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I’ve been working as a UN Peacekeeper in the Central African Republic for the past two years. Before this, I was a pilot and I ________ my work. However, I felt it was my duty to help innocent people who are caught in trouble, so I ________ the United Nations.

The Central African Republic is a relatively small country. Since it got ________ from France in the 1950s, there have been many violent conflicts between the government and rebels (反叛者). In 2012, a civil war began, due to which, over one million people were forced to ________ their homes and there were many deaths and injuries. ________, the United Nations established a peacekeeping ________ in the country.

We peacekeepers ________ cities and villages to ________ that no conflict is occurring and help bring supplies of food and medicine. We are a ________ that can keep people in conflict apart.

As a woman, I am particularly ________ as I can act as a role model for many women and girls in the country. When they see how others respect me, they feel that they also ________ to be respected and treated ________.

My life is not ________ in any way! It’s long hours in a very tough environment. I have basic ________ with just a bed in a shared room. Of course, being away from my family and friends is also very hard at times. However, I know that the Central African Republic is safer because of the UN Peacekeepers, and that makes it all ________.

A.gave in toB.looked up toC.kept up withD.signed up with
A.In turnB.In surpriseC.In responseD.In addition
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Izzi Dymalovski is a young girl from Melbourne, Australia. At the early age of just eight, she asked her mother if she could use some of her skincare products to _______ makeup after her dance performance. Her mother said that the products were meant for adults _______ the chemicals they contained. They were not _______ for young girls who were still developing. Izzi’s mother _______ that she should use baby products in order to clean makeup. However, it was not satisfying to use baby products for young kids. Izzi was a bit _______.

Izzi’s mother gave a suggestion to her daughter: allow time and make a(n) _______ to create her own skincare products. The product formulas (配方) could be _______ using ingredients (成分) that were safe for kids.

Izzi immediately jumped into action and began working on the logo, brand, and even packaging _______. Then Izzi created a face wash, body wash and face moisturizer. At the age of thirteen, she _______ her own skincare line. Later, she became a young entrepreneur (企业家). By doing so, Izzi changed an unhappy experience into an amazing ________. At present, her ________ sell well online. Many teens want to ________ different jobs when possible. Instead of ________ the same summer job each year, try filling your time with other different work. If you’re really ________, try your hand at starting your own ________ and becoming a teen entrepreneur.

A.in spite ofB.due toC.except forD.regardless of
A.applying forB.troubling withC.reacting toD.cheering for

Nancy was a single mother with two kids and no savings. Desiring work but lacking work ________, Nancy had to answer an ad for a house cleaner. The house was a luxury apartment so she guessed it must be a(n) ________ job. The interview was simple: just clean the whole apartment. Hoping to ________ the house owner, Nancy decided to do the work ________, shining all the wood floors, wiping the hidden places with cleaners, turning over cushions, and washing all the windows. She didn’t even ________ a small corner. Then she found a handful of ________ on the couch and another handful under the bed. A few crumpled (皱的) dollar bills and some coins might not mean much to a man of ________ who could throw his money around ________. But to Nancy and her children, a few dollars would ________ them for a few days. Nancy remembered the ________ from her father: work hard, and be ________. She kept to those words all the time. Then she tried to ________ the paper money and put the coins in neat piles. It was many hours ________ she completed her duty.

The next day, Nancy got the job. It turned out that the scattered money was also a part of the ________. Anybody can clean houses but few can be ________. Nancy made enough money and could raise her family. And as time went by, she was promoted to more important positions. In every task there were the same ________ to be followed: don’t cut corners; check the details everybody else tends to ________. Nancy became a trusted personal assistant because she always ________ these rules.

Earning trust is not that difficult. You choose what is ________ over what is fun, fast, or easy. And you choose to practice your values rather than simply ________ them. They are the key.

A.missed outB.stuck toC.broke throughD.turned down

It’s safe to say Jeremy Scott is having a lucky year. In March while working as a chauffeur, he told his boss about his plans to set up a driving business. By the end of the journey, Scott’s boss had offered to _______ his idea — a starting capital along with the gift of a £110,000 limousine (豪车) to kick start the business.

Of course, there’s an element of luck to everyone’s career. Whether you’re a chief executive or an artist — your _______ won’t be based on hard work alone. For example, the place you were born _______ your education. It determines whether you learn to read, write or complete qualifications, which _______ limits your career choices.

Many people believe success is down to talent and hard work, but “this is because most people underestimate the role of _______”, says psychologist Dr Elizabeth Nutt Williams. “We do a lot of work to prepare for our careers — education, training, taking advantage of mentoring — all of which tend to be in our control.” People don’t like to acknowledge the role of luck in their work, as it _______ this feeling of being in control, adds Williams.

Everyone remembers working hard, so people are more likely to overestimate how much of their success is down to diligence than something much more _______ like luck.

The reality of success (at least in terms of _______) is less clear cut. In the UK, studies show where you are born is likely to determine how much you earn. 2017 research found that there is a “class pay gap’’, where professional employers from _______ backgrounds are paid almost £7,000 less a year — despite having the same role, education and experience as colleagues from more privileged families. ________, black graduates earn up to 23% less per hour than white university leavers, whereas woman in the UK earn 14% less on average than men.

Socio-economic status also plays a big role in the ________ you enter. A recent study by the Debrett’s Foundation found seven in every 10 young people aged 16 — 25 use ________ to get their first job. While research has shown that less able, richer children are 35% more likely to become high earners than their brighter poorer peers.

The truth is: chance and coincidences ________ our careers more than we like to think. Realizing that parts of your career are out of your control sounds ________, but being grateful for the role of luck in your career can actually make you more fortunate.

This is because when you acknowledge the role of luck in your work, you become prepared to take advantage of more fortunate moments. “Chance events occur but it is all about the individual’s ________ to see those events as possibilities and their willingness to take a risk,” says Williams.

A.accounts forB.applies toC.makes up forD.depends on
A.in rewardB.after allC.in turnD.by nature
A.certificatesB.online platformsC.career fairsD.family connections
A.contribute toB.result fromC.add toD.hold back
