), especially for people who do have trouble sleeping. For instance, it was estimated that 21 percent of adults in the US were wearing sleep tracking devices. It’s fascinating to see how much sleep you’ve gotten each night and what part of your night was spent in deep sleep. But having all of that sleep data is causing some people to become addicted to it; so much so that it’s leading to a condition some call orthosomnia (完美睡眠主义), which is causing more sleep problems.

So stop focusing on the number because that can lead to unrealistic expectations of sleep. The basic questions you should ask yourself are: Do I generally sleep through the night without disturbances? If I wake, do I fall back asleep easily? Can I stay awake through the day without unconsciously falling asleep? If your answers are yes, there’s no need to worry about your sleep. If you’re struggling with your sleep, instead of buying expensive sleep trackers, try talking with your doctor to make sure there aren’t any medical conditions that need to be explored first and accept necessary therapies when advised.

【小题1】Which is a reason that the text discusses why we should stop worrying about sleep?
A.High-tech sleeping monitoring devices are just a fraud.
B.The existing scientific researches are not reliable at all.
C.Such worries may work against improving sleeping quality.
D.A lack of sleep would not cause any physical health problems.
【小题2】What does the underlined “it” in the second paragraph refer to?
A.The specific definition of high blood pressure.
B.Messages concerning the time we should sleep.
C.The correlation between sleep and various diseases.
D.Worries that people possess due to sleep problems.
【小题3】What’s the author’s attitude towards the self-assessment about sleep in the last paragraph?
【小题4】What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Try to become a habitual self-examinator.
B.Treat your sleep issues with proper actions.
C.Always remember to seek help from doctors.
D.Say “no” to any products about personal health.

Sleep is very important for protecting and maintaining people's normal activities. It can supplement the energy of your body, enhance your resistance, promote the normal growth and development of your body. 【小题1】

The first step is to switch your pillow. The poor pillow deserves a rest if you're constantly beating it, turning it over and upside down. 【小题2】 And then you can put a sweet-smelling pillow towel on it and try again.

Choosing the right pillow is another choice. One Swedish study found that neck pillows can actually improve the quality of your sleep as well as reduce neck pain. 【小题3】 And it should provide neck support. A pillow with two supporting cores received the best rating from the 55 people who participated in the study. Another study found that water-filled pillows and pillows made of natural fibers provided a good night's sleep when compared to participants' usual pillows or roll pillows.

【小题4】 Even the barely noticeable light from streetlights, a full moon or your neighbor's house can interfere with the circadian rhythm changes you need to fall asleep. So it is necessary to block out some light with proper fabrics.

Besides, cleaning your bedroom and painting it comforting green are helpful. The more mess, the more distractions in the way of a good night's sleep. Instead, the smooth and clean surfaces act as a comfort to your brain, helping to smooth out your own worries and mental to-do lists. 【小题5】 It can relax you as you lie in bed reading or preparing for sleep.

A.You should find a new pillow from the closet.
B.However, oversleeping isn't good for you either.
C.The ideal neck pillow should be soft and not too high.
D.The comforting color provides a visual reminder of sleep.
E.It is very comfortable to enjoy some light in your bedroom.
F.But how can you get the sleep your body needs and deserves?
G.You'd better switch to heavier curtains over the windows and use them.
