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Ways to Come Back Ready for Work After a Vacation

You finally took a break from work and went on a well-deserved vacation. 【小题1】. But, going back to work is unavoidable. The following are some tips that may make your transition smoother.

【小题2】. Everyone needs some time to get back into quantities of things. If you can, take a day or two to relax and recover before heading back into the office.

Ease your way back into work. Take some time to plan out your day. Make a to-do list with everything you know you need to do and prioritize (确定优先顺序) what needs to be done. Focus on doing what you know how to do and what requires the least amount of time. 【小题3】. Remember, you’re taking one step at a time.

Go to work with a new set of eyes. Maybe you were frustrated with a task before you went on vacation because you couldn’t make it work. After being away from it for a while, you can look at it differently and offer a new perspective.【小题4】.

Take breaks during the day. 【小题5】. Don’t let guilt force you into believing that you have to work yourself into the ground because you were away. Be kind to yourself. Take about a five- or ten-minute break every three hours to relax.

A.Starting with small tasks can boost your confidence
B.Day breaks are helpful to people with work pressure
C.Don’t go back to work right after your vacation’s over
D.Sometimes you just need time away to restart your work
E.New tasks can be handled more effectively and smoothly
F.Days of relaxation have you wishing that it would never end
G.Going into full work without any breaks would make you exhausted
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Health Mistakes to Avoid Making When Traveling

Everyone is talking about amazing travel experiences. However, there is always the other side of the coin. If you want to add more wonderful travel experiences to your life, make sure you avoid these health mistakes during your next trip.

Refusing injections.

At times you are asked to have an injection in order to avoid a certain disease before traveling to your destination.【小题1】In many cases, mosquito bites lead to malaria(疟疾) and there are many other health risks that you may face during your trip. Refusing injections is the worst thing you can do to your health.

Eating out in the street

【小题2】. Yes, it is cheaper and tastier than restaurant meals. However, when visiting a country where clean food and dishes are not priority (优先),your stomach may not survive this experiment. Just because locals eat street food and feel healthy does not mean you will feel the same.

Drinking tap water

Staying hydrated(吸入水分)is necessary, so is the water choice. Even if locals tell you that their tap water is safe to drink, it is best to choose bottled water.【小题3】, it is at least clean. It is always better to be safe than sorry.


Google maps make our travel experiences easier since you can check out the place you are going to visit before you even book the ticket. Unfortunately, not all tourists take advantage of them. This is a successful way to really relax and enjoy the trip.Even an expert traveler is guilty of making most of these health mistakes.【小题5】, you will probably not commit any of them during the trip, will you?

A.Eat lots of good nutritious food
B.Although it is not the healthiest choice
C.Budget travelers are all guilty of eating street food
D.Being unaware of surroundings
E.Make sure you get it
F.Now that you know some health mistakes to avoid
G.Having a good knowledge of map details

My family recently did our first major road trip, traveling from our Maryland home to Disney World in Florida. Though we’re no strangers to travel, a trip of this length was a new experience for us with three children. What helped us enjoy our trip so much? Our schedule, of course! So keeping a schedule when you travel can help make your trip a success.

Don’t sleep the day away.

I know you’re on vacation. The kids have a break from school, and you’re excited to be out of the office. Let everyone sleep for a bit, but still make it a point to rise at a reasonable hour and get active to start the day. Not only will you see and do more on your trip, but it will make it easier to eat regularly, get the kids down at nap time (午觉), and then go to bed without a struggle.

Eat regularly.

Time is easy to go by while you’re running through a theme park, or exploring a museum. Be prepared for meals because hungry kids are often quick to turn into a headache for you. Pack a snack and drink bag and make sure to stop regularly for a bite to eat while you’re out. Keeping a regular meal schedule can help everyone keep up their energy and enjoy the day.

Take a nap.

Does your baby take a daily nap? Naps are very important for baby’s development. They also help little ones to pick up their strength, or vacations can be exhausting for little ones’ minds and bodies.

Go to bed at a reasonable hour.

Everyone can get tired out on vacation. Don’t allow anyone to stay up late every night.Mom, dad, and kids are all sure to be miserable if they don’t get enough sleep. If bedtime gets delayed (推迟), adjust your travel plans accordingly.

【小题1】What kind of people is the passage mainly written for?
A.Travelers to the US.
B.Travel companies or agencies.
C.Teenagers crazy about traveling.
D.Parents who plan a family travel.
【小题2】During the trip, the author will agree that ________.
A.taking a nap during the day is necessary for the children
B.games and enjoyable activities can last until late at night
C.brunch is a good choice if you sleep late in the morning
D.the bedtime should be changed if the travel plan changes
【小题3】Why does the author write this passage?
A.To tell the readers what fun it is to travel.
B.To introduce some attractions of Disney World.
C.To introduce one of his travel experiences to readers.
D.To give some advice on keeping a schedule while traveling.
【小题4】From the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.the writer is a stranger traveling in the US
B.the writer is familiar with travel and has much experience
C.a proper schedule helped the writer enjoy his trip to Maryland
D.eating a little more helps little children to recover their strength
       Patience is a virtue, but it can also be a medicine. People who know how to practice patience enjoy fewer negative emotions, feel less depressed, and are more satisfied with their lives. 【小题1】 That’s why we’re bringing you this guide to some tips for improving your patience.

Take Up a Patience-Centric Sport

Practicing patience doesn’t have to be all hard work. You can make it fun with a sport that rewards you for perseverance(毅力). Playing sports that encourage waiting can be particularly helpful for building life hardship patience. 【小题2】 Hunting is another activity many people enjoy, and this sport definitely requires perseverance.

Keep a Journal

【小题3】 You could use creative writing or calendar journaling to help boost your patience. Learning patience can be a long journey and you may get discouraged. Having a record of how far you’ve come can keep you focused and motivated.


Humans are social creatures. Having a trusted friend, partner, family member, or coworker we can turn to when our impatience gets the best of us can help us feel better. We should try to use our support system to brainstorm how we can make things better.

Take a Break

What do you do if time management doesn’t make you feel in any less of a rush? Sometimes, feeling like you’re always in a hurry and impatient means you need a break. Hurry sickness is a non-life-threatening condition people can develop when they go non-stop. 【小题5】

A.If you don’t take a break when you need one, hurry sickness could develop into burn out.
B.Fishing, golf, and baseball are fun sports that require patience.
C.Seek Out Support
D.Acknowledge Your Feelings
E.Further, patient people may also benefit from a range of health advantages, such as better sleep and fewer headaches.
F.These are not the types of personalities teachers would want to project when dealing with children, parents, and even coworkers.
G.Writing forces us to slow down our thoughts, and that’s why journaling is useful.
