完形填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷85

There was a young boy at a beautiful beach digging sands using his plastic tools. While his other friends were playing the whole time, the little boy spent his day_________his sandcastle. He even_________a moat (护城河) using a spoon, a bridge with a_________, and walls for his castle.

After a whole long day, he finished his_________sandcastle until the waves washed his hard work. Holding back his tears, the boy didn’t get mad and_________decided to study the waves that_________his creation.

The boy was aware of the_________and saw it a couple of times already. He already knew how to do things better. He felt no_________, regret, or fear any more whenever the waves came. He just smiled,_________his tools and left. He knew that the tide was beyond his__________and he couldn’t do anything about it. What he could do though is how to__________those situations.

Basically, no matter where you are, the waves of life will always__________you. What matters most is how you behave during those moments and what they__________about yourselves along this__________called life. Keep calm while looking at things from different viewpoints because sometimes all it takes for__________to happen in your life is by looking at things through different lenses!

A.held upB.picked upC.searched forD.threw away
A.talk aboutB.refer toC.react toD.fight against
知识点:哲理感悟夹叙夹议生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

After my graduation from college, I was always worried about my financial (财务的) situation. Things changed when I got a job at a library and also accepted a part-time job. I became ________ about future. But how was I going to ________ two jobs at the same time? I thought, looking out of the window.

A squirrel (松鼠) was making his way down a tree. It was ________ for him to climb up and down easily like other squirrels with a piece of bread in his mouth. How was he going to manage that? I held my breath and cheered him on in my ________. He moved down with ________, holding onto the tree. When he finally ________ the ground, he pulled the bread behind him. His journey was not ________ yet, so he kept trying! It was ________ that this squirrel and I had a lot in common. I had my own bread to ________ and my own trees to climb. I moved from one ________ to another to follow the ________ of the squirrel’s action. Slowly but surely, he ________ it to the roadside and stopped to check on the traffic. Finally, the squirrel crossed the road ________ with his meal. When he entered the bushes (灌木丛). I cheered ________ I couldn’t watch his next move. Then I went upstairs to get ready for the ________ before me. “You can do it,” I told myself.

A.apply forB.deal withC.agree onD.give up
A.as ifB.even thoughC.so thatD.in case

The word “happy” would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by hardship. The circular motion (循环运动) between happiness and ________ is the one I’ve been dealing with lately.

A year ago, I developed troubling symptoms in my left ________. My husband sent me ________ to a specialist who said I had already suffered some permanent loss of vision(视力) and would, without ________, go blind in that eye within months. And I urgently ________ to begin painful eye injections. Almost blind? Painful eye injections? I was ________. What if the ________ medicine didn’t work? What if my right eye developed the same condition? I ________ thought that, amazingly, the medicine was only three years old; before that, patients just went blind.

Over that long week, I ________ myself to casually ________ sadness, to cry and acknowledge my fears about my very fragile body. I ________ to be near anybody but my husband. Fortunately, I ________ pretty quickly, within the week. During this ________ time, I posted my ________ in my blog and receives great care and support from friends online, which filled my heart with ________ and encourages me to receive the eye injections. Besides, the doctor ________ the efficacy(功效) of the medicine. In the end, I bravely received the eye injections and they were very successful. I was lucky enough to see the world again with my healthy eye.

Finally, I gained a ________ insight(见解): being your happiest self isn’t ________ to a lifetime of sunny skies, and we are ________ to experience storms of life. Knowing this can help us face difficulties optimistically and ________ the change of life.

A.in reliefB.in angerC.in peaceD.in panic
A.lay downB.hold backC.fall intoD.meet with
A.gave inB.cheered upC.gave upD.broken down
A.admit toB.listen toC.adapt toD.contribute to

My past students are starting to organize a scientific conference for my 60th birthday to be held about a year from now. Their gesture reminded me of Rabbi Hanina’s words: “I have learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues and the most from my students.”

We all started as students. Just as kids bump into things as they’re learning to _________ the world, many of us have scars from early encounters with our mentors._________ arise when those mentors attempt to establish their authority by trying to make us respect traditional thinking. Memories of these events should encourage us to do better as we_________ roles and mentor others later in life.

For example, the first advice I received from my postdoctoral mentor was to develop specialized skills and focus them on a _________ field, where I would establish myself as the world expert._________ , I decided not to follow this advice as soon as I recognized by drilling down narrowly, one often fails to make further progress. In these situations, the potential for a _________improves with a broader and more flexible perspective, which enables “out of the box” opportunities for drilling deeper around it.

Keeping this in mind, I encourage my students to think broadly and _________ about the most exciting problems in astronomy, such as: “What happened before the big bang?”; “What will happen in our distant cosmic future?”; “What is the nature of dark matter?”; or “When did life start in the universe?”

It is customary to consider a student’s raw potential as a stand-alone commodity whose value can be_________ through examinations. But my experience taught me that young scientists do not blossom into exceptional researchers _________ they are supported by encouraging words and inspiration; these ingredients are as __________ as nutrition and water are for seeds of flowers.__________ the initial belief in the potential of a student to become a successful scientist, this outcome may not come true.

As chair of the Harvard astronomy department for almost a decade, I witnessed many examples of students who were initially very slow to make progress but blossomed academically as soon as they selected a different advisor and a new topic for their Ph. D. A good mentor__________ the strengths of the mentee. As a result, a successful mentoring experience often reflects a good __________ between a fledgling(新手的) scientist and an advisor. They should both be congratulated for their shared academic DNA.

On the one hand, mentors get a kick from Oscar Wilde’s insight: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...” But on the other hand, they should allow students to break free from the __________ path with creativity. The rule of thumb is to give young scholars just enough space to explore freely and learn from their __________ without damaging the direction of their future careers. The learning curves could be steep; some of my 50 students over the past few decades started slow but eventually rose to the greatest heights. Patience is key.

A.WithinB.GivenC.WithoutD.Due to
