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Biologists in the United States are sounding an alarm about a deadly disease that has been attacking a quiet, intelligent animal: the bat. The disease, called white-nose syndrome, is an infection caused by a fungus (真菌) that attack the nose, wings, and other skin areas on the bodies of bats while they are hibernating (冬眠) in large groups in their caves. The disease was first discovered in a New York cave in the winter of 2006, and it is spreading quickly. Infected caves have been discovered in 19 states and in Canada.

Scientists have discovered that the source is a strain of a cold-loving fungus usually found in polar regions. They are not sure how the fungus kills bats. One theory is that the fungus causes discomfort. The bats began to become upset and partially wake up from hibernation. This activity causes them to burn precious stored body fat and die of starvation. Experts estimate that over 5. 5 million bats across nine species have disappeared because of the disease. Wildlife experts fear that if the infection spreads to more bat populations in the Southeast and Midwest, endangered bat species, such as the Indiana bat and Virginia big-eared bat, may be in grave danger of extinction.

Why should Americans care about the loss of these creatures? In warm months, bat fly at night, eating up to their body weight in insects. They control the populations of insects that bite, eat crops, destroy forests, and spread disease. Because of this, the United States government is getting involved. It has heard announcements from bat experts and is taking seriously their pleas (请愿) for funding to study the disease. The possibility of what one lawmaker called “an ecological and economic disaster” is very real if the deadly disease spreads further.

【小题1】What causes white-nose syndrome among the bats?
A.Ecological pollution.B.The lack of food.
C.The freezing climate.D.A cold-loving fungus.
【小题2】What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A.How the fungus possibly affects bats.
B.Why the bats’ hibernation is disturbed.
C.Where the experts discovered the disease.
D.What contributed to the concern of the experts.
【小题3】What is the main concern about the extinction of the bat in the US?
A.The spread of the disease.B.The destruction of the forests.
C.The imbalance of the ecosystem.D.The decrease of the insect population.
【小题4】What is the US government most likely to do in the future?
A.To introduce laws to protect bats.
B.To approve funding for bat disease research.
C.To declare the coming of an ecological disaster
D.To appeal to people to stay away from infected bats.
知识点:动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Even without a psychology (心理学) degree, Bella’s natural talents made her an excellent therapist (治疗师): She is calm and has the patience to listen to endless questions. From the Mountain Horse Farm in the Finger Lakes region of New York, 3-year-old Bella and 2-year-old Bonne provide animal-based therapy in a bed-and-breakfast (民宿).

Cow hugging is a practice known as inviting people to interact with farm animals by brushing, petting or having heartfelt conversation with the animals. The cows lie down in the grass, allowing humans to join them on the ground and offering a warm hug.

The bed-and-breakfast is owned by Suzanne and Rudi Vullers. The pair came across “cow hugging” in Netherlands, on a return visit to their homeland in 2018. In parts of the country, cow hugs are offered as part of a half-day visit as part of a larger movement to connect people to country life. So in May, they bought Bella and Bonnie for their gentle personalities and the lack of horns (牛角). “A lot of cows are not suited for it,” Mr. Vullers said. “They can drive you out of the field.”

On a recent Saturday, a mother and daughter from New York, had come to hug some cows. For the mother, 57, it was a wish coming true, a reminder of fond memories of visiting her grandmother’s farm. Leading the two excited women onto the field, Ms. Vullers offered guidance on a successful approach before showing the methods herself. “Round the body! That appears less harmless. Walk up to the cow’s shoulders rather than its haunches (臀胯部).”

“Clothing is important,” said Mr. Vullers. “They might spit (吐口水) on you.” “Respect them and their world and what they want to do and what they want to give you,” Suzanne added. “Remain calm. The more relaxed you are, the better it will be for you and them,” she said.

For the final surprise of the day, the farmers invited the visitors to hand - feed the cows, which many participants described as their favorite activity.

【小题1】What can we learn about Bella and Bonnie?
A.They were trained by a professional psychologist.
B.They were the most popular therapists in that area.
C.They grew up on the Mountain Horse Farm.
D.They were chosen as therapy cows.
【小题2】Why did Suzanne and Rudi Vullers carry out cow hugging?
A.They wanted to make more money.B.They wanted to make their farm lively.
C.The practice can serve as a psychology therapy.D.The practice in the Netherlands was popular.
【小题3】What shouldn’t we do during the cow hugging?
A.Walk up to the animal’s shoulders.B.Wear proper clothing and shoes.
C.Stand close to the animals haunches.D.Round our bodies before the animal.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Cow hugging has become a thing for lonely hearts.
B.The health benefits of cow hugging.
C.Cow hugging, the new must-do list.
D.New York pioneered animal therapy.

Two young giant-panda twins born in the United States have returned home to China, but are straggling to adapt to the language and food.

The 3-year-old sisters, Mei Lun and Mei Huan, wens the first surviving panda twins to be born in the United States, and were returned to China from Zoo Atlanta on Nov. 5. But the pair still understand English belter than Chinese, and prefer American biscuits to Chinese bread.

A zoo-keeper said that his main concern is that the pair are so addicted to American biscuits that everything they eat — from bamboos to apples — has to be mixed with biscuits. They even want to snack on (零食) biscuits when drinking water.

The zoo -keeper is trying to wean them off their biscuit habit, gradually replacing the American food with Chinese bread. Mei Huan is adapting, but Mei Lun doesn’t want to touch the unfamiliar bread.

Mei Lun is the livelier of the two, often jumping onto the roof and hanging upside down from a rail, but her slightly younger sister Mei Huan is calmer, preferring to sit still, observe her new environment and occasionally snack on bamboo.

A language barrier is also reported. While the pair respond to their own names, and understand some English phrases such as “come here,” they don’t understand the Sichuan dialect of Chinese.

The news caused some laughter on Chinese social media, with some users commenting that the pandas would soon get used to Sichuan’s famously spicy cuisine.

【小题1】Based on the passage, which statement do you think is right?
A.The panda twins can fit in well in Sichuan.
B.The panda twins are only fond of Sichuan food and dishes.
C.The panda twins have been used to the new environment very quickly.
D.It’s hard for the panda twins to get used to the new environment soon.
【小题2】What does the underlined part “wean them off” in the fourth paragraph mean?
A.help them get rid of.B.help them form.
C.help them strengthen.D.help them keep.
【小题3】From the passage we learn that of the two sisters         .
A.Mei Huan mainly eats bamboo
B.Mei Lun is living a more active life
C.Mei Huan is not smarter than Mei Lun
D.Mei Lun is as quiet as her younger sister

Not all birds sing, but those that do—some several thousand species—do it a lot.

Iris Adam, a scientist at the University of Southern Denmark says, birds have “a drive to sing”. This means hours every day for some species, and that takes a lot of energy. However, singing can be dangerous. “As soon as you sing, you show yourself, for example, where you are and that you even exist—all of that immediately is out in the open for predators (捕食性动物) , for everybody,” she says.

In a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, Adam and her colleagues offer a new explanation for why birds take that risk and whether the muscles (肌肉) that produce birdsong require daily exercise. Adam designed an experiment on zebra finches—little Australian songbirds. Her experiment included keeping male birds in the dark to sever the connection between their brains and-their singing muscles, which prevented them from singing.

After a week, the birds’ singing muscles lost half of their strength. Three weeks later, they were back to the same level when they were juveniles (幼鸟) and never had sung before. When Adam played one of the male’s songs for: a group of female birds, six out of nine preferred the song that came from a male who had been using his singing muscles daily.

Adam’s conclusion (结论) is that songbirds need to exercise their singing muscles to produce top-performance song. If they don’t sing, they lose performance, and their songs get less attractive to females, which is bad.

“What they stress is that you need a lot of practice to improve what you’re doing,” says Ana Amador, a scientist at the University of Buenos Aires. It’s a good rule to live by, whether you’re a bird or a human—practice makes perfect, at least when it comes to singing one’s heart out.

【小题1】Why can singing be dangerous for birds?
A.They can drive predators to sing.B.They never protect their areas.
C.Their singing can attract predators.D.Singing does damage to their muscles.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “sever” probably mean in paragraph 3?
【小题3】What do we know about Adam’s experiment?
A.It mainly focused on male birds and juveniles.
B.It aimed to protect zebra finches from possible risks.
C.It strengthened birds’ singing muscles in four weeks.
D.It proved exercising singing muscles matters to birds.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Iris Adam’s work is a big successB.Singing can be dangerous for birds
C.Birds sing to keep muscles in shapeD.Birds and human beings need practice
