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With thousands of options, how will you choose a career that’s right for you? 【小题1】 Fortunately, when you follow an organized process, you will increase your chances of making a good decision.

Assess yourself. 【小题2】 Your values, interests and soft skills, in combination with your personality type, make some occupations a good fit for you, and others completely inappropriate. Use self-assessment tools and career tests to gather information about your traits and generate lists of occupations that are suitable.

Make a master list of careers. You probably have several lists of occupations in front of you at this point — one generated by each of the self-assessment tools you used. 【小题3】

Explore the careers on your list. At this point, you’ll be thrilled that you have managed to narrow your list down to only 10 to 20 options. 【小题4】 Find job descriptions and educational, training and licensing requirements in published sources. Learn about advancement opportunities. Use government-produced labor market information to get data about earnings and job outlook.

【小题5】 Finally, after doing all your exploration, you are probably ready to make your choice. Pick the occupation that you are most satisfied with based on all the information you have gathered.

Realize that you are allowed to do it if you change your mind about your choice at any point in your life. Many people change their careers at least a few times.

A.Know what your goal is.
B.Make your career choice.
C.Your list doesn’t have to be too long.
D.You should combine them into one master list.
E.Now you can get some basic information on your list.
F.If you don’t know what to do, the task may seem difficult.
G.Before you choose the right career, you must learn about yourself.
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It is never easy to cope with all the unwanted bullying (恐吓) even when you have done nothing wrong. 【小题1】 Keep the following tips in mind to stop the situation from getting worse.

【小题2】When bullies confront you, it may be hard to stay calm, but this is key to ignoring them. Avoiding showing emotions that you are upset or feel hurt discourages the bully. When you do not react to what they say or do, they start to lose interest in you. And they will naturally stop bothering you.

Ask them to stop. If walking away doesn't work, tell the bully to stop in a calm, unemotíonal voice. Sometimes when we do not speak up for ourselves, the bullies may think of us as easy targets and continue with their behavior. 【小题3】

Be accompanied. If you are with your friends, or if you are in the company of someone, it is least likely that the bully will disturb you. 【小题4】 That is not asking you to make a huge circle of friends. Sometimes, all it takes is one loyal friend who will stay by you no matter what happens.

Talk to someone you trust about the bullying. 【小题5】Being the target of bullying is not your fault and you don’t have to go through it alone. Your friends, family members, teachers, and school counselors do not want this for you. Tell them what’s going on so they can help you and support you.

A.Be calm and avoid reacting,
B.Know what to say to the bully.
C.Bullies usually hunt for people who are alone.
D.Keeping the bullying in secret is what the bully wants.
E.Furthermore, there is no point in talking openly about bullying.
F.But doing nothing in return will only result in more intense bullying.
G.However, raising our voice or responding angrily can make things worse.

You’re overwhelmed (压垮). That is a state where there is just too much on your plate. You have no idea how you will ever get it all done. 【小题1】 And it can lead to anxiety, unhealthy stress, and even burnout.

Here are three steps you can put into immediate action next time you feel overwhelmed.

Stop and breathe.

The first thing to do is stop. This may seem unreasonable when you hurry to get everything done. But to end the state of being overwhelmed, we first need to step out of the busyness. 【小题2】 And we end up running around and around in our own unproductiveness and panic. Start consciously breathing. As your breathing starts to slow, extend your breath. Bring your breath down deep into your stomach. Hold the inhale (吸气) for a few counts and then slowly release.


Stand up and get away from the situation that is causing the pressure and anxiety. It could be your desk, or your lounge room. If you can, go outside. If not, find a quiet space. You need to get some distance from the messiness. Walking away, even momentarily, often provides enough of a break to get some perspective. 【小题4】


After returning to your place, take a few moments to think about the situation. 【小题5】 As you do so, highlight the things that are adding fuel to your feeling of too much pressure. By taking the time to look at your priorities and time commitments, you will step out of the pressure, take care of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and give more energy to the tasks and projects that really matter.

A.Walk away.
B.Never stop moving forward.
C.Seek advice from people around you.
D.Then come back with a clearer mind.
E.Otherwise, it becomes a bad cycle.
F.It’s the feeling of being “in over your head”.
G.Write down all the things that are on your to-do list.

How to Use Body Language in Interviews

When was the last time you went to an interview? How did it go? 【小题1】 However, one important thing to think about is your body language, as it can really help you get a job. Here are some handy tips for you.


When greeting the interviewer, simple, look them in the eye and introduce yourself in a strong confident voice. Also, remember that in most English-speaking countries, a firm handshake is seen as a sign of trust; and a weak handshake could make you appear disinterested. 【小题2】


One way to calm your nerves is through breathing. 【小题3】 During the interview, experts also recommend breathing in when the interviewer asks you a question, and then speaking while breathing out. This will help keep you calm and give you a strong confident-sounding voice.


【小题4】 Also, smile when possible so your voice sounds warm and friendly. When responding, or making a comment, pause for a while to show you are thinking about what the interviewer has said, To get the perfect tone, do some humming (哼唱) exercises before the interview to relax your voice : mmm.….


At the end of the interview, smile, shake the interviewer’s hand and thank them for their time, while maintaining eye contact the whole time. Also, say how interested you are in the position. 【小题5】 Even if the interviewer appears cold and distant, it doesn’t mean they don’t like you. So, always leave on a positive note (语气).

A.While sitting, you need to appear relaxed.
B.Try to avoid guessing what they think of you.
C.There are lots of things lo remember and prepare.
D.Speak calmly and explain things slowly and carefully.
E.Use hand gestures while speaking so you appear confident.
F.Just before the interview, take 10 deep breaths to calm you down.
G.Experts recommend waiting for the interviews to reach out their hand first.
