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Sustainability for kids can start with a seed. We put together some ways to involve the whole family in protecting the environment.

Go on a hike. Parental involvement in early childhood education looks different in various settings from preschool to home and to the grocery store. 【小题1】 Going on a hike together can be an ideal thing to investigate a local ecosystem, look for signs of the changing season, and gain an overall appreciation of the world outdoors. Plus, by bringing an extra garbage bag and gloves to pick up trash along the way, parents can show kids some educational activities.

Go green for holidays. Make holidays fun while also supporting a green environment for kids. Use LED lights for decorative lighting. 【小题2】 Decrease your carbon footprint and purchase holiday gifts from local shops.

【小题3】 Parents don’t need an acre of land to teach their children that food doesn't grow at the grocery store. All they need is sunlight, water and dirt. A windowsill is the perfect spot to grow herbs. A back deck can grow beautiful tomatoes. Plant peach seeds in a small container. 【小题4】

Recycle together. Recycling activities for kids can be fun and support family involvement in education at the same time. 【小题5】 Then work with them to make something new out of the recycled items, such as making boxes out of recycled cardboard and storage tins out of recycled cans.

A.Plant a “garden”.
B.Don’t buy food from the grocery.
C.Protecting the environment for kids is important.
D.Parents should tell children what they can recycle.
E.And the children can watch a little peach tree grow.
F.Recycle Christmas trees instead of throwing them away.
G.To a child, every setting and every moment can be a teachable one.
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This world is filled with challenges, conflicts, and polarization (两极分化). In order to survive in it, we need to be wise.【小题1】Let me tell you this; wisdom provides us with perspective when we need it, it calms us down in terrible situations, and it is a beacon of hope in the darkness. When things get really intense and wild out there, you can always rely on your wisdom to make the best choices.

【小题2】There are a lot of ways to become wiser. But you have to remember, this is a journey and not a destination. Here are some strategies that you can use to get wiser.

Try experiencing new opportunities.

Variety is the spice(调味品) of if e but experiencing new opportunities is also how you gain wisdom. You will never grow from being in your comfort zone which is why you need to get out of it.【小题3】You can try learning new skills that you never thought of learning or going to places that were on your bucket list. Change your routine and see where life takes you.


Sometimes we have preference and they help us out but we need to set them aside most of the time. We need to be receptive to different views, and this will open up new pathways for us. Always develop a sense of curiosity, and observe the world from different angles, it will always help you out. Never base your perspective on the most popular opinion or what is the most comfortable for you.【小题5】If you are humble, then you will always get to experience something new.

A.How can you get wiser?
B.Open yourself to diverse perspectives.
C.Why is wisdom critical in this modern world?
D.This is the only way you will gain wisdom and become better.
E.Train your mind to be a judgment-free space for ideas.
F.Learning from successful people is a good way to gain wisdom.
G.Many times it takes years and difficulties to gain that precious wisdom.

How to handle changes in your friendship group?

Friends are important. From time to time, however, the balance in friendships can change. One of the biggest reasons is that someone new joins the group. 【小题1】 The good news is that there are ways to navigate the ups and downs of friendships while remaining part of a positive, happy, and supportive circle.

Keep an open mind

Changes in friendship groups can be unsettling, especially if everything had been going well beforehand. You might be concerned things feel awkward or different, or that you might become jealous if a new person joins your circle. 【小题2】 You can’t stop your friends having new people in their lives, so try to see encounters with fresh faces as an exciting opportunity.

Widen your circle

If your best friends seem to stop being interested in you and appear to be investing all their time in a new friend, take time to think about the situation before rushing to confront(对峙)them. 【小题3】 Having different friends is a positive thing, so if it’s the case that they’re welcoming new people into the fold, try to make peace with it and think about how you can make other friends, too. 【小题4】 Recognize that they and you will have a mixture of pals and they’ll enhance your life in different ways.

Know your worth

Friends are amazing and can carry you through good and bad times, but you’re not defined by others, and you deserve people who want to be in your life. Everyone changes, and there might come a time when friends no longer wish to spend time with you. 【小题5】 Keep your head held high, walk tall, and stay true to your authentic self. Remember that real friends value you for who and what you are.

A.Help your friends be open-minded.
B.Imagine how you’d feel if you were left alone.
C.This doesn’t mean giving up on your best friends.
D.Even if you can’t change their minds, you can keep your dignity.
E.Remind yourself that friendships develop throughout life - it’s natural.
F.You might dislike the change, wishing things had stayed as they were.
G.Ask yourself if they’re really ignoring you or just widening their circle?

How to Teach Your Child to Be a Good Friend

Your child who struggles with making friends and maintaining friendships may exhibit some behavioral issues. Physical aggression and name-calling often arise. A quiet character and social anxiety can also lead to difficulty making friends【小题1】

Instill self-esteem(灌输自尊思想). The first step in teaching your child to be a good friend is to teach them to take pride in themselves.【小题2】Additionally, a child with a strong sense of self will build healthier friendships down the road.

Teach social skills.【小题3】Role-play with your child to teach them how to have polite conversations with others. Practise taking turns, sharing, respecting other people’s boundaries, and showing care for their feelings. Your child also needs to know how to apologize, argue with a friend respectfully and listen to others.

【小题4】From Frog and Toad to Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin, children’s literature is filled with strong friendships. Use books as an opportunity to talk about what makes those friendships work, and what qualities the characters displayed to develop their friendships.

Find teachable moments. As a parent, you may run into situations where your child doesn’t act like the best friend they could be. Your child may have moments of conflict, drama and fights with their friends. Try to turn these moments into teachable moments.【小题5】Eventually, they’ll get the hang of it. With your guidance and a little practice, your child will turn into a caring, kind and trustworthy friend.

A.Read books about friendship to your child.
B.Encourage your child to share their favorite books.
C.Fortunately, it’s not difficult for you to be a good friend.
D.Appropriate social behavior isn’t what a person is born with.
E.Ask them how a good friend would have acted in the situations.
F.However,there are many ways to help your child develop friendship skills.
G.When a child has a strong sense of self, they won’t join in mean behaviors to fit in.
