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Cuckoos (布谷鸟) are masters of cheating. When it comes to raising young, they don’t spend the energy building a nest, protecting eggs or feeding children. Instead the female passes these roles on to other birds. They don’t raise their own young. Usually, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, fooling other birds into thinking the cuckoo eggs are theirs.

To succeed in doing this, a female cuckoo watches over her chosen nest to observe feeding times. When the host parent leaves its nest in search of food, the cuckoo quickly lays her eggs among those already in the nest. Sometimes, she will even destroy and remove one of the host’s eggs to make room for her own.

Cuckoos are medium-sized birds with long tails, and often have gray or brown backs. When they hatch (孵化) and begin to grow in a host’s nest, the difference between the two can be obvious to an onlooker. Often the cuckoo is twice the size of its foster (收养的) parents, but still continues to receive food from them.

The cuckoo imposter (冒名顶替者) is usually the only baby bird that the host parent has to care for. This is because when the cuckoo hatches after around 11 days, it gets rid of all the other eggs in the nest. It will lift each egg onto its back before throwing them one by one over the edge of the nest. Even then, the non-biological parent will continue to treat it as one of its own.

Also, cuckoos have developed to produce eggs that are similar in color to their main hosts’. This reduces the chances of eggs being attacked. Female cuckoos have been known to take host birds’ attention away after laying their eggs by producing a noise similar to Eurasian sparrowhawks, scaring birds away from returning to the nest and allowing time for the cuckoo to make her escape unnoticed.

【小题1】What do mother cuckoos usually do when it comes to raising their young?
A.Attend to eggs.B.Build a new nest.C.Depend on other birds.D.Learn feeding skills.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Other cuckoos.B.Baby cuckoos.C.Birth parents.D.Host parents.
【小题3】What can be inferred about the cuckoo imposter?
A.It usually hatches out earlier than the other eggs in the nest.
B.It throws all the other eggs out of nest with its mother’s help.
C.It often makes a noise to scare other birds away from the nest.
D.It looks much larger than other eggs in the nest before hatching.
【小题4】What is the text mainly talking about?
A.How cuckoos fool other birds.B.How cuckoos protect their children.
C.How cuckoos destroy others’ nests.D.How cuckoos produce eggs in host nests.
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It would be easy to think that since houseplants live inside , they don’t really experience seasons as their outdoor relatives do. It’s true that they’re provided a lot more protection inside. 【小题1】They do,they do and they’d appreciate a few seasonal changes. Here is how to keep your plants happy as the summer goes away and cooler days come along.

If you’ve given your houseplants outside time in summer , bring them in before temperatures reach a low of 55 degrees Fahrenheit.【小题2】 For example, clear the dead leaves, which can attract pests. In this way, you won’t bring in whatever may be harmful to your indoor environment.

【小题3】Fall is the perfect time to leach out(滤掉)any salt by letting the water run freely out of the bottom of the pot. The water will also clean off any dust that collects on the leaves.

Give them a trim( 修剪). Remove any dead or dying leaves :cut the leaves that are brown or yellow at the base. For brown or yellowing tips, you can just cut off the unhealthy leaves. 【小题4】

Be mindful of extreme temperatures. Being extremely hot or cold can stress plants out. 【小题5】Make sure they aren’t on the top of radiators(散热器)or by heaters; likewise, make sure they’re far from doors that are open to the outside.

A.Be careful with watering.
B.Give them a good shower.
C.Note when you bring houseplants outside.
D.But you have to give them a thorough check.
E.So be careful about where your plants are living.
F.However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t know what’s going on.
G.But please remember not to remove more than 20% of the entire plant.

As midnight approaches in Svalbard, a young polar bear climbs onto an iceberg (冰山) and carves himself a temporary bed before falling asleep. This peaceful moment, capturing the essence of Earth’s delicacy, was taken by Nima Sarikhani, who won Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award, which is decided by public vote.

Sarikhani, from the UK, spent three days searching Norway’s Svalbard islands in the hope of catching sight of these symbolic Arctic (北极的) animals. He was finally rewarded with the sight of both an older and younger male shortly after his ship changed course. Sarikhani seized the chance to take a photo of the younger bear sleeping on the iceberg — a scene that not only awakens the bond between an animal and its habitat, but also the need to act on global challenges like climate change and habitat loss.

These days, the sight of a lone polar bear on melting ice is a familiar symbol of the impact of climate change. But that is for a good reason: global warming is having a particularly rapid effect on the Arctic, which is heating up at a rate three times as high as that of the average around the world. Among those hardest hit are these bears, which are increasingly threatened by the reduction in sea ice cover that they rely on to hunt and raise young.

Though his photo is intended to arouse emotion in those who see it, Sarikhani is optimistic that with the right actions, it isn’t too late for polar bears. The image will be displayed in an exhibition at the Natural History Museum, London, along with the competition’s four runners-up, until 30 June.

【小题1】Sarikhani’s journey in Svalbard can be described as ______.
【小题2】It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that ______.
A.polar bears are likely to die out
B.the warming of the Arctic just begins
C.sea ice cover is vital for polar bears’ survival
D.polar bears are adapting well to climate change
【小题3】According to the last paragraph, what’s Sarikhani’s hope for the impact of his photo?
A.To arouse people’s sadness for the scene.
B.To motivate people to protect polar bears.
C.To attract more visitors to the Arctic.
D.To boost the popularity of the exhibition.
【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Svalbard’s quietness: Polar bears’ comfortable zone
B.Arctic adventure: Search for a dramatic landscape
C.Bearing witness: Polar bears’ shelter on melting ice
D.Ice and isolation: A faraway natural wonder

In the Amazon rainforest, which is home to various kinds of wildlife, an American biologist has discovered a strange new species of ant, The Times reported. It has no eyes and gets a pale body and its fanglike mouthparts are longer than the rest of its head.

If you came across the peculiar ant, you might think that it belongs on another planet. Even its name— Martialis Heureka— playfully suggests that it came from Mars. And this discovery is forcing researchers to rethink what they know about the history of ants on our planet.

Christian Rabeling, from the University of Texas at Austin, discovered the new species amid the fallen leaves of the rainforest. But he did more than just notice how bizarre the ant looks. He also analyzed its genetic material, or DNA.

Comparing DNA among species can give scientists insights into family trees: the more DNA two species share in common, the more closely related they are, and the more recently they split off from ancestor.

Rabeling’s DNA analysis of Martialis Heureka showed that the species is only distantly related to other ant species. It’s so distant that it actually belonging in a separate subfamily. The last minute scientists found a new subfamily of living ants was in 1923, say the discoverers.

The DNA analysis also suggested that Martialis Heureka appeared on earth earlier than any other ant living here today. And observations suggest that the ant lives underground and paleness and blindness are two major clues. Some of the other oldest known ant species also live underground. So now, scientists are trying to figure out whether ants first evolved underground, or if they evolved above ground and then went under. A few other ant species have at least one of Martialis Heureka’s odd features, but none share them all.

So far, Rabeling has collected only one ant from the new species. Finding more specimens(样本), he hopes, will help us better understand the science and history of ants on earth.

【小题1】The underlined word “bizarre” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to________.
【小题2】What did the scientists find about Martialis Heureka?
A.It’s closely related to other ant species.
B.It is the first ant to appear on earth.
C.It lives underground where it first developed.
D.Only blindness indicates it lives underground.
【小题3】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Martialis Heureka was found by accident.
B.Much is to be done to collect more ants.
C.Little known about the ant history.
D.More ants from the new species are needed
