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Overspending can be defined as spending beyond one’s means, and is not rarely seen nowadays. According to a recent report, more than one-fourth of adults surveyed in 2020 had one or more bills that they were unable to pay in full that month.

While every individual’s spending habits are unique to their circumstances, a few common potential issues tend to be responsible for overspending.

Lifestyle creep, a financial trap, where you spend more money as you make more money, for example, often accounts for unrecognized overspending. Individuals that lack a decision-making process for making purchases can also find it difficult to control their spending.

Media and advertisements can also lead to overspending. Marketing strategies aim to create a feeling of scarcity (稀少) for consumers with phrases like “almost sold out” or “two tickets remaining” when they are making online purchases. Emails from favorite sellers can give consumers the impression that they are saving money by taking advantage of a sale, and roadside billboards can lead individuals to make impulsive (冲动的) purchases.

Social pressures to enjoy dinners out and vacations with family and friends may be a push for younger people, who see others enjoying these activities through social media platforms like Instagram. “People think spending makes you happy,” Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia and chief science officer at Happy Money, says. “But for many people, it’s these values of being true to yourself that make you happy.”

Dunn notes that, “Failures in self-control in the finance can cause dire consequences. Financial stress, for example, has been linked to physical health struggles, problems in close relationships,and stress in retirement.”

“Dealing with overspending should start in bite - size pieces. Small and manageable changes over time are more likely to stick to in the long run. Instead of relying on willpower, setting specific goals and building a foundation with a budget is an effective way.” adds Dunn.

【小题1】Why is a recent report mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To explain what overspending is.
B.To stress the harm of overspending.
C.To tell a way to stop overspending.
D.To show overspending is common.
【小题2】What do paragraphs 3~5 mainly talk about?
A.Possible causes of overspending.
B.Typical unhealthy spending habits.
C.Some unavoidable financial traps
D.Issues resulting from overspending.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “dire” in paragraph 6 probably mean?
【小题4】What is Elizabeth Dunn’s advice on overcoming overspending?
A.Making a reasonable budget.
B.Relying on personal willpower.
C.Setting grand and general goals.
D.Starting changing on the whole.
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The term “boomerang kids” refers to adult children who move back into their parents’ house after a period of living on their own.

Traditionally, Americans expect to finish their schooling, get a job, and then move out of their parents’ home as soon as they become financially independent. Unlike in other countries where it is common for adult children to live with their parents until they marry, or even after they are married, in the U.S., adults living with their parents after graduating and getting a job is not the typical pattern.

However, things may be changing. The current generation of young adults are being called the “boomerang generation” because the lack of jobs has driven many of them to move back in with their parents, after having lived on their own while in college or after getting a full-time job. Fewer parents are experiencing what we sometimes call an “empty nest”, a home where the adult children leave and only the parents remain.

In a study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2011, about 30% of people aged 25 to 34 reported that they had moved back with their parents at one time or another. While many of these adult children say that this is a satisfactory situation, with over 75% of these young adults saying they like their living arrangement, sometimes it’s not easy for the parents. 65% parents say that it is difficult to adjust to the return of their children, especially when deciding how much help to give them.

How does this living arrangement affect the relationships between parents and adult children? About a quarter of the young adults say that their relationship with their parents has improved, a quarter say it has worsened, and about 50% say it hasn’t had any effect either way.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “boomerang kids” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.People who are adults but mentally childish.
B.People who can save little money every month.
C.People who live on their parents when they’ve grown up.
D.People who take care of their parents by living with them.
【小题2】What’s the traditional pattern in America?
A.Young adults live with their parents after graduation.
B.Young adults find a full-time job with their parents’ help.
C.Young adults go to college to get a degree.
D.Young adults live on their own and support themselves.
【小题3】What may lead to the “boomerang generation” phenomenon?
A.Parents’ overprotection.B.The tight employment market.
C.Lack of life experience.D.Parents’ fear for the “empty nest”.
【小题4】Which statement about the study is TRUE according to Paragraph 4?
A.About two thirds of the parents found it hard to live with their adult kids.
B.All the kids in the study wanted to live with their parents.
C.Roughly 30% of people moved back with their parents.
D.65% of the parents gave financial aid to their kids.

Last week, the United Nations (UN) released the most complete report ever created on the global problem of food waste. It found that the world wastes about 17% of all the food produced. That's about a billion tons of food a year.

A billion tons is a lot of food — it's over 2 trillion (2 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000) pounds or about 931 billion (931 ,000 ,000 ,000) kilograms. The report says that the amount wasted is roughly twice as much as earlier studies had suggested.

The report was produced by the UN's Environment Program (UNEP) and covered food waste around the world in 2019. The study showed a several different ways in which food was wasted — at home, in restaurants and in stores.

It turns out that by far, most food waste — about 61% — happens horse. On average, the amount of food thrown out at home works out to about 163 pounds (74 kilograms) for each person every year.

Restaurants were responsible for about 26% of the food wasted. The remaining 13% was thrown away by stores.

Many people thought rich countries were more likely to waste food than countries that were less rich. That turned out not to be true. One surprising discovery was that food was wasted at about the same rate in all but the poorest countries. (The UN had difficulty measuring food waste in the poorest countries.)

But people in richer countries may waste less food at home because they are eating out at restaurants more often. That certainly seems to be the case in the US, which has low waste numbers for homes, but quite high numbers for restaurants.

In some cases, labels might be causing food waste, the report said. People might be throwing away food even though it's still good to eat, simply because the container's "Best By" or "Sell By" date has passed. In poorer countries, food may be wasted because not all homes have a refrigerator.

Why is wasting food such a problem? For one thing, the report points out, hundreds of millions of people went hungry in 2019. Also, wasting food is really bad for the planet. Farming creates between 10% and 30% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions (排放) — the pollution that's making the climate crisis worse. So when food gets thrown out, the pollution is created for nothing.

The UNEP report says that it's important for countries to study food waste more carefully in order to figure out ways to solve the problem.

【小题1】How many tons of food are wasted a year according to the UN report?
【小题2】Why is wasting food bad for the environment?
【小题3】Read the following statement, underline the false part of it and explain the reason.
Labels might be causing food waste, because people might be throwing away food that is bad to eat.
【小题4】Please briefly present what you can do in daily life to save food. (about 40 words)

Campus diversity(校园多样性) is drying up in US universities. The number of international students studying at higher learning institutions in the US had been increasing. However, at the beginning of the 2016 school year, it dropped by 10,000, according to a recent report from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI). Today, the US is home to 1.1 million foreign students enrolled at universities, colleges, and junior colleges.

Statistics show that foreign student enrollment (入学) in US dropped due to the costs of US higher education, the changing social and political climate, competition from institutions in other countries, and students’ concerns about finding a job in the US after graduation. However, Australia and Canada have experienced growth in their international enrollment with the most of overseas students coming from China. Both countries offer quality education at cheaper rates.

The biggest issue with going to school in the US is the price tag as it is the most expensive in the world for college. In 2016, the Los Angeles Times reported that the University of Southern California (USC) was the most expensive university in the US with a one-year price tag of $70,000 for tuition, books, and living expenses. Students, both foreign and home, pay the same at USC. However, at the University of Washington in Seattle (UWS), a school with about 8,000 international students, annual tuition and fees alone cost state students around $11,000, while out-of-state and overseas students pay $35,000. That’s why many foreign students and lower-class citizens choose to study at cheaper universities, which leads to many higher learning institutions’ losing their diversities.

Campus diversity is a sign of a healthy academic environment. Universities should focus on reducing the gap between lower income US citizens and international students. The only way to achieve this would be to make college affordable. The sooner schools do this, the more successful they will be.

【小题1】What leads to international student enrollment’s dropping in the US?
A.Their concerns about finding a job in the US.
B.The costs of US higher education.
C.The changing social and political climate.
D.All of the above.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “issue” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】From the passage we can learn that        .
A.students from US pay less than students from other countries at USC.
B.students from US pay more than students from other countries at USC.
C.students from Washington pay less than students from California at UWS.
D.students from Washington pay more than students from California at UWS.
【小题4】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.College expense needs reconsideration before diversity dries up.
B.There are too many differences between universities in the US.
C.How to make universities in the US more affordable.
D.How to solve the difficulties universities in the US meet.
