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Things to do in Miyakojima

Fresh island food

Delight your senses with juicy, melt-in-your-mouth Miyako beef, delicious Miyako soba (noodles served in broth), or fresh fruit. Ice cream with a pinch of salt known as “yuki shio (snow salt)”does more than simply keep you cool.

Unique beaches

Yonaha Maehama Beach is the most renowned beach in Miyakojima, where white sand stretches for seven kilometers. The ocean is colored in emerald blue, mesmerizing visitors with its beauty. Compact Sunayama Beach, known for its arch-shaped rock, is hidden in a small cove (海湾), and can only be accessible by walking through a narrow tunnel of trees.

Diverse and colorful fish

Snorkeling (浅滩潜水) is a must-try in Miyakojma. Dense coral reefs, schools of tropical fish,sea turtles and plenty of space to free dive to depths of 8 to 15 meters close to the shore are standout features. For beginners, Aragusuku and Shigira are a good choice but advanced snorkelers may see Imgyo Marine Garden, Waiwai Beach and Shimojishima as their perfect spots.

Scuba diving

Miyako Island is a diving mecca (圣地), with a wealth of dive sites to explore, including many underwater caves and caverns. Even those without a diving license need not be held back. Dive shops and tour operators also offer beginners tours to explore Miyako Island’s abundant underwater environment.

The bridges

Irabu Bridge is the longest toll-free bridge in Japan. It connects Miyakojima and Irabujima, stretching for 3540m, drawing a gentle curve (弧线). The length of the bridge can also be read as “san (3) go (5) no shi (4) ma,” meaning coral island in Japanese. Smaller bridges connect Irabu Bridge and Shimoji islands, giving visitors additional beach options. On Shimoji Island, there is a boardwalk around Tooriike, two dramatic marine ponds connected to each other and the sea by an underwater cave system.

【小题1】What is true about Sunayama Beach?
A.It stretches for several miles.
B.It is not very easy to access.
C.It attracts a lot of skillful divers.
D.It is famous for its pure white sands.
【小题2】Which of the following would an unskillful snorkeler go to?
A.Imgyo Marine Garden.
B.Waiwai Beach.
C.Argusuku and Shigira.
【小题3】Visitors can choose to reach the beaches from Irabu Bridge ________ .
A.by taking some small bridges.
B.by snorkeling a short distance in the water.
C.through the connection between the ponds.
D.through diving from the long bridge into sea.
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In recent years,Myanmar has opened its doors to western tourism.This once-closed state in Southeast Asia is a gold mine for those who enjoy the ancient Buddhist culture of the region.Compared to its neighbors,the landscape of Myanmar has been left largely undamaged.There are so many reasons why Myanmar is amazing and has been rated one of the top Asian tourist destinations for 2019.Here are some of its scenic spots:

Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon

As far as pagodas are concerned,this is one of the most respected in Myanmar.This massive325-foot Buddhist pagoda is surrounded by smaller shiny-gold pagodas.It is believed that some of the hairs of Gautama Buddha are well-preserved in here.The Shwedagon Pagoda is a must-see destination on your traveling schedule.

Long Neck Tribe of the Hill Country

These women—who are identified by their long necks that are stretched by brass neck coils(项圈)from an early age—have become world-famous.You’ll find this tribe in the mountainous north of the country,especially in Chin state.This custom dates back to ancient times when tribesmen—who were always at war with neighboring tribes—put neck coils on their women to prevent them from being taken as prisoners of war.These days,the long-necked women are used to seeing foreigners,who make the long journey to this isolated region of Myanmar for the purpose of seeing them.

Mandalay City

This dusty,hot center of trading and commerce for Myanmar is both fascinating and exciting.You’11 never find a shortage of things to do here.Temples.Medieval-era castles.Buildings from the country’s colonial British past.There are over 600 monasteries and nunneries in the Holy Hills of Sagaing,which overlook Mandalay.The city also has an exciting nightlife which will be an attraction for many.

【小题1】What does the writer intend to tell in the passage?
A.Life styles people in Myanmar have.
B.Activities tourists can attend in Myanmar.
C.Reasons why Myanmar is suddenly popular.
D.Information about some attractions in Myanmar.
【小题2】For what purpose were the neck coils initially used?
A.To protect women’s necks.
B.To frighten the enemies away.
C.To make women more attractive.
D.To stop women being victims of war.
【小题3】What will impress travelers to Mandalay City most?
A.Promising commercial future.B.Architecture of different styles.
C.Shiny-gold pagodas.D.Abundance of goods in night markets.

Top Kid-Friendly Summer Vacations

Dude Ranch

If you have little cowboys and cowgirls at home, thrill them by visiting a dude ranch(度假牧场) on your next vacation. Your children can learn about nature, enjoy horse back riding, and gain an entirely new perspective. You can choose between programs that have you spending quality time with your kids, and programs that are for children only. This summer, experience the perfect combination of work and play, and enjoy the great outdoors at a dude ranch!

For more information, visit: www.Ranchweb.com

Six Flags Great Adventure

Review a classic vacation by visiting one of the most renowned theme park chains in the country. With locations all over the US, there’s sure to be a Six Flags near you. Take the whole family and be back at work on Monday. Escape the summer heat with countless water rides, or get excited with a thrill ride. Take your kids to have brunch with Bugs Bunny, or check out the new Safari Park, where you can interact with real animals.

For more information, visit:www.sixflags. com

Rosewell UFO Festival

Do you have sci-fi fans in your household? Encourage their interests and experience a special vacation at the annual Rosewell UFO Festival, held every year in early July. Come in costume if you wish, and join the parade. Attend lectures by famous authors and researchers, or watch up-and-coming bands perform. Even if you’re not a believer, you can still enjoy the artwork, music, and great celebration.

For more information, visit: www.roswellufofestival. com


Being green is not easy, but it can be fun if you visit the exhibits at Earthplace in Westport, Connecticut. This 62-acre wildlife reserve is committed to educating the public about the environment and promoting positive action to preserve nature. The exhibits provide hands-on features that make learning fun for your kids. After touring the exhibits, visit the garden and the playground, and enjoy the summer weather.

For more information, visit: www. earthplace. org

【小题1】What do Dude Ranch and Six Flags Great Adventure have in common?
A.They are suitable for a family vacation.B.They only provide programs for kids.
C.They allow people to have brunch.D.They provide thrill rides.
【小题2】What can you do at Rosewell UFO Festival?
A.Travel in space.B.Act on the stage.
C.Watch bands perform.D.Give lectures.
【小题3】Which will you join if you are interested in protecting wild animals?
A.Dude Ranch.B.Six Flags Great Adventure.
C.Rosewell UFO Festival.D.Earthplace.

From Milan to Riyadh, these culture-packed cities offer creative experiences, whether through interesting street arts, innovative exhibitions or award-winning architectures.


Milan’s fashion heritage dates back to its days as an important trading center, when rich businessmen would bring luxurious clothes to the city and improve their bartering (以物易物) skills in its streets. The area’s fashion-forward reputation was later strengthened by design masters such as Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana and Versace, all of whom grew their brands here.


Shanghai has a long history in the fields of art and architecture, and has long attracted creative professionals both domestically and internationally. But today, the integration of traditional temples into the surrounding modern metropolis (大都市) continues to attract tourists. Begin with a wander through the streets of the original Old City, taking in the 600-year-old City God Temple and the nine-bend Jiu Qu Qiao. Then, make for the Shanghai Museum, where more than a million artifacts — including ancient sculptures, china and calligraphy — are on display.


Copenhagen’s architecture has been awarded many honors over the years, including UNESCO World Capital of Architecture 2023. Today, many of the city’s most popular tour routes centre on these eye-catching aspects. The harbour-front Copenhagen Opera House presents a neo-futuristic style while the Black Diamond Royal Library and the Bicycle Bridge dot the skyline with their distinctive designs.


Saudi Arabia’s largest city Riyadh has actively positioned itself as a global destination for creative travellers and to this end, it has established the Riyadh Art initiative. The first public art project of its kind in the country, Riyadh Art aims to transform the city into a “gallery without walls” through public art installations, festivals and workshops.

【小题1】What is Milan famous for?
A.Its festivals.B.Its fashion products.C.Its architecture.D.Its modern art.
【小题2】Where will you go if you want to visit the Bicycle Bridge?
【小题3】What do we know about Riyadh?
A.It is Saudi Arabia’s second largest city.B.It has a lot of galleries without walls.
C.It aims to attract creative visitors.D.It plans to set up the Riyadh Art initiative.
