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The First Kite

Kites have been around for thousands of years. The first kites were created in China. There are three stories about how the first kite was born.

Many people believe that the kite was created when people watched birds fly. They then attempted to make a light object shaped like a bird that could fly high in the wind.

The second story goes like this. The kite was born as Chinese children sat below a catalpa tree (梓树). A catalpa tree is known for large leaves and seed pods (荚), which can be over 10 inches long. The catalpa tree’s seed pods have two “wings” that help the seeds move far from the base of the tree. As the leaves and seed pods sailed on an upward wind, the children became inspired to create their own kites.

There is a Chinese legend (传说) telling a different story. When a farmer was working in his field one morning, the wind blew his hat off many times. He had to stop to run after his hat. When the farmer went in for lunch, he had an idea that he could tie one end of a thin rope to his hat and the other end around his wrist (手腕). That afternoon, he went to work again. A sudden and strong wind swept the hat off his head and carried it high into the sky. But the farmer no longer needed to run after his hat. At that time, he got the idea of making a kite.

The idea for a kite could have been born as people watched birds fly, sat below a catalpa tree or found a way to get back a hat. Like the roots of many inventions, these stories are each inspired by people’s experiences or observations of the natural world.

【小题1】Where were the first kites created? (不多于两个单词)
【小题2】In the first story, what inspired people to make kites? (不多于五个单词)
【小题3】What gave the farmer the idea of making kites? (不多于四个单词)
【小题4】How do people get the ideas for inventions? (不多于九个单词)
知识点:发明与创造 历史故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Businessmen in New Zealand are working with American creators of some of Hollywood's most famous creatures to develop animatronic dolphins that look almost the same with their living counterparts (相对应的事物).

A robotic dolphin that can nod an answer to a child might sound unappealing or disturbing. But as marine parks around the world face increasing pressure to abandon exhibitions featuring real whales and dolphins, the creatures provide an appealing choice, their creators say.

But with a price tag of about NZ$40m (£20.8m) per dolphin, the biggest difficulty for the creators of the animatronic creatures is proving to potential clients that the robotic sea creatures will work out to be cheaper in the long run than the real thing.

Li Wang, a business developer for Edge Innovation, the New Zealand-based company making the case for the robots, said they do cost four times more than normal dolphins but would last longer.

Melanie Langlotz, one of the businessmen behind the project said, the prototype (原型) for the dolphin is indiscernible from the real thing. A test audience had been unable to guess the dolphin was not real, she added.

Animal rights advocates also welcomed the change. They hoped robotic dolphins would replace real ones in marine parks worldwide. In nature, dolphins swim up to 40 miles a day and live in close family groups, but in marine parks animals were limited to pools filled with chemically treated water and forced to interact with strangers. It’s hoped that in the near future, advanced technology might allow us to experience nature without harming it.

【小题1】What is the biggest problem for the creators of the animatronic creatures?
A.To make robotic creatures that are cheaper than real things in the future.
B.To prove the robotic sea creatures will be cheaper than real things in the long term.
C.To make people believe the robotic sea creatures will be the cheapest in the future.
D.To convince ordinary people to buy the robotic sea creatures.
【小题2】Which of the following word means the closest to the underlined word in Paragraph 5?
【小题3】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The robotic dolphins have replaced the real ones in marine parks.
B.Dolphins live freely and happily in nature.
C.The dolphins are well treated in the marine parks.
D.We’re experiencing nature without harming it.
【小题4】What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To introduce a robotic sea creature—animatronic dolphin.
B.To introduce the current threats of the sea creatures.
C.To introduce the difficulty of creating the robotic sea creature.
D.To introduce the development of advanced technologies.

Are you always looking at your mobile phone as you’re walking, playing with it as you’re studying, and reluctant to put it down as you go to bed? Tired of a life controlled by their mobile phones, many young people seem to be intent on working out how to overcome it.

One of the popular gadgets is the mobile phone isolation box. Users simply put their mobile phone in the box and set a time lock that will ban them from having access to the phone for a set time. Some boxes allow users to respond to emergencies. These isolation boxes can be adapted to almost all types of mobile phones on the market. The locking time generally ranges from one minute to 12 hours, and the price is generally about 100-200 Yuan. Xianfeng Technology, one of the sellers on Taobao says: “Our main customers are students and office workers. They usually ask for engraving some inspirational quotes on the box when buying. Some parents who feel their children are wasting time on Douyin and ruining their studies are also buying them. This physical box is much better than software on phones.” Xianfeng’s after-sales comment section is filled with positive comment from buyers who say the box has helped them become more self-disciplined.

However, Lin Tianqi, a college student says, because the lock time is set by users, whether they can achieve their goal depends on the individual. A five-hour lockup is too harsh, she says, but one of her friends locks the box for just 30 minutes, she seems to cheat herself. Liang Wenyu, another college student, sneers at these “flashy” attempts. “Regardless of the effectiveness of the isolation box, you might as well lock yourself up. As simple as that.” he says. “I can understand why they need these blood pumping quotes on the box — because they lack discipline. How about simply taking back your time. Self-disciplined people are bound to succeed without such gimmicks.”

【小题1】What can we learn about the mobile phone isolation box?
A.It adapts to all types of mobile phones.
B.It allows users to use their mobile phones for a set time.
C.It has good market prospects.
D.It helps users abandon their mobile phones.
【小题2】What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.The lock time is a key factor for self-disciplined.
B.Self-discipline is up to the person, not an isolation box.
C.Two college students’ views on isolation box are unreasonable.
D.The isolation box needs improving due to its ineffectiveness.
【小题3】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Many young people attempt to stay away from mobile phones.
B.Different views on the mobile phone isolation box.
C.The mobile phone isolation box is used to help reduce mobile phone use.
D.Self-discipline is of great importance.

Israeli company Watergen has produced a device that generates clean, drinkable water out of air. The device called GENNY is small enough to be used in a home or office but can generate up to 30 liters of water a day. The water that GENNY produces is not only clean enough to drink, it’s also often cleaner than tap water.

GENNY takes air in and passes it through a filter (过滤器) to remove dust and dirt. The filter is powerful enough to work even in areas with high air pollution. The air then passes through a chamber where heating and cooling cause water vapor in the air to condense (凝结). This water is then passed through several more filters and minerals are added to make it healthier and taste better. Finally, the water is stored in a tank where it is continually circulated to keep it fresh.

A larger model, called the GEN-350, can produce up to 900 liters of water per day. The GEN-350 is now being used in hospitals that previously did not have a reliable source of fresh, clean water. Watergen has also developed an emergency response vehicle (ERV) that can carry a GEN-350 unit wherever it is needed. In addition to the GEN-350, the ERV carries a portable generator that supplies electricity for the GEN-350.

Watergen’s ERV is designed to bring water to people suffering from the effects of a serious earthquake, fire, flood or other situations. Once such an incident occurred in California in 2018. A fire started at a camp site and spread quickly over a wide area, destroying many thousands of acres of trees and many homes. One of Watergen’s ERVs was driven there and it provided water for its citizens and rescue workers. Besides, they also provided clean safe water for the residents of Texas and Florida in the aftermath of the devastation caused by hurricane’s Harvey and Irma.

【小题1】What can we know about Watergen’s devices?
A.They’re available in different sizes.
B.They’ re made in numerous countries.
C.They’re extremely difficult to operate.
D.They produce less water in polluted regions.
【小题2】The GENNY adds minerals to       .
A.keep the water fresh and cleanB.meet the water safety criteria
C.remove dust and dirt from the waterD.improve the flavor of the water
【小题3】What can Watergen do using its ERV?
A.Deal with customers’ complaints.B.Outperform its competitors.
C.Supply electricity for local people.D.Respond to natural disasters.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To advertise an Israeli company.
B.To introduce an Israeli water device.
C.To explain the principles of purifying water.
D.To recommend a new brand of drinking water.
