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Some bacteria(细菌)have a superpower that scientists would love to use. These bacteria gain energy from light, just as plants do.Scientists have wanted to use cyanobacteria(蓝藻菌)to make electricity. But in previous research, they didn’t survive long on artificial surfaces. Researchers have now moved them to a living surface — a mushroom. Their creation is the first mushroom to make electricity.

Applied Physicist Simon Jackson and his team turned that mushroom into a mini energy farm. This bionic(生物电子的)mushroom combines 3D printing, conductive ink and bacteria to generate electricity. Its design could lead to new ways of combining nature with electronics.

Like plants, cyanobacteria make their own food from sunlight, releasing electrons(电子). When enough electrons build up in one place, they can create an electric current.

The researchers needed to bring a lot of these bacteria together. They decided to use 3D printing to place them precisely onto a surface.Jackson’s team chose mushrooms for that surface. After all, they realized, mushrooms naturally host communities of bacteria and other microbes. Finding test subjects for their tests was easy. Jackson simply went to the grocery store and picked up white button mushrooms.

Printing on those mushrooms, though, turned out to be a real challenge. 3D printers have been designed to print on flat surfaces, but mushroom caps are curved. The researchers spent months writing computer code to solve the problem. Eventually, they came up with a program to 3D print their ink onto the curved mushroom tops.

The researchers printed two“inks”onto their mushrooms. One was a green ink made of cyanobacteria. They used this to make a spiral pattern on the cap. They also used a black ink made of graphene, which is great at conducting electricity. They printed this ink in a branching pattern across the mushroom top.

Then it was time to shine.

“Cyanobacteria are the real heroes here,”says Jackson. When his team shone light on the mushrooms, the bacteria gave out electrons. Those electrons flowed into the graphene and created an electric current.

【小题1】What was the problem in previous research?
A.Cyanobacteria didn’t produce electrons.
B.Cyanobacteria couldn’t get enough light.
C.The researchers chose the wrong bacteria.
D.No suitable home was made for cyanobacteria.
【小题2】Why were mushrooms finally chosen as test subjects?
A.They are convenient to find.
B.They can produce electric currents.
C.They are where bacteria can naturally grow.
D.They can be easily combined with 3D printing.
【小题3】What is the major function of the black ink in this test?
A.To feed bacteria.
B.To deliver electrons.
C.To produce electricity.
D.To reshape mushroom tops.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Who are the real heroes?
B.New application of 3D printing
C.Nature combined with electrons
D.Bionic mushroom makes electricity
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In a recent heartwarming story, Mr. Sun has touched the hearts of many by using AI face-swapping technology to create a video message from his late father.

The touching video captures Sun’s emotions as he replicates his father’s appearance and voice to convey a message of well-being to his grandmother. The entire process of face-swapping and video creation took a lot of effort and lasted nearly half a month, during which Sun couldn’t help but shed tears as he missed his deceased father.

In 2022, Sun’s father was diagnosed with a rare condition known as appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma (阑尾黏液腺癌). Despite Sun’s efforts to seek medical treatment for his father, the disease progressed rapidly, and his father passed away in 2023.

Concerned about his grandmother’s fragile health, the family decided to keep Sun’s father’s passing a secret. They fabricated (编造) a story, telling the elderly woman that her son was still receiving treatment in a Beijing hospital. The prolonged separation depressed the grandmother a lot, who continuously expressed her longing to speak with her son.

In a creative attempt to comfort his grandmother, Sun, inspired by science fiction films, decided to use AI face-swapping technology to create a video message from his father. Prior to recording the video, he even shaved off his bear d to look more like his late father. By using AI software, he successfully transformed his appearance into that of his father, delivering a heartfelt message to his grandmother: “Mom, it’s Jihai. I’m doing well in Beijing.” Despite the relatively low pixel (像素) quality, the grandmother believed the well-intentioned fabrication.

Sun admitted that his emotions almost broke down within the half-month, as every mention of his father’s name or a glance of his photograph brought great sorrow. He also expressed uncertainty about how long he can keep up the fabrication and whether he will make use of face-swapping again. Nevertheless, he is determined to follow in his father’s footstep to be a strong support for his family.

【小题1】What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】How did Sun comfort his grandmother?
A.By seeking medical treatment for his father.
B.By making up to look like his father.
C.By showing his father’s previous photographs and voice to her.
D.By telling a white lie and giving his father an online rebirth.
【小题3】Which is NOT true about Sun’s use of AI face-swapping technology?
A.It was a laborious process.B.Sun will employ face-swapping again.
C.Sun got inspiration from science-fiction films.D.The images this technology made were unclear.
【小题4】Which words can best describe Sun according to the passage?
A.Creative and honest.B.Optimistic and generous.
C.Considerate and responsible.D.Talented and courageous.

Modern inventions have greatly increased people’s love of speed. Motor cars cover a hundred miles in a little more than one hour, aircraft cross the world within a day, while computers operate at lightning speed. Indeed, this love of speed seems never-ending. Every year we produce motor cars which go even faster and each new computer is said to save precious seconds in handling tasks.

All this saves time, but at a price. When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so. We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet lag (时差反应): our bodies feel that they have been left behind in another time zone. Again, spending too much time in front of computers results in eye pain or finger pain. Mobile phones also have their dangers, according to some scientists. Too much use may do harm to our brains, a bad result we do not like to think about.

What do we do with the time we have saved then? Certainly not relax. We are so used to constant (连续不断的) activities that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing or even just one thing at a time. Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world.

Modern inventions have brought us great benefits, but at the same time, we have lost a lot of fun as human beings. There was a time when some people’s lives were devoted simply to the farming of the land or the care of cattle. Their lives went on at a much slower speed, and in a   familiar pattern. We might admire a way of life like this, yet such a lifestyle will be just a dream for us nowadays. Modern technology has changed everything.

【小题1】The underlined word lightning in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
【小题2】According to Paragraph 2, we save time at the price of our ________.
【小题3】According to the passage, modern inventions make life ________.
A.happier and more relaxingB.faster and less enjoyable
C.simpler and less comfortableD.slower and healthier
【小题4】The last paragraph suggests that ________.
A.life in the future will be betterB.we should do more physical work
C.we cannot enjoy modern lifeD.our life cannot be what it used to be
【小题5】Which section of the newspaper is the passage probably from?

Robots have proved very useful in different situations. But those robots are small remote-controlled tanks with a mechanical (机械的) arm, and they can get stuck on narrow stairwells (楼梯井) and are stopped by ladders. “A lot of the places where you do disaster recovery are only accessible for people,” says Marc Raibert, the president of Boston Dynamics, which is providing advice and help for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), to create the most advanced robots on earth. “If you have a humanoid (a machine or creature with the appearance and qualities of a human), access can be increased and you can use available tools.” In the future, DARPA hopes a humanoid robot will be able to drive trucks, and enter power plants.

That future is a long way off. Simple movements like squatting (蹲) are almost impossible for something with metal parts and skin that cannot bend, says Raibert. Still, recent progress is impressive enough that the military has begun to develop legged robots. The Office of Naval

Research is working with Virginia Tech on a humanoid firefighting robot, and Dynamics showed off its latest projects: Cheetah, a four•legged and headless robot able to run 28 miles per hour and do backflip. It can run with energy efficiency that could compete that of real running animals. “Half the land on earth is too rough, sandy, or rocky for wheeled things,” says Raibert. “Humans and animals can go to those places. However, they don’t have the capacity to carry heavy loads in all kinds of terrains (地形). Legged robots like cheetah are the only successful examples that do what we’re trying to do.”

None of the walking robots is meant to fight. They’re designed to put out fires and clean up industrial accidents. But they are all funded by the military. “I’m well aware of how the world works,” says Dennis Hong, founding director of Virginia Tech’s robotics lab. “Robots for me are tools to help society, not to fight in wars. But once a technology leaves our lab, there’s no way to control how people can use it.”

【小题1】What is a humanoid robot designed to do according to Marc Raibert?
A.To accomplish complex tasks.
B.To be controlled efficiently.
C.To appear friendly.
D.To survive disasters.
【小题2】Which of the following is most likely to be Cheetah?
【小题3】Why do the scientists create the legged robot?
A.It can run as fast as running animals.
B.It can improve the energy efficiency.
C.It can adapt to different surroundings.
D.It can help human in tough situation.
【小题4】How does Dennis Hong feel about using robots in wars?
