书面表达-读后续写 困难0.15 引用1 组卷119

I was hit on my back as I walked down the hall. I turned around angrily, only to discover a lovely cat. His name was Oscar and he was born at the shelter I was visiting. The volunteer let me know that the mother was abandoned by her owner. She and the rest of the litter (幼崽) had been adopted quickly, but Oscar remained.

I could tell he was just what we needed. We were just married, full of love and hope, but we were also facing a few unexpected trials. Just weeks after our wedding, my husband was injured in an accident at work, which not only broke his body but his spirit. Hours of physical treatment led to sleepless nights. I hoped that this little cat would cheer up my husband.

When I brought Oscar home, I asked my husband to shut his eyes and open his hands. I handed him the cat, who reached up and rubbed his paws (爪子) against my husband’s face. It had been months since I saw my husband smile like this, and Oscar himself couldn’t stop purring (发出呼噜声).

Years passed, and our sweet Oscar continued to bring us comfort. He had an ability to know if someone was having an emotional moment; he would always try to help.

One day, I received a phone call from my mother telling me that my father had cancer. I swore to do everything I could to help him. Feeling upset, I took a bath to try to collect my thoughts. Oscar reached up, opened the closed door, and jumped directly into the bathtub with me. Hearing the loud noise, my husband ran into the bathroom to find Oscar all wet just inches from my face. That little guy was all heart.

Fortunately, my father beat cancer and recovered fully. Following his final treatment, he was given two weeks of rest at home. He asked if he and my mother could “babysit” Oscar for those weeks. We were more than happy to share.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 段落开头已给出。
Paragraph 1:

On the final day of Oscar’s visit, my father decided to bake cookies for me and my husband to thank us for “lending” him our cat.

Paragraph 2:

“Did you add these paw prints on the cookies?” I asked my dad surprisingly.

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“Ugh, chicken rolls again? I hate chicken rolls!” Matt yelled. “I’m not eating this.” Matt’s mom and dad looked at each other. Matt’s outbursts had been happening at least once a week all summer long.

“You know what, Matt? We re going to let you take over dinnertime from now on. You can pick the meals and cook them, as long as they’re healthy,” Mom said.

“Good, we’re going to eat good food every night!” Matt answered.

The next day, Dad sat down with Matt to make the meal plan so he could go grocery shopping. Matt had already been thinking about his favorite dinners. “We’re going to have beef tonight, and spaghetti tomorrow, and macaroni (通心粉) and cheese the next day,” Matt started.

“Woah, hold on now,” Dad said. “What else are we going to have with the beef? We need to have at least one vegetable with each meal, and usually we have another side to go with it.”

“Oh, yeah. Um, we can have corn with the beef,” Matt said.

“Sophia does not like corn,” said Dad.

“Well, it’s my choice, so I’m going to make corn,” Matt replied.

“OK, but she might complain at dinner tonight. Are you ready for that?” Dad asked.

“Yeah, whatever,” Matt answered.

Matt and his dad spent the next hour figuring out the whole week’s meals and side dishes. It was a lot more work than Matt expected, and almost every time he picked something out, his dad would tell him that someone in the family wouldn’t like it. It was very frustrating. “This is impossible!” Matt said.

“Yes, it is hard. Your mother and I try very hard to make everyone happy, but everyone has different tastes, and sometimes, we just can’t please everyone.”

“Fine, we’ll have to just go with this plan this week. Next week I’ll try to make everyone happy,” replied Matt.


When finishing grocery shopping, it was time for Matt to make his first meal.


Two hours had passed by before the dishes were ready on the table.


From the time when I was a child, my mother made it clear that she did not like nursing homes(敬老院). I remember her saying that nursing homes were terrible places. Whenever my mother mentioned the topic. she would shake her finger at me and add a warning:"If you put me in one of those places, I'll not forgive you! "I knew my mother's wishes and wanted to obey.

Fortunately, my mother lived near me, and for many years it was easy to check on her and help with her care. But with each passing year, my mother experienced a decline in her physical and mental abilities. After ninety, when she was diagnosed with dementia(老年痴呆症) , she needed more assistance with the normal activities of daily living and required close observation just for her own safety.

During the passage of time, I, too, was getting older, I had my own mobility(移动性) issues and health concerns, As the days passed, it became clearer that some changes were needed. If I had to go out for groceries(食品杂货), I couldn't leave her alone. When I slept, my mother was un-watched, and she could get out of bed and wander off.

Fortunately, while I was figuring out what to do, a brand-new nursing home was built in our town, I toured the nursing home and discovered that they could provide a private room for my mother. They also had staff members that were very professional and well-trained, I tried to convince myself that the new nursing home was the best and safest place for my mother, but I seemed to hear my mother's words and see her finger shake in front of my eyes.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

Eventually,I decided and shared my plan with Mom.


The big day came finally.

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为150左右。

A few years ago, my mom went to the doctor to ask him about her neck, which had been a little bigger than usual. It turned out there was something t wrong with her lymph glands (淋巴结), and soon they scheduled Mom to have a biopsy (组织切片检查) on the seventh of September.

As soon as I found out, I was very angry, as September 7 is my birthday.They had promised to take me to see a spider- man movie and had a picnic in the yard.I shouted at her and everyone else, too. I even shouted at the dog. I started begging her to reschedule the biopsy, She gave me this look like she was about to cry and said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve done everything I can. I’ve got a disease. Could you forgive me?” Finally, I just yelled, “ I hate you!” and ran into my room, crying. I sat on my bed thinking —Why do things always have to happen to me? Everyone gets diseases. Why couldn’t mom just go to hospital another day?

For the next couple of weeks 1 remained silently angry. Deep down I knew 1 shouldn't act that way, but I did anyway. Anyone could see how sad I was making my mom. I knew it wasn't her fault, but I had to have someone to blame.

Finally, my birthday came. My parents left early in the morning for the hospital, and I was sent to our neighbor's house. No spider-man movie, no birthday present, and no picnic. Though I was taken good care of, I was not having a good time. “This isn't fair,” I thought. “This was supposed to be my day.”

My parents came home late that night. Mom walked in with a bandage on her neck. She sat down and rested her head on my dad's shoulder. It hurt so badly that it was difficult for her to talk.


Later that night, Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a box.


A week later when Mom got the test result, she bugged me tightly and said, “Thank God, it was not cancer(癌 症)!”

