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After decades of development and many trials and frustrations along the way, the James Webb Telescope has finally started to deliver what it came for. On July 12, NASA released the first science observations made by the suite of instruments carried on board the mission, marking what we eagerly anticipate will be the beginning of a new era in astronomy.

After the nail-biting launch on Christmas Day, a series of critical deployments followed to open up the telescope and its sunshade. If any of these operations had failed, James Webb would have been an unusable disaster. But the programme was perfectly executed, as the amazing observatory it has been planned to be.

It was very exciting to see the new images selected by an international committee of representatives from NASA. Scientists were not prepared for the level of crispness and fine detail that can be seen. It’s a joy to finally have such high-quality data.

Unveiled by US president Joe Biden, the stunning images of SMACS 0723, a cluster of thousands of galaxies, were released on July 11. The massive foreground galaxy groups magnify and twist the light of objects behind them, helping us to have a closer look at very faint objects in time.

The image shows the galaxy cluster as it appeared 4.6 billion years ago. Images such as this will help us understand how the first stars and galaxies formed. Some of these may be among the most distant objects known, from the beginning of the universe.

The size of a telescope-its aperture (孔径) -is the key thing that decides the ultimate quality of the images and the detail that can be observed. Bigger is better. With its six-metre aperture, James Webb is the largest telescope ever launched into space and from its vantage point a million miles from Earth, free from the Earth’s atmosphere, it is expected to deliver the best, most detailed views of the universe we have ever seen. There is no doubt that it will revolutionize our understanding of the universe, just as its predecessor, the Hubble Space Telescope, once did.

【小题1】What marked the beginning of a new era in astronomy?
A.The successful launch of the James Webb Telescope.
B.The perfect operation of the James Webb Telescope.
C.The first scientific exploration mission carried out by the James Webb Telescope.
D.The new images about the galaxy cluster unveiled by US president Joe Biden.
【小题2】What made scientists surprised?
A.How the first stars and galaxies formed 4.6 billion years ago.
B.The clear and detailed images observed by the James Webb Telescope.
C.The programme of the James Webb Telescope was perfectly performed.
D.The James Webb Telescope went through decades of development and tests.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “faint” mean in paragraph 4?
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The James Webb Telescope is larger than the Hubble Space Telescope.
B.The Hubble Space Telescope covers a distance of six metres.
C.Our understanding of the universe has been completely changed by the James Webb Telescope.
D.A million miles from Earth is the best location for astronomy observation.
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Because of the development of agriculture, the area of land affected by sand has gradually increased. During the 1950s and 1960s the land affected by sand expanded on average into 1,600 square kilometers per year. By the 1990s, the area had reached 2,500 square kilometers per year. This kind of situation is particularly serious in many regions upwind(逆风的) from Beijing. Fengning City in Hebei Province and Duolun City in Inner Mongolia lie to the north of Beijing, and in the last 50 years the population of these two cities has grown by 2 to 3 times. In order to obtain more resources, the inhabitants have been busy with heavy farming, tree-cutting and keeping animals. The result is that the soil which has sustained damage, and the sand layer below the earth is now exposed on the ground and the ground is rapidly being controlled by the spread of sand.

China has already noticed this problem, and has take measures to save the land. Nowadays, some land used for farming has returned to forestland and grassland. The Chinese government announced that it would invest more than RMB 600,000,000 to control Beijing’s sandstorms in the coming years. Only by decreasing the damage caused by man and restoring the natural environment will it be possible to well control the sources of the sand and dust. We hope in the not-distant future, we will solve the problem successfully and effectively.

【小题1】Compared with 50s and 60s, the land affected by sand increased by________square kilometers by the 1990s.
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the cause of the damaged land?
A.People use the resources too much.
B.People keep animals which need more grain.
C.People prepare too much land to grow crops.
D.People cut a lot of forests and raise animals.
【小题3】The major measure that Chinese government has taken is ________.
A.controlling the growth of the population
B.making better use of natural resources
C.killing fewer animals and cutting fewer trees
D.returning some land to forestland and grassland
【小题4】According to the passage, it can be inferred that ________ was the major factor of the environmental damage.

Exercise has an undeniable link to the development of better bodies. A recent study conducted by University of Delaware researchers found that speech-language therapy (疗法) improves children’s vocabulary growth. The study, which was published in the journal Journal of Speech-Language and Hearing Research, highlights one of the first studies on the impact of exercise on vocabulary learning in children.

Children ages 6 to 12 were taught new words before doing one of three things: swimming, CrossFit exercises, or coloring a sheet. In follow-up tests of vocabulary words, the children who swam were 13% more accurate.

It makes sense to the lead researcher, Maddy Pruitt, a former college swimmer who now attends CrossFit classes on a regular basis. "Motor movement aids in the encoding (编码) of new words, "she explained, adding that exercise has been shown to increase levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (脑源性神经营养素), a protein Pruitt refers to as the “Miracle-Gro for the brain”.

So, why did swimming make a difference but CrossFit didn’t? Pruitt attributes it to the amount of energy required by the brain during each exercise. Swimming is an activity that children can do without much thought or instruction. While the CrossFit exercises were new to them, it was more automatic. The children had to learn the moves, which took mental energy.

“We were very excited about this study because it is applicable to clinicians, caregivers, and educators who can put it into practice,” Pruitt said. “It’s not anything out of the ordinary. However, it has the potential to significantly improve the outcomes.”

【小题1】What does the research focus on?
A.The effect of exercise on word learning in children.
B.The impact of exercise on body development in children.
C.The children’s growth through speech-language therapy.
D.The denial link between exercises and body development.
【小题2】Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “attributes” in: paragraph 4?
【小题3】Who are suitable to try out the study according to Pruitt?
【小题4】What would be a suitable title for the text?
A.Researchers study speeeh-language therapy
B.Exercise helps children develop vocabulary
C.A new way significantly improves the vocabulary
D.Motor movement aids in the invention of new words

Gold Coast family holidays are always great fun whether you are from Australia or from abroad. There are beautiful beaches, adventure parks, nature parks and so many more.

There are so many sights to see here. It is a pity to drive in a car and you’ll miss a great part of it. Australia is home to many animals and birds that can only be seen when moving slowly and going into the areas where they live.

When you are on a bicycle, you have the advantage of being able to stop whenever you want to see an interesting animal or bird that you have never seen before. It is a quieter mode(方式) of transportation as well, so you might even be able to take a picture. When you are on the beach you can breathe that clean air and view the beauty of the water and sand. It is a totally different experience from either simply sunbathing or                    passing it in a car.

There are many choices of hiring a bicycle to experience the Gold Coast attractions. There are stores that will fit a bike perfectly to your size. These bikes for both adults and children are in many styles and colors to please any taste. If you have ever wanted to try a tandem bike(双人单车), now is your chance, because they have those too.

A bicycle hire on Gold Coast is something that everyone should try at least once. This is a wonderful chance for anyone who likes to cycle and it is also a cheap way to travel with your family.

【小题1】Driving in a car on Gold Coast is not suggested because ________.
A.you will break the traffic rules
B.you can't enjoy the beautiful scenery well
C.you will cause much noise
D.you can’t drive into some parks
【小题2】What is not mentioned about the following advantages of hiring bikes?
A.It is a good way to do sunbathing.
B.It is a cheap way of travelling.
C.You can get a clearer sight of animals.
D.You can take photos of animals.
【小题3】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.How to hire bikes on Gold Coast.
B.What kinds of bikes there are in stores.
C.What bikes are the most popular.
D.Who can hire bikes on Gold Coast
【小题4】What's the author’s attitude towards a bike hire on Gold Coast?
A.He doesn’t like this way of travelling.
B.He thinks it is a personal choice
C.He supports it very much.
D.He thinks it is only good for adults.
